Chinese English Sentence:
  • 基于优绩的经济资助包括助教、助研、研究生资助和奖学金(予学生的无偿款项)。
    The merit-based financial aid includes TA (teaching assistantship), RA (research assistantship), GA (graduate assistantship), and Scholarship or Fellowship (both are free money for students).
  • 中国实施移民扶贫开发的主要做法有:一是插户移民。即由贫困户自行投亲靠友,分散安置,政府予一定补助。
    The major methods of aiding the poor by migration include: First, governments subsidize the poor households for migrating and resettling near their relatives or friends.
  • 动物传染病能传染人类的动物疾病,例如狂犬病或鹦鹉热
    A disease of animals, such as rabies or psittacosis, that can be transmitted to human beings.
  • 加油站,修理站一场比赛中在汽车跑道后面用来汽车再加油或服务的地方,与the连用
    An area beside an auto racecourse where cars may be refueled or serviced during a race. Used with the.
  • 刺探马情者获得有关赛马及其他们前景的情报并同售赌马者的人
    One who obtains information on racehorses and their prospects and sells it to bettors.
  • 慷慨的予他人帮助。
    generous in providing aid to others.
  • 请你先我急救好吗?
    Could you give me first aid?
  • 援助给予帮助或支持
    To give aid or support.
  • 畅通无阻的发布新闻;这可以黑人不受种族主义阻碍的生活机会。
    unhampered dissemination of news; this would give black people the opportunity to live unhampered by racism.
  • 我把我那网球拍上的几条 绳弄断了。
    I have broken several strings in my tennis racket.
  • 约翰尼从银行取了200美元他儿子买球拍。
    Johnny drew two hundred dollars ot of the bank to buy his son a racket.
  • 这拍子给你使行吗?
    Will this racked do you?
  • 使有光彩,增光或增添…荣耀、光辉、荣誉或显赫
    To give or add glory, radiance, distinction, or splendor to.
  • 你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
    Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.
  • 哈佛学生的教育也大不一样,强调学习的广度和知识在现实生活中的应用。
    Harvard also offers a radically different educational experience, stressing breadth of study and real world applications of knowledge.
  • 前委中央的信上说了红军的游击战术,那里面包括了近距离的分兵:
    The letter from the Front Committee to the Central Committee says of guerrilla tactics for the Red Army, including the division of forces within a short radius:
  • 紧急消息是今晚用无线电传送我们的。
    An urgent message was radioed to us this evening.
  • 予高兴或欢乐的;令人愉悦的
    Giving pleasure or enjoyment; agreeable.
  • 因此,我的任务就是将镭作为一种新的化学元素特别地介绍你们,而不去描述许多其他的放射现象,这些现象在亨利·贝克勒尔、皮埃尔·居里和卢瑟福的诺贝尔演讲中已经有所描述。
    It is therefore my task to present to you radium in particular as a new chemical element, and to leave aside the description of the many radioactive phenomena which have already been described in the Nobel Lectures of H.Becquerel, P.Curie and E.Rutherford.
  • 在对应于定的基数幂次的一组数字中的一个数字的位置(简称数位)。
    A digit position within a set of digits corresponding to a given power of the radix.
  • 在固定基数记数制中,一种通过对定数进行运算而得到的数。即从特定数的数字表示的每位数字减去定数的数字表示的各相应位数字。
    In a fixed-radix numeration system, a numeral that can be derived from a given numeral by operations that include subtracting each digit of the digital representation of the given number from the corresponding digit of the digital representation of a specified number.
  • 我去教堂参加盛大招待会,主教把出售抽彩券的工作交了我。
    I went to the church fete and the vicar saddled me with the job of selling raffle tickets.
  • 在椽子上干活的木匠将斧子传下面的伙伴。
    The carpenter working on the rafter passed his axe down to his mate below.
  • 横越、支持托梁、墙筋或椽的末端以此来把它们的重量传递平行的托梁、墙筋或椽的框架成分。
    a framing member crossing and supporting the ends of joists, studs, or rafters so as to transfer their weight to parallel joists, studs, or rafters.
  • 好吧,给你抹布。
    Well , here is the rag.
  • 服务员,请我拿一块抹布好吗?
    Waiter!Could I have a piece of rag, please?
  • 我得把孩子们的旧衣服找出来,等收破烂的人来时他们。
    I'll have to hunt out the children's old clothes to give to the rag and bone man when he calls.
  • 我得找出孩子们的旧衣服,等收破烂的人来时好他。
    I'll have to hunt out the children's old clothes to give to the rag and hone man when he calls.
  • 她的“手推车”也是如此。那五英镑怎么也不够花在买一辆新车上。她找到了一个旧货商人,他愿意以五先令的价格卖她一辆破旧的手推车。
    It was the same with her "hand cart". The five pounds would never have run to a good one, and she had found a rag-and-bone man willing to sell her the ruins of an old pram for five shillings.
  • 旦当了兵,你怎么来安置我呢?我——一个无依无靠的孤儿,没有财产,只有一间快塌了的小屋和一些破烂的渔网,这点可怜的遗产还是我父亲传我母亲,我母亲又传我的呢。
    Once a soldier, what would you do with me, a poor orphan, forlorn, without fortune, with nothing but a half-ruined hut and a few ragged nets, the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother, and by my mother to me?
  • 我接过他的烟,在上面胡乱地画起来。
    I took the cigarette he offered, drawing at it raggedly.
  • 布什总统说:"从受害双方母亲的脸上(巴勒斯坦母亲和以色列母亲),全世界都可以看到这场冲突双方带来的令人痛心的代价。"
    "In the stricken faces of mothers -- Palestinian mothers and Israeli mothers -- the entire world is witnessing the agonizing cost of this conflict,"President Bush said.