  • 迪克在街上行走时突然到几个歹徒的袭击。
    Dick was walking in a street when he was pounced on by some ruffians.
  • 菲尔德走在街上时,突然到几个歹徒的袭击。
    Field was walking in a street when he was pounced on by some ruffians.
  • 使遇难使受毁灭或灾难
    To cause to undergo ruin or disaster.
  • 遇难受瓦解或毁灭;毁坏
    To suffer destruction or ruin; become wrecked.
  • 美国已经准备好可能对伊拉克作战,以色列也在积极准备防范伊拉克导弹袭击。以色列士兵们来到全国各地学校,教孩子们万一受生化武器攻击,如何进行基本的自我保护。
    While the United States readies for possible conflict in Iraq and Israel gears up for feared Iraqi missile strikes, soldiers are visiting classrooms across Israel to acquaint youngsters with the protection they would need in the event of chemical or biological attack.
  • 无限制地发展饭店已经使沿海地区到破坏。
    Unrestricted hotel development have ruined the coastline.
  • 执政党尽管到强烈反对,还是获胜了.
    Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.
  • 否则罪案泛滥,造成社会动荡不安,人民不能安居乐业,全民因而殃。
    Runaway crime rates can threaten social stability and create a sense of insecurity among the people.
  • 但是,他们的要求到三大领主的残酷镇压。
    However, they were subjected to ruthless suppression by the three big estate-holders.
  • 安贞焕佩鲁贾封杀知遇之恩仍不忘
    Korean Goal Hero Sacked By Italian Club
  • 即使女士们在受爱情的折磨不能自拔时,她们也会在内心问自己:“我能够指望这个男人吗?
    Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks, Can I count on this man?
  • 汽车制造商哈罗德·福特申请加入高尔夫球俱乐部到俱乐部成员的拒绝时,他把俱乐部买了下来。
    When the application of Harold Ford, the motor car manufacturer, to join a golf club was refused by its members, he trumped their ace by buying the club.
  • 我们怎样才能挽救这个公司,使之不受彻底失败呢?
    How can we salvage the firm form complete failure?
  • 瓦尔帕莱索智利中部的一座城市,位于圣地亚哥西北偏西部的太平洋沿岸。此城市建于1536年,频繁地受严重的地震。现在的城市于20世纪早期作为一个工业中心和智利的主要港口而得到发展。人口265,355
    A city of central Chile on the Pacific Ocean west-northwest of Santiago. Founded in1536, it has frequently been subject to severe earthquakes. The modern city developed as an industrial center and the chief port of Chile in the early20th century. Population,265, 355.
  • 他因被指控触犯选举法而逮捕。
    He is accused because offending electoral law.
  • 政客常到电视与无线电广播的讥讽。
    Politicians are often satirized on TV and radio.
  • 玛丽的善良忠告人嘲笑。
    Mary’s good advice was laughed to scorn.
  • 新老板来了以後,不称职的人就殃了.
    The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient.
  • 回首二十世纪,人类创造了前所未有的巨大物质和精神财富,同时也经历了两次世界大战、数百起局部战争以及近半个世纪的冷战,惨战争劫难和战争威胁之苦;
    When we look back on the twentieth century we notice that mankind created enormous material and spiritual wealth never seen before. We also experienced two world wars, hundreds of local wars and the Cold War that lasted for nearly half a century, suffering tremendously from the scourge of wars or the menace of wars.
  • 她在事故中受了骨折。
    She suffered a fracture in the accident; He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars; She got a bruise on her leg; He got his arm broken in the scuffle.
  • 海底火山喷发后会有大量细菌滋生,因此,海洋学家提出生命可能来自海洋底部,那里可以保护生命免致命紫外线的辐射和小行星撞击地球表面带来的致命危险。
    the serendipitous discovery of bacterial blooms following undersea volcanic eruptions led oceanographers to suggest that life might have originated on the seafloor, where it would have been protected from the lethal ultraviolet radiation and meteorites that bombarded the surface of the early earth.
  • 为了这个过错,水手到船长的笞绳鞭打。
    The seaman was colted by the captain for the mistake.
  • 基里巴斯电台报道说,塔拉瓦岛多处遇洪水,连接各小岛的堤道也被海水淹没。
    Radio Kiribati reported that many parts of Tarawa were flooded and causeways linking the islets were covered with seawater.
  • 有三百到四百位病人受再感染之苦
    Anywhere from300 to400 patients suffered secondary infections.
  • 该地区其后浅海淹没,期间沉积物不断积聚,元朗和马鞍山的石炭纪大理岩,便是该时期的产物。
    The region was subsequently inundated by a shallow sea. Sediments laid down during this time are represented by the Carboniferous marble of Yuen Long and Ma On Shan.
  • 令我感到烦躁的是一些似乎不能被改变的观念,例如,对周事物冷淡、被动和漠不关心。
    I'm fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy, passivity, indifference.
  • 二零零一年,该署对非法屠房采取444次扫荡行动,并定期及突击抽查肉档,共搜获超过30公吨生猪、肉壳及内脏。因藏有来历不明肉类而检控的个案有13宗。
    In 2001, it carried out 444 raids on suspected illegal slaughterhouses, and made both regular and surprise checks on meat stalls, resulting in the seizure of more than 30 tonnes of live pigs, pig carcasses and offal, and 13 prosecutions involving the possession of meat coming from unapproved sources.
  • 从鸦片战争,太平天国,戊戌维新,辛亥革命,直至北伐战争,一切为解除半殖民地半封建地位的革命的或改良的运动,都到了严重的挫折,因此依然保留下这个半殖民地半封建的地位。
    The Opium War, the Taiping Revolution, the Reform Movement of I898, the Revolution of 1911 and the Northern Expedition -- the revolutionary or reform movements which aimed at extricating China from her semi-colonial and semi-feudal state -- all met with serious setbacks, and China remains a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.
  • 1990年,他当时处于半退休状态,在公司进行大改组以适应新形势时,他出山帮忙,成功地使"惠普"避开了此后其他许多高科技公司所遇的大裁员的厄运。
    In 1990 he came out of semiretirement to help manage a sweeping corporate overhaul that successfully averted11 the job losses that subsequently hit many other high-tech companies.
  • 直到一些年轻人、一些抗议者到杀害,报界才做出了我们国家才有的那种激烈的反应。
    Until they killed some young people, some protesters, there wasn't the outbreak of sensational newspaper reaction that you get in our country;
  • 宗谱和家谱的保存在文化大革命(1966-1976)的时候,受到最严重的打击。中国文化传统在文革时期经历了一次史无前例的浩劫。
    The preservation of genealogy suffered its severest blow during the infamous Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), a period of senseless destruction of cultural heritage, unprecedented in Chinese history, aimed at "eradicating its decadent feudal past".
  • 拿破仑遭放逐。
    Napoleon was sent into exile.