  • 结果毫无争论的余地。
    These results are beyond dispute.
  • 站着的重新坐回原位。
    Those standing may resume their seats.
  • 除了俺溺和饥饿造成的死亡之外,以上这灾难通过各种方式刺激了传染病的发生、再生和传播。
    Aside from causing death by drowning or starvation, these disasters promote by various means the emergence, resurgence and spread of infectious disease.
  • 其中之一是改善了的监督体制,它会及时发现传染病的发生和再生以及携带这传染病的带菌媒介。
    One would include improved surveillance systems that would promptly spot the emergence or resurgence of infectious diseases or the vectors that carry them.
  • 年初,一源自本地的价格压力明显重现。
    Some resurrection of domestic price pressure was apparent in the early part of the year.
  • 鱼和熊掌兼而得之,这囚禁千年的敦煌秘版重获新生,其价值不亚于发现了新的洞窟。
    The value of resurrection of the unknown murals shackled for 1,000 years is no less than that of the discovery of a new grotto.
  • 但是它们也不容我再起来,我就不得不躺着等它们的恶毒的主人高兴在什么时候来解救我。我帽子也丢了,气得直抖。我命令这土匪放我出去——再多留我一分钟,就要让他们遭殃——我说了好多不连贯的、恐吓的、要报复的话,措词之恶毒,颇有李尔王之风。
    but they would suffer no resurrection, and I was forced to lie till their malignant master pleased to deliver me: then, hatless and trembling with wrath, I ordered the miscreants to let me out--on their peril to keep me one minute longer-with several incoherent threats of retaliation that, in their indefinite depth of virulency, smacked of King Lear.
  • 他认为行政管理上的这琐事都不值一顾.
    He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.
  • 短袜零售价格5美元一双。
    These socks retail at $ 5 a pair.
  • 珠宝以每件数千美元零售。
    These gems retail at thousands of dollars each.
  • 你认为这鞋能以30美元的价格出售吗?
    Do you think that the shoes could retail for $30?
  • 佩佛同样也收购了一小型因特网公司,例如网上零售商shopping.com和城市导航开发产品zip2。
    Pfeiffer has also been buying small Internet companies, such as online retailer Shopping.com and city-guide developer Zip2.
  • 许多成品的价格必须至少提高50%,以使生产厂家、批发商和零售商能获利。
    The cost of many manufactured goods has to be marked up by at least fifty per cent to give a profit to the manufacturer, the wholesaler and the retailer.
  • 据英国网上零售商amazon.co.uk公司公布的一项调查,在情人节这天寄出的情书中有九分之一都是那担心自己在"可怕"的情人节这天收不到情人卡,为挽回面子自己为自己寄出的。
    One in nine love missives received on Valentine's Day were sent by people to themselves "to save face on the dreaded V-day," according to a survey released by online retailer amazon.co.uk on Thursday.
  • 伯恩:我们的零售商对你们上批货中某衬衫的扣眼有抱怨。
    We've received some complaints from our retailers about the buttonholing of some of the shirts in your last consignment.
  • westergren说savagebeast公司还将于今年的晚时候宣布和另一家大型音乐制品销售达成使用这一技术的协议。
    Westergren says that the company may soon announce a new agreement with another large music retailing partner later this year.
  • 这些玫瑰花仍有馀香.
    These roses retain their scent.
  • 只有百分之十五,尚有不良习惯。
    Only 15 per cent retain some bad habits.
  • 我还清晰地记得那日子。
    I retain a clear memory of those days.
  • 一般来说,招聘高级经理人才的公司往往以劳务费的形式支付给猎头公司,而那寻找中层管理人才的公司则会以酬金的形式支付。
    In general, businesses looking for a top-level executive pay a headhunter on a retainer basis, and those looking for middle-level managers pay on a contingency basis.
  • 我们通常都批评那对本国利益没多大影响,或者根本就没有影响的国家。我们也批评那无法对我们作出反击的国家。
    We tend to criticise states with which we have little or no national interests and which are not in a position to retaliate against us.
  • 但是,我们有少数同志对于这应该而又能够解决的问题,却采取官僚主义态度,漠不关心,久拖不决,个别人甚至违法乱纪,搞打击报复。
    Yet a small number of comrades take a bureaucratic, apathetic attitude towards these problems and put off taking any action.And a handful, violating law and Party discipline, have gone so far as to retaliate against people who come with grievances.
  • 他以讽刺回敬这谴责。
    He retaliated against these attacks with sarcasm.
  • 卑斯麦经常遭受更为自由的报纸的批评,他则通过颁布紧急情况政令给于回击,而这仅仅情况政令都会很有效地堵住新闻机构的嘴。
    Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press.
  • 美版中,由亚历克·鲍德温饰演的杜利德中核声明,如果他在对东京的报复性空袭中被击中,他打算在在战机坠毁时“尽可能多地杀死那杂种”;
    In the U.S. version, Alec Baldwin, playing Lieut. Colonel James Doolittle, declares that if he's shot down during a retaliatory air raid on Tokyo, he plans to crash his plane in such a way as to “kill as many of those bastards as possible.”
  • 细菌的辅佐作用。
    the adjuvant action of certain bacteria.
  • 市儿童福利院将在院儿童抚养、教育至年满16岁后,他们中有的参加工作,还有一大龄智力障碍者,因就业难,被分散安排到市里的其他四个福利院,崇明安排多,其他地方少
    The children in the Shanghai children's welfare home are transferred when they grow up at the age of 16. Some are sent out to take up jobs, while some, whose mental retardation prevents them from taking up jobs, are sent to four other welfare institutions in the city or on Chongming Island, the one on Chongming taking in more than those in Shanghai.
  • ”一年后,他们搬回纽约,又接受了两个孩子,一个叫约瑟夫,12岁,患脑瘫症,不会说话、双目失明、智力迟钝,全身瘫痪。另一个是7岁的亚伯拉罕,是个严重的哮喘病患者,还有一先天的缺陷。
    Garcia, 57, A year later, they moved back to New York and took in two children: Joseph, a 12-year-old with cerebral palsy who is mute, blind, retarded and paralyzed, and Abraham, 7, a severe asthmatic with several birth defects.
  • 苏军在希特勒所在的掩体内抓获了一很有价值的德军俘虏,其中包括希特勒的保镖约翰·拉滕胡贝尔、党卫军军官奥托·冈舍、希特勒的座机驾驶员汉斯·鲍尔和牙医助手卡塔琳娜·霍伊泽尔曼。在1945年的大部分时间里他们经常受到提审。
    The Russians had capured the most useful witnesses from Hitler's bunker including Johann Rattenhuber, Hitler's bodyguard, SS adjutant Otto Gunsche, Hans Baur, his pilot, and Katarina Heusermann, a dental assistant and interrogated them for much of 1945.
  • 这个保险金估算人必须核实这丢失的珠宝的价值。
    The insurance adjustor had to ascertain the exact value of the missing jewels.
  • 望修正这错误,不胜感激。
    We shall appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment of these errors.
  • 在书籍、电影以及电视节目中流传和复述的民族故事,无不与牛仔、背枪的治安官和印第安勇士有关。
    Their most persistent folk tales - constantly retold in books, movies, and television shows - concern cowboys, gun-slinging sheriffs, and Indian fighters.