  • 摧毀使毀滅;毀掉
    To bring to ruin; destroy.
  • 失敗,毀體驗失敗或毀
    To experience defeat or ruin.
  • 阻撓,欺騙;毀滅
    To foil or cheat; ruin.
  • 毀滅;墮落
    To go to ruin; degenerate.
  • 戰爭引起苦難與毀
    War begets misery and ruin.
  • 可以從毀中解救的。
    capable of being saved from ruin.
  • 這樣的行為將導致毀
    Ruin will wait on such conduction.
  • 毀滅帶來瓦解的行為
    The act of bringing to ruin.
  • 經歷挫折失敗或毀
    suffer defeat, failure, or ruin.
  • 貽誤、破壞或毀滅
    To bungle, damage, or ruin.
  • 有毒的,有害的使死亡、破壞或毀的;有害的
    Causing death, destruction, or ruin; harmful.
  • 下滑至挫敗、死亡或者毀
    down to defeat, death, or ruin.
  • 種種事件湊合起來導致他的毀
    Events conspired to bring about his ruin.
  • 非常有害;帶來身體上或者經濟上的毀
    extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin.
  • 這個計劃帶來的不是繁榮而是毀
    The plan caused not prosperity but ruin.
  • 使…失敗;毀滅
    To bring about the failure of; ruin.
  • 使遇難使遭受毀或災難
    To cause to undergo ruin or disaster.
  • 遇難遭受瓦解或毀;毀壞
    To suffer destruction or ruin; become wrecked.
  • 使毀滅或判…死罪
    To condemn to ruination or death.
  • 被破壞、毀或者拆毀。
    spoiled or ruined or demolished.
  • 以毀的方式或者到了毀的程度。
    in a ruinous manner or to a ruinous degree.
  • 費力不討好的事一項具有一個荒謬或毀性結果的代價很高的任務
    A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.
  • 災難性的經濟蕭條;災難性的疾病;毀性的行動方針。
    a catastrophic depression; catastrophic illness; a ruinous course of action.
  • 嚴寒對生長中的水果的毀性影響;狂風將針一樣的冰雨砸在我們的臉上;災難性的戰爭。
    the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit; the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces; a ruinous war.
  • 性的破壞、損耗。
    ruinously destructive and wasting.
  • 他親自露面使傳說他死亡的謠言不攻自
    His appearance in the flesh end the rumour about his death.
  • 使人盲目犧牲(或崇拜)的事物使人們産生盲目而具毀性的熱情或者無情地使人們為之犧牲的東西,如某種信仰或習俗制度
    Something, such as a belief or an institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed.
  • 我相信透過今天的會議,大傢定能集思廣益,加強罪的信心,使香港成為世界上最安全的城市。
    I believe that collective wisdom, as reflected in today's discussion, will boost our confidence in crime fighting and make Hong Kong the safest city in the world.
  • 日本軍心已在開始動搖,士兵不瞭解戰爭目的,陷於中國軍隊和中國人民的包圍中,衝鋒的勇氣遠弱於中國兵等等,都是有利於我之進行殲戰的客觀的條件,這些條件並將隨着戰爭之持久而日益發展起來。
    The Japanese army's morale is beginning to sag, its soldiers do not understand the aim of the war, they are engulfed by the Chinese armies and by the Chinese people, in assault they show far less courage than the Chinese soldiers, and so on; All these are objective factors favourable to waging battles of annihilation, and they will, moreover, steadily develop as the war becomes protracted.
  • 在美國的這個新貴之都,有關求愛的傳說可能伴隨着一夜暴富,或是驚人夢想破時出現的資金重組。
    The saga of courtship here, in America's capital of new wealth, accompanies sudden riches and the realignment that results when wide-eyed dreams collapse.
  • 螢火對天上的星說道:“學者說你的光明總有一天會消的。”
    The learned say that your lights will one day be no more, said the firefly to the stars.
  • 現已絶的兩棲動物,與龐然大物的火蜥蜴和鰐魚相似,頭骨堅硬扁平,牙齒呈圓錐形;生活於泥盆紀至三堊紀。
    extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth; Devonian through Triassic.