  • 给我一个污物袋吗?
    Will you bring me an airsickness bag?
  • 我很容易晕机;如果我坐在靠通道的座位,就去……
    You see, I get airsick easily, and if I have an aisle seat, I can go...
  • 你可晕机了,我马上给你拿药。
    You're probably airsick, and I'll get some medicine for you right away.
  •  (五)具备安全、高效的清算、交割力;
    Has qualifications to conduct foreign exchange and RMB business;
  • 容纳的可以或够接受的
    Capable of or qualified for receiving.
  • 你能胜任那个职位。
    You are qualified for the position.
  • 此外,有些上级的领导人员还喜欢摆架子,耍威风,只是教训人,批评人,而不向下级请教,不听下级的批评,不对下级作自我批评。
    Moreover, some leaders at higher levels like to put on airs and make a great show of their authority. They are wont to lecture and criticize people, and are unwilling to seek advice or listen to criticism from their subordinates or make any self-criticism in their presence.
  • 由命令本身以及命令可含有的参数及限定词所组成的整个命令串。
    The entire command string, including the command and any parameters or qualifiers it may have.
  • 俄罗斯队派出他们的大明星斯韦特兰娜·霍尔金娜打头阵,她以39.005的最高分数压倒了所有36位获得星期四个人全决赛资格的运动员。
    Russia's team effort was led by their superstar Svetlana Khorkina, who scored 39,005 points to lead 36 all-around qualifiers for Thursday's individual final.
  • 依你的力:承揽这项工作。
    Your ability qualify you for the job.
  • 你凭这样的证件恐怕是不入学的。
    I'm afraid that this certificate doesn't qualify you for admission.
  • 我不容忍他装腔作势-他毕竟同我们一样只是普通的人而已。
    I cannot stand his airs and graces – he is, after all, just an ordinary person like us.
  • 我们的队取得这场竞赛的第二轮比赛的资格吗?
    Will our team qualify for the second round of the competition?
  • 如果你们赢了这场比赛,你们就升入甲级。
    If you win the game, you will qualify to the division one.
  • 南非队和巴拉圭队在得分和净剩球上都是相同的,但是由于南非队仅有5个进球,比巴拉圭少了一球,因而未进入第二轮比赛。
    South Africa and Paraguay finished tied on points for the qualifying second place and were also level on goal difference. But Paraguay went through by dint of scoring six goals to South Africa's five.
  • 他不容忍摆架子的人。
    He can't stand for those who put on airs.
  • 我们现在所做的,和尚穆根先生所叙述的可发生的极端情况有着很大的不同,在量和质两方面都大不相同。
    Between what we are doing and the extreme possibility that Mr. Shanmugam has presented, there is a considerable difference which is not just quantitative but becomes qualitative.
  • 我们现在所做的,和尚穆根先生所叙述的可发生的极端情况有着很大的不同,在量和质两方面都大不相同。
    Between what we are doing and the extreme possibility which Mr Shanmugam has presented, I think there is a considerable difference which is not just quantitative but becomes qualitative.
  • 但愿他够放下架子!
    If only he could throw off his airs!
  • 我们不能摆官架子。
    We must not put on bureaucratic airs.
  • “它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  • 美国政府在公报中声明:“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  • 美国政府在公报中声明:“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    In that communique the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  • 引人的树种的特性从质地上与当地物种并没有太大的区别时,通过数量上对它们产生大而持久的影响。
    Introduced species with characteristics that are not qualitatively different from those of native species, can through force of numbers have large and long-lasting effects on them.
  • 中国军队依靠科技强军,实现军队由数量规模型向质量效型、由人力密集型向科技密集型的转变;
    The Chinese army strengthens itself by relying on science and technology, and strives to make the transition from a numerically superior type to a qualitatively efficient type, and from a manpower-intensive type to a technology-intensive type.
  • 中国坚持质量建军、科技强军、依法治军,实现军队由数量规模型向质量效型、由人力密集型向科技密集型转变,培养高素质军事人才,加强武器装备现代化建设,全面提高军队战斗力。
    China adheres to building the armed forces by enhancing their quality, strengthening the armed forces by relying on science and technology, and managing the armed forces according to law, and is endeavoring to transform its armed forces from a numerically superior to a qualitatively superior type, and from a manpower-intensive to a technology-intensive type, as well as to train high-quality military personnel and improve the modernization level of weaponry in order to comprehensively enhance the armed forces' combat effectiveness.
  • 我怎样才能到机场?
    How can I reach the airport?
  • 好在那个老机场还用。
    But the old airport is OK.
  • 在一定级上量子的释放或吸收的过程。
    the release or absorption of quanta above a certain energy level.
  • 载我到飞机场吗?
    Could you drop me off at the airport?
  • 现代的飞机够如箭般地飞达20,000英尺的高度。
    The modern airplane can arrow upward to20,000feet.
  • 量化你的成绩吗。
    Can you quantify your results?