  • 他在黑暗的森林中撞撞地走。
    He blundered through the dark forest.
  • 在面临历史性的经济飞速发展之际,公司的股票却在不断下
    During the greatest economic boom in history, its stock was crumbling.
  • 在某个时刻,当随即而来的投资减少使借款人的信用下降、并导致债券价格继续下降时,债券价格的下甚至可能变得自我恶化,最终迫使公司破产。
    At some point, a decline in bond prices can even become self-reinforcing, as the subsequent disinvestment weakens the borrower's credit and leads to further bond price declines, until the company is eventually forced into bankruptcy.
  • 那一年棉花价格到最低点。
    Cotton prices bottomed out that year.
  • 个人电脑的销售到了最底点
    Sales of personal computers have bottomed out.
  • 黑色圆顶硬礼帽落在地上,一霎时还亮出自己的手枪。
    He immediatly snatched out his gun and in so doing knocked down his own bowler hat which rolled on the ground.
  • 在纳斯达克股价几次暴后的今天,这种虚张声势的场面没有了。
    " Today, several Nasdaq nosedives later, the bravado is gone.
  • 他怕跌断腿。
    He was afraid of breaking his leg.
  • 由于股票下,这个股票经纪人受到了严重打击。
    The stock - broker was hard hit by the fall in stocks.
  • 了一跤,挫伤了腿。
    He fell and bruised his leg.
  • 但是,网关电脑的价格也已发生了很大变化:由于其竞争对手戴尔发起了一场残酷的价格战,网关的产品价格已急剧下
    But the prices Gateway can charge for its computers have changed a lot too: They're dramatically lower, the result of a brutal price war initiated by competitor Dell.
  • 美国的经济实在是太复杂、太难以捉摸其规律,因此无法明确回答这个问题-因为总是存在着这么一种可能性,就是即使最终我们将面对极其严重的经济衰退,但正是由于联储的行动才使我们免于入更糟糕的境地。
    The U.S. econom is simply too complex and unknowable for that question to be answered in a defintive way;even if we end up in a brutal recession, there's always the possibility that the Fed's actions saved us from much worse.
  • 那匹马断了腿,可怜的马。
    The horse broke its leg, the poor brute.
  • 这匹可怜的马断了腿,不得不把它杀掉。
    The horse broke its leg when it fell and the poor brute had to be destroyed.
  • 如果没有股价指数期货可供买卖,投资者对一个股市的全盘平均走势看涨时,他就得进一步决定应该买哪些股票。这会产生至少两个问题:第一、股市平均涨10%的话,他买入的股票大概不会凑巧也涨10%。如果涨得更多,他自然开心;但也很可能涨幅较小,甚或不涨反。此时,除了顿足捶胸,就只能叹:“如果有股价指数期货就好了!”第二个问题是,如果想十足跟进股市涨潮,他得买进足够家数公司的股票,所需的资本不是三、五万元就能摆平的。
    Without an SIF futures contract, an investor who is bullish about the overall market movement and wishes to take a position accordingly will have to pick the counters to invest in. To form a portfolio broad enough to represent the overall market would definitely require millions of dollars, quite possibly beyond his budget. If he selects just a few counters, his choices may not move in tandem with the broad market.
  • 买进那些股票的建议结果是错误的——自从我买进后,价格持续下
    The advice to invest in those shares turned out to be a bum steer-their value has fallen steadily since I bought them.
  • 当“老鼠”星系第一次相撞的时候,它们撞撞地以每秒190至310英里的相对低速撞击——这是表明它们不会长久分开的可靠迹象。
    When they made their initial crash, the Mice were bumbling along at a relatively slow 190 to 310 miles per second -- a sure sign they won't be separate for long.
  • 她绊了一下,猛地倒在地上。
    She tripped and went down with a bump.
  • 他从梯子上砰的一声到地上。
    He fall off the ladder and landed bump on the grind.
  • 他从梯子上砰的一声到地上.
    He fell off the ladder and landed bump on the ground.
  • 我追赶着偷我箱子的人,时而撞到行人怀里,时而倒在泥水中,想尽力赶上他。
    I ran after the man who stole my box, bumping into people, falling in the mud, trying to keep up with him.
  • 雪堆覆盖了公路的许多地方,我不断地倒,摔伤了膝盖。
    Snowdrifts had covered the highway in many places and I kept falling down and bumping my knees.
  • 物价下跌了。
    The prices came down.
  • 他从椅子上倒在地板上。
    He canted over from his chair onto the floor.
  • 她昏过去了,从椅子上倒在地板上。
    She fainted, canting over from the chair onto the floor.
  • 亚洲金融风暴袭击香港,其中的一个影响,就是加快了这个调整的速度和力度,催化了股市暴、楼价锐降、银根短缺、消费疲弱和投资放缓等等负面的经济现象。
    One of the Asian financial turmoil's impact on Hong Kong is that it has quickened the pace of, and added momentum to our economic adjustments. The crisis has thus been a catalyst for a plunge in the stock market, a drastic drop in property prices, a shortage in cash supply, reduced consumption power and slackened investment.
  • 不一会儿他绊到捕熊人设的陷阱里。
    In a moment he stumble into a trap, set by bear-catcher.
  • 不一会儿他绊到捕熊人设的陷阱里。
    In a moment he stumble into a trap, set by bear catcher.
  • 我跌落在椅子上。
    I dropped into the chair.
  • 伦敦商业区对油价下反应强烈。
    The City reacted sharply to the fall in oil prices.
  • 不爬高,跌不着。
    He that never climb never fall.
  • 下来也并未气馁,继续攀登.
    He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall.