  • 这首诗除了提醒南大中国文学学者们,勿忘南大创立宗旨——维持中华文化,曰:“扶持大雅仗公”(诗第2行),鼓励他们不要向恶势力低头,曰:“吾道长城有学宫”(诗第8行),这正是一股强而有力的挑战口号。谁是那恶势力呢?
    The poem reminded them not to forget the founding purpose of the university, which was the preservation of Chinese culture, "Guardians of the Book of Poetry are you noble Sirs!" says the poem (line 2). The righteous call to the scholars to stand firm in the face of the evil forces is echoed in the line ''Mighty as the Great Wall is our cause, the Hall of Learning stands'' (line 8). These are powerful words of defiance, but what are these evil forces?
  • 马萨塞州的一种货币。
    used as currency in Massachusetts.
  • 那些已经怀疑有线电视服务的用户不可能放心地把如远距离工作的重要工作放在有线电视网上完成。
    Users who already are skeptical of cable TV service will be unlikely to trust serious work such as telecommuting to a cable network.
  • 矿渣如砂砾或矿渣等物质,可从中提取金属
    Material, such as gravel or slag, from which metal is extracted in mining.
  • 仙宫,神居所北欧神和战争中被杀的英雄的仙宫
    The heavenly residence of the Norse gods and slain heroes of war.
  • ”华尔街股市开始在第四季度冲击可口可乐的股价,因为销售量下降和如俄罗斯和巴西等地的货币贬值而造成的收入急剧减少。
    " Wall Street began slamming Coke's stock in the fourth quarter when earnings nose?dived as a result of decreased sales and currency devaluations in places such as Russia and Brazil.
  • 勤劳事易,懒惰万事难。
    All things are easy to industry;all things difficult to sloth.
  • 三个臭皮匠,赛过葛亮。
    Many heads are better than one.
  • 依靠开闸放水运输或者传送,如圆木之类。
    transport in or send down a sluice, as of logs.
  • 事后诸葛亮好当。
    It is easy to be wise after the event.
  • 七十年代后期,由于面对如电子游戏之类新的娱乐形式的竟争,许多西方国家的唱片销售业已十分萧条。
    By the late 1970s, record sales in many Western countries underwent a major slump, faced with competition from new leisure time activities such as video games.
  • 桑德拉1996年的影片《两人出海》使她的事业有所下滑,而且她还在如《爱情与战争》和《永别了,武器》中扮演了不适合的角色。
    Sandra had a little slump in 1996 with Two If by Sea. As well she chose other bad roles in movies like In Love and War and A Farewell to Arms.
  • 如交通拥挤和烟雾的城市疑难问题;关于罪恶的哲学难题
    Urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog; the philosophical problem of evil.
  • 又快又稳地把计划付实施。
    put the plans into effect quickly and smoothly.
  • 一个广阔的草原地带,从加拿大阿尔伯达、萨斯喀彻温、马尼托巴省南延伸至美国中西部的德克萨斯;以前是美洲土著人居住的地方。
    a vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas; formerly inhabited by Native Americans.
  • 油鲱,鲳,盔姥鲈如鲱科食用针和汪鲱类鱼
    Any of various fishes such as the alewife and the menhaden.
  • 马萨塞人说的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Massachuset people.
  • 瓦帕诺亚格语瓦帕诺亚格人使用的亚尔港京语,为马萨塞语的变语之一
    The Algonquian language of the Wampanoag, a variety of Massachusett.
  • 以前住在麻萨塞州海湾的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。
    a member of the Algonquian people who formerly lived around Massachusetts Bay.
  • 一个以前住在加拿大的沿海省,属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。
    a member of the Algonquian people formerly inhabiting the Maritime Provinces of Canada.
  • 一个生活在罗德艾兰州和麻萨塞州,属于阿尔冈琴语系且对待圣地朝拜者态度和蔼的民族的人。
    a member of the Algonquian people of Rhode Island and Massachusetts who greeted the Pilgrims.
  • 供应商通过应用如色彩子取样等算法压缩技术确保视频的质量,所谓的色彩子取样使用了人眼观察不到的颜色变化。
    Providers can ensure video quality by applying algorithmic compression techniques such as chroma subsampling, which uses color variation undetectable to the human eye.
  • 赔偿对如损害或损失而做的补偿
    Amends made, as for damage or loss.
  • 给贵方造成多麻烦深感不安,希望此事能友好解决。
    We have bring great trouble to you we hope this matter will be amicably settled.
  • 给贵方造成多麻烦深感不安,希望此事能友好解决。
    We have brought great trouble to you and we hope this matter will be amicably settled.
  • 2001年春夏季节,南京、广州军区部队分别组织了以联合登陆作战为背景的实兵演习,演练了军兵种联合登陆作战的协同方法,总结了联合训练、陆军部队两栖训练、国防后备力量快速动员训练等方面的一整套训练、保障和管理经验。
    In the spring and summer of 2001, both Nanjing and Guangzhou military area commands organized field exercises with joint landing operations as the backdrop, focusing on the coordination of joint and combined arms landing operation, and drew useful lessons on how to organize, support and manage joint training, ground force amphibious landing training, and training of rapid reserve mobilization.
  • 射流技术的一个领域,其部件和系统执行如传感、逻辑、放大和控制之类的功能,而不使用机械零件。
    The area within the field of fluidics in which components and systems perform functions such as sensing, logic, amplification, and control without the use of mechanical parts.
  • 这个问题值得引起广大的注意和讨论,我所说的只是一个概论,希望位研究讨论,给以指正和补充。
    The problem of protracted war deserves wide attention and discussion; What I have given is only an outline, which I hope you will examine and discuss, amend and amplify.
  • 任何有意义或可以赋予含义的表达形式,如字符或模拟量。
    Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is, or might be, assigned.
  • 我们花钱请财务分析家不是让他们当事後葛亮!
    We don't pay our financial analysts to be wise after the event!
  • 据马萨塞州弗明翰市的国际数据公司(idc)的分析家布赖德·巴威恩说:“相竞争的标准使用户大为烦恼。
    "The competing standards were incredibly annoying to users," says Brad Baldwin, an analyst at Framingham, Mass.-based International Data Corp (IDC)."
  • 1600年,约翰·斯潘塞爵士的后裔安妮·马伯里从林肯郡迁移到美国的马萨塞州。
    In1600,Anne Marbury the descendant of Sir John Spencer moved to Massachusetts,America from Lincolnshire.