  • 这种情况各地区都差不多,大都是由于当地众并未真正发动起来和组织起来,大多数农民还没有分配土地的真实要求,而由外来干部用行政命令、包办代替的方法实行分配的结果。
    These things happened nearly everywhere, mostly because cadres from other areas had land redistributed by administrative orders or redistributed it on behalf of the local people before the people were really aroused and organized and before the majority of peasants really wanted land redistribution.
  • 但是经过分配土地后确定了地权,加以我们提倡生产,农民众的劳动热情增长了,生产便有恢复的形势了。
    [1] But it picks up again as the peasant masses work with greater enthusiasm after the land is redistributed and ownership is settled, and after we have given encouragement to production.
  • 经验证明,当我们在军事上还没有取得面的控制,国民党和地富武装力量还没有在当地被肃清,大多数农民还没有分配土地的要求和组织起来,本地的正派的区村干部还没有大批涌现出来,而外来干部又尚未熟悉情况和联系众的时候,就马上实行土地改革,不仅是主观主义的,而且是冒险主义的。
    Experience has proved that when we do not have an entire area under our control militarily, when the armed forces of Kuomintang and the landlords and rich peasants have not yet been eliminated, when the great majority of peasants are not demanding land redistribution and have not been organized, and when honest local cadres at the district and village levels have not emerged in large numbers and cadres sent in from other areas are not yet familiar with the local conditions and have not forged ties with the masses, an attempt to carry out land reform promptly is not only subjective, but adventurist.
  • 我们到新区不调查不研究,简单地抱着半年完成土改的意愿,不管敌情是否许可,不管众的和干部的准备程度,忽视了众工作的艰苦性,把少数勇敢分子的行动误认是大多数众的行动,把大军进入后众一时的热劲,误认是多数农民已经有了分配土地的觉悟和要求,因而不是有步骤有分别地去领导众,取得胜利,而是轻率地决定实行土地改革。
    When we arrived in the new liberated areas, we did not investigate and study the situation, but simply planned to complete land reform in six months, without regard to whether or not the enemy's situation permitted it and whether or not the masses and cadres were prepared for it. We overlooked the arduousness of mass work, taking the action of a few reckless persons for that of the overwhelming majority of the masses, and the momentary popular enthusiasm upon the arrival of our army for the awakening of most peasants and their demands for the redistribution of land. Therefore, we did not try to lead the masses in attaining victory step by step and group after group, but just decided recklessly to undertake land reform.
  • 丑、在游击区,应在以团结一切社会力量对敌斗争为主的方针下,坚决进行反抓盯反掠夺、反保甲特务统治的斗争,保护基本众及各阶层的利益,并按照环境及众要求,适当地实行双减政策,即一般地在地富同意下实行双减,或者比控制区减的少一些,或者先从地富自愿的减起,都是可以的。
    2. In the guerrilla zones, under the principle of uniting with all social forces and concentrating on attacking the enemy, we should resolutely fight against press-ganging people, plundering and rule by special agents and the bao-jia system, safeguard the interests of the masses and of people from all social strata, and appropriately carry out the policy of reducing rent and interest rates in the light of the actual conditions and according to the wishes of the masses. That is to say, the rates can be reduced with the consent of landlords and rich peasants, or reduced by a lesser amount than in areas under our control, or reduced first by landlords and rich peasants who volunteer to do so.
  • 有共同图腾的民族与这样一种物体共同紧密联系在一起的社会
    A social group having a common affiliation to such an object.
  • 近年来,国家禁毒委员会不断将各种禁毒宣传材料发送到全国的强制戒毒所、治安拘留所、收容教育所、看守所、劳动教养所、监狱、工读学校,加强对易染毒特殊人的毒品预防教育。
    In recent years, the NNCC has sent various anti-drug publicity materials to compulsory rehabilitation centers, houses of detention, public security houses of detention, reformatories, reeducation-through-labor centers, prisons and work-study schools for juvenile delinquents throughout China to reinforce drug prevention education among the people who are most likely to fall victims to narcotics.
  • 近年来,国家禁毒委员会不断将各种禁毒宣传材料发送到全国的强制戒毒所、治安拘留所、收容教育所、看守所、劳动教养所、监狱、工读学校,加强对易染毒特殊人的毒品预防教育。
    In recent years, the NNCC has sent various anti-drug publicity materials to compulsory rehabilitation centers, houses of detention, public security houses of detention, reformatories, reeducation-through-labor centers, prisons and work- study schools for juvenile delinquents throughout China to reinforce drug prevention education among the people who are most likely to fall victims to narcotics.
  • 融入使(自己)与其他人或人密切联系或依附于他们
    To associate or affiliate(oneself) closely with a person or group.
  • 我们党从十一届三中全会以来,重新确立了马克思主义的思想路线、政治路线和组织路线,制定了各方面的适合情况的正确政策,收到了显著的成效,各项工作的新局面正在逐步打开。广大众拥护我们党的路线和领导。
    Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, our Party has reestablished Marxist ideological, political and organizational lines and formulated correct policies that are suited to actual conditions. Thus, excellent results have been achieved, new prospects are being opened up in every field of work and the masses have supported our Party's line and leadership.
  • 因此,那类涉及到将东方人归类到“少数人体”的法律就必须改称东方人为亚洲人,而另一类涉及物例如东方药品的法律就不必改。
    Therefore, one law which defines "minority group" to include "Orientals" will be changed to refer to "Asians", but another law which refers to "Oriental medicine" will be left unchanged.
  • 这里指的不是农民众,主要是一些领导干部。
    Here I am referring mainly to some leading cadres, not to the peasant masses.
  • (指词语)单指,与某体中的其他成员无关。
    (of a word) referring singly and without exception to the members of a group.
  • 革命的政治家们,懂得革命的政治科学或政治艺术的政治专门家们,他们只是千千万万的众政治家的领袖,他们的任务在于把众政治家的意见集中起来,加以提炼,再使之回到众中去,为众所接受,所实践,而不是闭门造车,自作聪明,只此一家,别无分店的那种贵族式的所谓“政治家”,——这是无产阶级政治家同腐朽了的资产阶级政治家的原则区别。
    Revolutionary statesmen, the political specialists who know the science or art of revolutionary politics, are simply the leaders of millions upon millions of statesmen -- the masses. Their task is to collect the opinions of these mass statesmen, sift and refine them, and return them to the masses, who then take them and put them into practice. They are therefore not the kind of aristocratic "statesmen" who work behind closed doors and fancy they have a monopoly of wisdom. Herein lies the difference in principle between proletarian statesmen and decadent bourgeois statesmen.
  • 如果他们对每样事都投以冷眼,如果他们总是得过且过,不积极地去发挥所长,他们最终也将沦为庸俗的一
    If they are indifferent to everything, if they keep muddling along and not seek to develop their finer qualities, then they would inevitably become common people lacking cultural refinement.
  • 这就是正确地反映众的意见,然后正确地领导众。
    This means correctly reflecting the opinions of the masses before exercising correct leadership over them.
  • 各级法院以学习贯彻修正后的《刑事诉讼法》、推进刑事审判方式改革为重心,全面改革和完善审判方式,依法强化了庭审功能、合议庭和独立审判员的职责,加强了对人民众合法权益的保护。
    Courts at various levels, focusing on studying the amended Criminal Procedure Law and promoting the reform of court trial procedures, have comprehensively reformed and improved the country's trial system. They have intensified the functions of court hearings, the duty and responsibilities of intercollegiate benches and individual jurors in accordance with the law, and strengthened the protection of legitimate rights and interests of the people.
  • 如不认真改革,就很难适应现代化建设的迫切需要,我们就要严重地脱离广大众。
    Unless they are conscientiously reformed, we can hardly expect to meet the urgent needs of modernization and we are liable to become seriously alienated from the masses.
  • 屠杀主义固然是为渊驱鱼,改良主义也再不能号召众了。
    The Kuomintang's policy of massacre only serves to "drive the fish into deep waters", as the saying goes, and reformism no longer has any mass appeal.
  • 这里说“矫枉必须过正,不过正不能矫枉”,就是说,要终结旧的封建秩序,必须用众的革命方法,而不是用修正的——改良的方法。
    His remark in the text that "Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted" meant that the mass revolutionary method, and not the revisionist-reformist method, had to be taken to end the old feudal order.
  • 难民中疾病的流传,终于将人民从对这些不幸者的漠不关心的状态中唤醒。
    The spread of disease among the refuges at last aroused the people from their indifference towards these unhappy people.
  • 不考虑性别和年龄的一驯养牛。
    domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age.
  • 所以“工农武装割据”的思想,是共产党和割据地方的工农众必须充分具备的一个重要的思想。
    It follows that the idea of "establishing independent regimes of the workers and the peasants by armed force" is an important one which must be fully grasped by the Communist Party and by the masses of workers and peasants in areas under the independent regime.
  • 在那个小岛上你可以看到成的鸟。
    You can find whole regiment of birds on the islet.
  • 有人问我曾否遗憾,是的,我有一桩憾事:我没有机会在未来4年为国人打拼,尤其是为需要抛开负担、排除困难的一,尤其是为感到没有人听到他们的声音的一
    Some have asked whether I have any regrets and I do have one regret: that I didn't get the chance to stay and fight for the American people over the next four years,especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removed,especially for those who feel their voices have not been heard.
  • 微球菌一种球状需氧的革兰氏阳性细菌,属微球菌属,通常见于不规则
    A spherical, aerobic, gram-positive bacterium of the genus Micrococcus, usually occurring in irregular clusters.
  • 第二是在发动众之后,立即注意整理与健全众组织生活;
    Second, as soon as they have been aroused, make plans for and regularize the activities of mass organizations.
  • “食肉动物”侦察机是从中央情报局的无人侦察机中抽调出来的。
    The Predators -- known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) come from the CIA's squadron of remotecontrol drones.
  • 水库群补偿调节计算
    compensation regulation computation of reservoir group
  •  为解决戒毒复吸率高的难题,中国政府依靠人民众,动员全社会的力量,开展对戒毒人员回归社会后的继续帮教工作。
    To solve the difficult problem of the high rate of relapse, the Chinese government carries out the work of continuous help and education for rehabilitated addicts upon their return to society, relying on the masses and mobilizing all social forces.
  • 科斯岛希腊东南一岛屿,位于多德卡尼斯岛北部,是科斯湾的一个入口,爱琴岛的一个小海湾,位于土耳其西南海岸。公元前5世纪,希波克里特斯在科斯岛上建了一个医学校。1947年,科斯岛成为现代希腊的一部分
    An island of southeast Greece in the northern Dodecanese Islands at the entrance to the Gulf of Kos, an inlet of the Aegean Sea on the southwest coast of Turkey. Hippocrates founded a medical school on the island in the fifth century b.c. Kos became part of modern Greece in1947.
  • 米洛斯岛希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海的基克拉迪岛。古时为一繁荣的贸易中心及黑曜岩采掘中心,但自青铜代替黑曜岩成为制造工具和武器的材料之后,该城逐渐没落。著名的米洛斯岛的维纳斯雕像于1820年发现于此
    An island of southeast Greece in the Cyclades Islands of the Aegean Sea. It was a flourishing trade and obsidian-mining center in ancient times but lost importance when bronze replaced obsidian as a material for tools and weapons. The famous statue Venus de Milo was discovered here in1820.