  • 請把碗櫃騰出來。
    Clear out the things in the cupboard, please.
  • 騰躍以騰躍姿勢跳躍
    To leap in a curvet.
  • 馬表演的空飛躍的動作。
    perform a curvet, of a horse.
  • 躍使以躍姿勢跳躍
    To cause to leap in a curvet.
  • 你爸爸每天都把屋子弄得煙霧
    Your dad has smoked the room up every day.
  • 12月份那傢商店一樓的所有櫃臺都出來陳列專供聖誕季節消費的禮物、裝飾品及賀卡。
    During December all the counters on the ground floor of the store were given over to the display of gifts, decorations and cards for the festive season.
  • 整整一年都在鬧性醜聞,一個熟悉的魔影籠罩着美國。
    Throughout this year of scandal, a familiar demon has stalked America.
  • “好了,那麽,譬如說,”格拉爾重又繼續說道,“唐太斯現在剛剛航海回來,途中又在厄爾巴島靠過,這次航海以後,假如有人嚮檢察官告發,說他是一個拿破侖黨的眼綫的話——”
    "Well, then, I should say, for instance," resumed Danglars, "that if after a voyage such as Dantès has just made, in which he touched at the Island of Elba, some one were to denounce him to the king's procureur as a Bonapartist agent" --
  • 格拉爾繼續說,“但是假如我們决定采取我現在所說的這個辦法,那就好得多了,衹要這支筆,蘸着這瓶墨水,用左手(那樣筆跡就不會被人認出來)寫一封告密信就得了。”
    "if we resolve on such a step, it would be much better to take, as I now do, this pen, dip it into this ink, and write with the left hand (that the writing may not be recognized) the denunciation we propose."
  • 肯定不是我,弗爾南多也不會!”格拉爾說着便站了起來望了一眼那個青年,青年依舊坐着,但眼睛卻盯在了那被拋在角落裏的告密信上。
    Certainly neither I nor Fernand," said Danglars, rising and looking at the young man, who still remained seated, but whose eye was fixed on the denunciatory sheet of paper flung into the corner.
  • 格拉爾站起來裝作要走的樣子。
    and Danglars rose as if he meant to depart.
  • 他剛離開,格拉爾就湊了過來說道:
    As he departed, Danglars approached, and said,--
  • 今天的桌面軟件衹需要120mhz奔係統中的不到25%的處理能力。
    Desktop software today can require less than 25 percent of the power of a 120 MHz Pentium system.
  • 這個罪犯不安地翻着;這個小孩在他媽媽的懷抱扭動。
    The prisoner writhed in discomfort. The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace..
  • 下法就是在一套動作做完後選手脫離器械的方式方法,通常以一個高難度轉體或者空翻來結束其整套動作。
    To dismount means to leave an apparatus at the end of a routine, usually done with a difficult twist or salto
  • 雖然它比起其他的傳輸模式有明顯的節省帶寬的優勢,但ip多播沒有像該技術在1998年stevedeering在博士論文中首次提出時很多人預測的那樣飛。
    Though it has distinct bandwidth-saving advantages over other modes of transmission, IP Multicast has not taken off like what many had predicted when the technology was first introduced in Steve Deering's doctoral dissertation in 1988.
  • 從一個單純嚮前跳水的1.2到高難度嚮前翻四周半的3.5不等。
    It ranges from 1.2 for a simple forward dive to 3.5 for a highly difficult forward four and a half somersault dive.
  • 跳水運動員應從跳臺或跳板空而起。
    The diver should project himself into the air from a highboard or springboard.
  • 跳運動員應從跳臺或跳板空而起。
    The diver should project himself into the air from a high board or springboard.
  • 後滾翻花式跳水跳水運動員面嚮前跳離跳板,嚮後翻一周後入水,身體直立腳先觸水
    A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first.
  • 無論空軍也好,海軍也好,國防科工委也好,都應該考慮出力量來支援國民經濟的發展。
    The air force, the navy and the Commission in Charge of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence should divert some of their resources to foster the development of the economy.
  • 在完成5跳中的第三跳後,他名列第二,可是,結果在跳一個嚮內翻兩周半時,裁判對他空中動作的給分都不超過6.5分,因此他與奬牌無緣。
    He was second after the third of five dives, only to fall out of a medal spot with an inward, 2 1/2 somersault that drew scores no higher than 6.5 for execution.
  • 她騰出一個抽屜。
    She emptied out a drawer.
  • 看着卡洛的骨髓一滴一滴地註入我的身體,一種重生的力量在我體內升
    It was painful,but as I watched Kara's bone marrow drip into my body,I felt a healing energy.
  • 歡欣,喜悅,高興強烈的喜悅,尤指狂喜或歡的喜悅
    Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
  • “不過,快了,”卡德魯斯說,“這是肯定的,就象唐太斯肯定就要當法老號的船長一樣。呃,對不對。格拉爾?”
    "No, but it will be," said Caderousse, "as surely as Dantès will be captain of the Pharaon--eh, Danglars?"
  • 他正在考慮為了節省時間,就跟那個站在金屬探測器旁邊的保安員談一下。突然,他眼睛一亮,喜出望外——吃驚地看到了那個黑發女人靠坐在大廳的前窗。在她身後漸濃的暮色中,出租車和私車在慢慢地移動。她好像在全神貫註地看書。
    He is trying to decide if he should save time for talking to a guard near the X-ray machines when he is appalled-and elated-to see the black-haired girl. She is seated against a front window of the terminal, taxis and private cars moving sluggishly beyond her in the gathering darkness: she seems engrossed in a book.
  • 他們將在蘇大使館外舉行一次48小時的絶食抗議。
    They will stage a 48-hour hunger strike outside the Soviet Embassy.
  • ⅱpc機存儲器新標準問世
    New Memory Standards Emerge for PentiumⅡ PCs
  • 屋子很快就騰空了。
    The room emptied very quickly.
  • 把箱子空;警報使這個大樓空無一人。
    Empty the box; The alarm emptied the building.
  • 請把抽屜空後墊上幹淨的紙。
    Please line the drawer with clean paper after you have emptied it.