Chinese English Sentence:
  • 安吉尔·克使他的父亲十分失望,先是他不信奉国教的观点,后来又顾虑重重,不愿意当牧师。
    Angel Clare had sadly disappointed his father, first by nonconformist views and then by sincere scruples against taking orders.
  • 德加,(西尔·热尔曼)埃德加1834-1917法国画家、雕塑家,尤以擅长于描绘芭蕾舞演员优美细腻的舞姿而闻名
    French painter and sculptor noted especially for his fluid studies of ballet dancers.
  • 克西泰勒斯希腊雕塑家,其现存的稀有的几部作品包括1877年在奥林匹亚发现的手抱戴奥尼塞斯的赫尔墨斯
    Greek sculptor whose few surviving works include Hermes Carrying Dionysius, discovered at Olympia(1877).
  • 加拉提亚一位少女,起初是皮格恩雕刻的塑像,后来在雕刻家的请求下阿佛洛狄给予了她生命
    A maiden who was originally a statue carved by Pygmalion and who was brought to life by Aphrodite in answer to the sculptor's pleas.
  • 杰出的女木雕艺术家伊娃·南恩住在列克萨附近。
    Near Lieksa,lives the sculptress Eva Ryynanen,an extraordinary artist who works with wood.
  • 英国首相托尼·布尔就是一例。尽管公务缠身,但是他还是无法忍受错过英国队的比赛。
    Some like Britain's Tony Blair cannot bear to miss the action even if it means scuttling official agendas.
  • 麦克恩到一家加油站去工作,攒钱买了一辆二手卡车,办起了一个很气派的麦克恩运输公司。
    Mr McLean got a job at a petrol station and saved enough money to buy a secondhand lorry, calling himself, grandly, the McLean Trucking Company.
  • 门氏小柑橘一种深桔红色、通常无核、似红桔的水果
    A deep red-orange, often seedless tangerinelike fruit.
  • 当时彬格先生成年还不满两个年头,只因为偶然听到人家推荐尼日斐花园的房子,他便来到这儿看看。
    Mr. Bingley had not been of age two years, when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House.
  • 詹姆斯·克顿(科林·法雷尔饰)也许和一般新兵的心态不同,但他却是美国最聪明的大学毕业生之一--而且他正是沃尔特·伯克(艾尔·帕西诺饰)在中情局需要的人。
    James Clayton(Colin Farrell) might not have the attitude of a typical recruit,but he is one of the smartest graduating seniors in the country? and he's just the person that Walter Burke(Al Pacino)wants in the Agency.
  • 信用卡阿克萨斯卡(在美国与万事达卡相连,在欧洲与欧洲卡相连)和巴克卡(与威世卡相连)都已被将近500万家商号接受,虽然它们被接受的程度不同。例如:巴克卡在法国、西班牙和意大利流通性较强,而阿克萨斯卡则在德国和美国很有用。
    Credit cards Access ( linked to Mastercard in the VS and Eurocard in Europe) and Barclaycard ( linked to Visa ) are accepted in nearly 5 million outlets each though they vary in their acceptability Barclay-card, for example, is stronger in France, Spain and Italy, whereas Access is most useful in Germany and the US.
  • 戴姆勒--克斯勒公司在其大切诺基吉普车(起价3.2万美元左右)上使用的双区温度自动控制系统,利用红外传感器检测司机和前座乘客的皮肤温度。使其精确地保持在事先设置在系统内的水平。
    Daimler Chrysler's dual-zone automatic climate control system in its Jeep Grand Cherokee (starting around $32,000) uses infrared sensors to detect the skin temperatures of the driver and front passenger to keep them at precisely the level you've programmed into the system.
  • 拉称它的目标是在2001年"真正完成人类基因组测序工作"。
    Celera's stated goal was “ to substantially complete the sequencing of the human genome” in 2001.
  • 贝尔格德南斯拉夫首都和最大城市,位于该国东部的多瑙河与萨瓦河的汇合处。建于公元前3世纪,从12世纪到南斯拉夫形成的20世纪,该城为塞尔维亚的主要城市。人口936,200
    The capital and largest city of Yugoslavia, in the eastern part of the country at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. Founded in the3rd century b.c., it was the primary city of Serbia from the12th century until the formation of Yugoslavia in the20th century. Population,936, 200.
  • 哈巴谷公元前7世纪晚期的一位希伯先知
    A Hebrew prophet of the late seventh century b.c.
  • 大牌明星,卓越的制片人,好坞最著名的明星之一,米歇尔.道格拉斯是好坞举足轻重的“大腕”人物之一。
    Major star, prominent producer, and member of one of Hollywood's most prominent families to boot, Michael Douglas is one of Hollywood's biggest movers and shakers.
  • 内疚的表情;撤退中的敌人那惭愧、羞耻的样子——埃里克·林克特。
    a guilty look; the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy- Eric Linklater.
  • 所以她就有资格向彬格先生提出开舞会的事,而且冒冒失失地提醒他先前的诺言,而且还说,要是他不实践诺言,那就是天下最丢人的事。
    She was very equal, therefore, to address Mr. Bingley on the subject of the ball, and abruptly reminded him of his promise; adding, that it would be the most shameful thing in the world if he did not keep it.
  • 哦,霍伯,我想要你见见好坞著名影星,希拉罗达。
    Oh, hob,I'd like you to meet sheila rhoda, a famous film star in hollywood.
  • 哦,霍伯,我想要你见见好坞著名影星,希拉罗达。
    Oh, Hob, I 'd like you to meet Sheila Rhoda, a famous film star in Hollywood.
  • 济慈和雪是同代人。
    Keats and Shelley were-ries.
  • 和济慈是同一时代的人
    Shelley and Keats were contemporaries.
  • 雪莱强烈反对教士。
    Shelley was bitterly opposed to the clergy.
  • 把这段经历看作是自己所受教育的一部分。
    Shelley counted this experience a part of his education.
  • 我是雪·道斯先生的助手。
    This is Shelley, Mr. Dodds's assistant.
  • 懦弱的小人,那么你们不会帮助我了——p·b·雪
    cowardly dogs, ye will not aid me then- P.B.Shelley.
  • 在雪的时代游泳和划船运动非常流行。
    Swimming and boating were quite popular in Shelley's day.
  • 这首诗是雪抒情诗的范例.
    This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry.
  • 的名声已传到大学外边去了。
    Shelley's fame had spread beyond the walls of the college.
  • 可以无所顾虑地追求自己的生活方式。
    Shelley felt free to pursue his own life in his own way.
  • 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(英国诗人,雪.p.b.)
    If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet)
  • 凶兆;不吉利的预言;我那带着不幸的、雷鸣般的话语摇撼了天堂——p·b·雪;一种死气沉沉的、不吉利的静寂四下里传开了;在极不利于政府的时候举行的递补选举。
    ill omens; ill predictions; my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven- P.B.Shelley;a dead and ominous silence prevailed; a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government.