  • 很像精神裂症但在正常的限度内。
    resembling schizophrenia but remaining within the bounds of normality.
  • 她将剩余的食物给工人。
    She parceled out the remaining food to the workers.
  • 大队已不在,我一团兵复疲惫不堪,乃决留一部会同袁、王两部守井冈山,而由我率兵一部往桂东方向迎还大队。
    But as the major detachment was away and the one remaining regiment was much too exhausted, it was decided that some men should remain to defend the Chingkang Mountains in co-operation with the two units under Yuan Wen-tsai and Wang Tso, and that I should take the rest to Kueitung to meet the major detachment and to invite it back.
  • 残羹剩菜上一顿饭菜中剩下的部所做成的一道菜
    A dish made of food remaining from a previous meal.
  • 这话惹得大家十惊慌。
    This speech caused a remarkable sensation among the party.
  • 过分地;异常地
    To an excessive degree; remarkably.
  • 就他的年纪而言,身体十硬朗
    Remarkably sound in wind and limb for his age
  • 他虽已年逾八十,但头脑仍十机敏。
    Although he's over eighty his mind is still remarkably alert.
  • 你干得十出色,我佩服你!
    You've done a remarkably fine job--I take off my hat to you!
  •  第三十条夫妻一方死亡后另一方再婚的,有权处所继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。
    Article 30 A surviving spouse who remarries is entitled to dispose of the property he or she has inherited, subject to no interference by any other person.
  • 语法;不实现与任何一个组成成相同的语法角色,例如用作副词的“untillasteaster(直到上一个复活节)”。
    grammar; not fulfilling the same grammatical role of any of its constituents--as until last Easter--which serves as an adverb.
  • 八月失败,完全在于一部同志不明了当时正是统治阶级暂时稳定时期,反而采取在统治阶级破裂时期的政策,兵向湘南冒进,致使边界和湘南同归失败。
    The sole reason for the August defeat was that, failing to realize that the period was one of temporary stability for the ruling dasses, some comrades adopted a policy suited to a period of splits within the ruling classes and divided our forces for an adventurous advance on southern Hunan, thus causing defeat both in the border area and in southern Hunan.
  • 八月失败,完全在于一部同志不明了当时正是统治阶级暂时稳定的时候,反而采取统治阶级政治破裂时候的战略,兵冒进,致边界和湘南同归失败。
    The sole reason for the August defeat was that, failing to realize that the period was one of temporary stability for the ruling classes, some comrades adopted a strategy suited to a period of political splits within the ruling classes and divided our forces for an adventurous advance, thus causing defeat both in the border area and in southern Hunan.
  • 这时在军事上最忌兵冒进,在地方工作方面(配土地,建立政权,发展党,组织地方武装)最忌把人力得四散,而不注意建立中心区域的坚实基矗
    In such a period, the worst thing in military affairs is to divide our forces for an adventurous advance, and the worst thing in local work (distributing land, establishing political power, expanding the Party and organizing local armed forces) is to scatter our personnel and neglect to lay a solid foundation in the central districts.
  • 有些同志在统治阶级政权暂时稳定的时期,也主张兵冒进,甚至主张只用赤卫队保卫大块地方,好像完全不知道敌人方面除了挨户团之外还有正式军队集中来打的一回事。
    In a period of temporary stability, some comrades advocated dividing our forces for an adventurous advance and even proposed leaving the defence of extensive areas to the Red Guards alone, as though oblivious of the fact that the enemy could attack not merely with the landlords' levies but even in concentrated operations with regular troops.
  • 邮车上午顺利到达多佛。乔治王旅馆的帐房先生按照他的习惯打开了邮车车门,动作略带几礼仪性的花哨,因为能在冬天从伦敦乘邮车到达这里是一项值得向具有冒险精神的旅客道贺的成就。
    WHEN the mail got successfully to Dover, in the course of the forenoon, the head drawer at the Royal George Hotel opened the coach-door as his custom was. He did it with some flourish of ceremony, for a mail journey from London in winter was an achievement to congratulate an adventurous traveller upon.
  • 在国外的新加坡义工,花三个星期或更多时间努力向他人证明,新加坡人也能够关怀他人,并不只是如一般人所说,有效率、勤劳但缺乏优雅行为,却可能因为我们在三钟里的言谈举止,完全被否定。这一点,我们需要时常提醒自己。
    Statistically, I may be far from reality, but it helps by putting things in perspective. We could take as a reminder that three seconds of what we say and how we behave can wipe out what the volunteer has taken three weeks or more to communicate - that Singaporeans can be something else other than efficient, hardworking but ungracious.
  • 中国作家,至少一部作家,尤其喜欢在文字中回忆他们的婚姻生活。
    In particular, Chinese writers, at least a number of them, have gone to the length of writing reminiscences about their married lives.
  • 新闻家和政治家的自传常常充满着过去事迹的回忆,而文人的自传则应该用大部的篇幅去追忆一个欢乐之夜或与友人同游某山谷的情景。
    Autobiographies of journalists and statesmen are usually full of reminiscences of past events, while the autobiographies of literary men should mainly concern themselves with reminiscences of a happy night, or a visit with some of their friends to some valley.
  • 他安地服刑,获减型出狱。
    He did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.
  • 那个年轻人安地服刑,后来获减刑出狱。
    The young man did his porridge peacefully, earned his remission and came out.
  • 根据学费减免计划获全费减免的中五、中七学生,也可别申请减免香港中学会考和香港高级程度会考的考试费。
    Secondary 5 and 7 students granted full fee remission are also eligible to apply respectively for remission of their examination fees for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination.
  • 不过,你事先要作一些调查:弄清楚你的雇主是否会承担你的全部或部的学费。
    As part of your preliminary research ,find out if your employer provides full or partial tuition remission.
  • 海外服役的士兵设法把他们薪水的一部寄给妻子和家人们。
    Soldiers serving overseas arrange to remit part of their pay to their wives and families.
  • 我们送货后,顾客直接向我们办期付款。我们收款时,要将收据交付顾客。
    The customer pay( remit) the installment direct to us, after delivery of the article and we send him the receipt.
  • 关于销售帐单,请别列明各项收支,并请将款项别汇交本公司。
    As to the account sale, you will please to furnish with a distinct account for each, and remit me for each.
  • 于:另外,还允许你们将所得的净利付清税款之后汇回国内。为这部净利上缴给中国政府的所得税如符合有关条件,在汇回国内以后就可以免缴所得税了。
    Furthermore, you are allowed to remit your net profit, after having paid taxes, to your home countries and the part of the income tax on your net profit you paid already to the Chinese government will be exempted from taxation at home as long as you have met the relative requirements.
  • 唯心论和机械唯物论,机会主义和冒险主义,都是以主观和客观相裂,以认识和实践相脱离为特征的。
    Idealism and mechanical materialism, opportunism and adventurism, are all characterized by the breach between the subjective and the objective, by the separation of knowledge from practice.
  • 剩余物,未用部分
    A remnant or an unused portion.
  • 低劣或无用的剩余物;无价值的部
    Inferior or useless remnant; worthless part of anything
  • 这位贵妇原来是被框在她坐的阳台的柱子之间的,但现在只能看见柱子下端的剩余部
    The lady was originally framed between pillars on the balcony on which she sits but only a remnant of the bottom of them can be seen.
  • 若某物的一部已用掉或毁掉,其剩余或残存部可用。
    If something has been partly used or destroyed, we use remains or remnants.