  • ioc及其下属的世界反兴奋剂协会将从6月6日起召开一系列会议,来研出一套应对这个威胁的策略。
    The IOC, together with the affiliated World Anti?Doping Agency, will hold a series of meetings--starting on 6 June to hammer out a strategy to tackle the threat.
  • 一家药品跨国公司减少了多余的研,因为研人员动态地被告知公司内已有的相关知识或先例的知识。
    A multinational pharmaceutical company cut out redundant research now that researchers are dynamically alerted to relevant or precedent knowledge that exists in house.
  • 多科大学有许多组成部分或分支机构组成的大学,比如多个独立的大学、学院和研中心
    A university that has numerous constituent and affiliated institutions, such as separate colleges, campuses, and research centers.
  • 这些珊瑚竟是如何形成礁石的呢?
    Just exactly how does the reef come by all this coral?
  • 当局已就"人工鱼礁敷设研"的建议进行咨询,这项为期三个月的咨询工作已于九月完成。
    A three-month consultation exercise on the recommendations of the 'Artificial Reef Deployment Study' was completed in September.
  • 美国癌症研所和它的欧洲分支世界癌症基金会的主席玛里琳·詹特立说:“我们要传达的信息是:癌症通常是种可以预防的疾病,而且我们能很快地控制患这种病的危险。”
    Our message is that cancer is often a preventable disease and that we have immediate control over our risk,” says Marilyn Gentry,president of the American Institute for Cancer Research and its European affiliate, the World Cancer Research Fund.
  • 因为感情是无形而且触摸不到的,要进行科学研非常困难。位于俄亥俄州的波林·格林州立大学的一名神经科学家--查克·彭赛布(著有《感情的神经科学》)说:“绝大多数研者甚至不想谈及动物的情感。
    Because feelings are intangible, and so tough to study scientifically, " most researchers don't even want to talk about animal emotions," says Jaak Panksepp, a neuroscientist at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and author of Affective Neuroscience.
  •  依照中国的法律,劳改机关在罪犯的整个服刑过程中,不但及时向有关部门转递其申诉,而且主动地对罪犯的申诉进行分析研,对判决有可能为错误的,主动转请人民检察院或者原判人民法院处理。
    According to Chinese law, the reform-through-labour institutions must not only immediately pass on a prisoner's appeal to the department concerned at any time during the term of imprisonment, but also conduct their own analysis and study of the appeal. When the institution disagrees with a judgment, the institution itself may request the People's Procuratorate or the People's Court which made the original judgment to reexamine the case.
  • 也不必说大大小小的厨房、地窖、配膳室、家人公共膳堂;还有一些家禽饲养场,设有二十二个通用实验室,从烧烤到配酒都研
    not to mention the kitchens, the cellars, the domestic offices, the general refectories of the house, the poultry-yards, where there were twenty-two general laboratories, from the bakehouses to the wine-cellars;
  • 他查阅叁考书籍寻求研资料。
    He burrowed into reference books for research data.
  • 重要问题都提到全体职工大会研
    Important questions are referred to meetings of the entire staff.
  • 在五个同时举行的会议中进行的讨论,会深入研这些初步构想,具体探讨如何设立可靠并能互用的实体基建设施;
    Discussions in the five concurrent sessions will refine these insights in respect of building a reliable and inter-operable physical infrastructure;
  • 这项研计划的下一个阶段中,科学家们将从整个亚洲地区收集数据,扩大观测季节和观测地点的范围,并且使用更先进的科技手段。
    In the next phase of the project, scientists will collect data from the entire Asian region, over more seasons with more observation sites and refine their techniques.
  • 过分讲的过于精致或优美的;矫揉造作的
    Affectedly delicate or refined; mincing.
  • 读书费时过多易惰,文采藻饰大盛则矫,全凭条文断事乃学故态。
    To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar.
  • 饮食的人一个在食物和酒方面很有品味的人
    A person with refined taste especially in food and wine.
  • 在化学工程中要研原油通过蒸馏提炼的方法。
    How crude oil is refined by distilling is studied in chemical engineering.
  • 所有这些都需要专门的计算机软件和硬件,目前研人员正在精心开发。
    All of this requires specialized computer software and hardware, which researchers are developing and refining.
  • 在一位中学生物教师的影响下, 他从事医学研
    Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.
  • 内政事务的社会科学。
    the social science of municipal affairs.
  • 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研
    A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics.
  • 他对着镜子研他的像。
    he studied his reflection inthe mirror.
  • 克服官僚主义,首先还是要着重研体制的改革,但是工作方法不改也不行,更不能因为等体制改革就无所作为。
    In order to overcome bureaucracy, we must first of all study the question of structural reform.Of course, we have to improve our methods of work as well. We can't just sit and wait for the various structures to be reformed.
  • 中国空间科学在基础理论研方面取得了若干创新成果,在空间物理学、微重力科学和空间生命科学等领域建立了具有一定水平的对外开放的国家级实验室,建立了空间有效载荷应用中心,具有支持进行空间科学实验的基本能力。
    Innovative achievements have been scored in the study of basic theory of space science. The establishment of advanced and open state-level laboratories specializing in space physics, micro-gravity and space life science, and the founding of the Space Payload Application Center provide the country with the basic ability to support aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 屈光学研究光的折射
    The study of the refraction of light.
  • 我们从事过热核能、激光束折射,氛分子发展和电脑重水数据的研工作。
    We did work in thermonuclear energy, laser beam refraction, hydrogen molecule development, and heavy-water computer data.
  • 圣巴巴拉美国加利福尼亚南部一城市,位于洛杉矶西北偏西方的圣巴巴拉海峡。它是西班牙早期的要塞和传道区之一,现为居住及疗养区,有航天和电子研与发展业。人口85,571
    A city of southern California on the Santa Barbara Channel west-northwest of Los Angeles. Site of an early Spanish presidio and mission, it is a residential and resort community with aerospace and electronics research and development industries. Population,85, 571.
  • 计划的第一步,是由国防部高级研计划局、国家航空航天局、波音公司和鲍尔航天与技术公司联手,在未来几年内制造一颗名为nextsat(下一代卫星)的可修理卫星实物模型。
    The first step is a joint effort between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,NASA,Boeing,and Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. to build a mock-up of a repairable satellite called NextSat in a couple of years.
  • 人员说,这对航天业的价值尤其重要。因为他们正在研制的这种材料(一种称作复合材料的增强塑料),可用在飞机和卫星上。
    The work will be particularly valuable to the aerospace industry, the researchers say, because the material they were working with, a reinforced plastic known as a composite, is used in planes and satellites.
  • 5.载人航天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船航天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了航天医学和空间生命科学的工程研,选拔了预备航天员,研制了一批空间遥感和空间科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high- reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 5.载人航天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船航天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了航天医学和空间生命科学的工程研,选拔了预备航天员,研制了一批空间遥感和空间科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high-reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 主要为淡水中的自由游动的扁虫;由于其对丧失身体部分的再生能力而常常被用于实验室研
    free-swimming mostly freshwater flatworms; popular in laboratory studies for the ability to regenerate lost parts.