  • 联合空公司有一架波音747在上8点45分起飞。
    United Airline has got a Boeing 747 leaving at 8:45a. m.
  • 李:是罗马尼亚空公司订票处吗?
    Is that the booking-office of the Romanian Airline Company?
  • 联合空公司有一架波音747在上午8点45分起飞。
    United Airline has got a Boeing-747 leaving at 8: 45 a.m.
  • 无装饰的房屋;只提供起码必需品的空服务
    No-frills housing; no-frills airline service.
  • 空公司将承担旅客的住宿费用。
    The airline will foot the bill for the hotel.
  • 空公司取消了飞往纽约的早班飞机
    The airline canceled its early flight to New York.
  • 这条线每周有多少乘客?
    How many passengers does this airline fly every week?
  • 空公司的退款规定是什么?
    What is the airline 's policy on refund?
  • 您要搭哪一家空公司的飞机?
    What airline are you going to fly with?
  • 这个班给旅客提供免费饮料。
    The airline supplies passengers with drink free ofcharge.
  • 他是这家空公司的独家代理商。
    He is the sole agent for the airline.
  • 空公司的退款规定是什么?
    What is the airline's policy on refund?
  • 空公司的退款规定是什么?
    What are the airline's policy on refund?
  • 空公司已替他们把行李运走。
    The airline has checked their luggage out.
  • 空公司已把他的行李运走了。
    The airline has checked his luggage out.
  • 洲际弹道导弹;洲际线
    An intercontinental ballistic missile; an intercontinental airline.
  • 这家空公司所有的飞机都是租来的。
    All the airline 's aircrafts are leased.
  • 这家空公司所有的飞机都是租来的。
    All the airline's aircraft is lease.
  • 这家空公司所有的飞机都是租来的。
    All the airline's aircrafts are leased.
  • 好的,你想坐哪个空公司的飞机?
    Yes.What airline are you flying?
  • 如果任何其他空公司已经在经营此线,则该空公司必须表明其竞争性服务不会伤害其他空公司的利益。
    If any other airline is already serving the route, the airline must show that the competitive service will not harm other airline.
  • 政府给这家新空公司颁发了许可证。
    The government chartered the new airline.
  • 以航空公司为例。
    Take an airline as an illustration.
  • 第二场在罗马尼亚空公司办事处
    Scene 2 At the Romanian Airline Office
  • 空旅行按时的飞行或旅行
    A scheduled airline run or trip.
  • 不定期航线或运输机
    A nonscheduled airline or cargo plane.
  • 您坐哪家空公司的飞机。
    What airline is you flying?
  • 您坐哪家空公司的飞机?
    What airline are you flying?
  • 中国空公司的201班在9点10分起飞。
    China Airline Flight 201 leaves at 9:10.
  • 我们坐的是哪家空公司的飞机?
    What airline is we on?
  • 我们坐的是哪家空公司的飞机?
    What airline are we on?
  • 对民航工业解除管制
    Deregulate the airline industry.