  • 1940年,当时任中央政府首脑的蒋介石,经特蒙藏委员会委员长吴忠信到拉萨察看后,同意西藏地方摄政热振关于免于金瓶掣签的申请,由国民政府主席正式颁布命令,批准拉木登珠为十四世达赖喇嘛。
    After an inspection tour in Lhasa by Wu Zhongxin, chief of the Commission for Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs, in 1940, Chiang Kai-shek, then head of the central government, approved Tibetan Regent Razheng's request to waive the lot-drawing convention, and the chairman of the national government issued an official decree conferring the title of the 14th Dalai Lama on Lhamo Toinzhub.
  • 国民政府专使入藏致祭,并批准势振活佛为摄政,代行达赖喇嘛职权,对于寻觅十三世达赖转世灵童应遵循的办法,西藏地方政府都按照历来的规定一一呈报中央政府。
    The national government sent a special envoy to Tibet for the memorial ceremony. It also approved the Living Buddha Razheng as the regent to assume the duties and power of the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan local government also followed the age-old system in reporting to the central government all the procedures that should be followed in search for the reincarnation of the late 13th Dalai Lama.
  • 我们遣了一个团去执行特殊任务。
    We detached a regiment.
  • 委派他赴一新团任职.
    He was gazetted to a new regiment.
  • 这位军官今天上午遣了一个团的兵力。
    The officer detached a regiment this morning.
  • 我们团被去守卫这座城。
    Our regiment was sent to defend the town.
  • 他同意我们把第五团往漳州。
    He agreed to our sending the5th Regiment to Zhangzhou.
  • 我们遣了一个团将敌人的退路切断。
    We detached a regiment to cut off enemy 's retreat.
  • 又比如实行民族区域自治,我们干部?
    Should we dispatch cadres to help exercise regional national autonomy?
  • 至于向终审法院上诉的刑事案件,则由高等法院司法常务官所指的覆核委员会,审理就法援申请被拒而提出的上诉。
    Appeals against refusal of legal aid for criminal appeals to the Court of Final Appeal are heard by a Review Committee appointed by the Registrar of the High Court.
  • 至于向终审法院上诉的刑事案件,则由高等法院司法常务官所指的特别委员会审理就法援申请被拒而提出的上诉。
    Appeals against refusal of legal aid for criminal appeals to the Court of Final Appeal are heard by a Special Committee appointed by the Registrar of the High Court.
  • 偏僻地区和离岛的出生登记,则由到各乡事委员会工作的分区登记主任负责。
    In the outlying areas and islands, births are normally registered at rural committee offices by visiting district registrars.
  • 教会法庭路德教教会中委管理教会事务的法庭
    A court appointed to regulate ecclesiastical affairs in Lutheran state churches.
  • 投保人可能拥有两份或更多的保单,但所涉及的保险公司会在他们之间摊赔偿金。
    It is possible to carry two or more policies, but the insurance companies involved would split the reimbursement between them.
  • 宗教研究机构、高僧、学者的有关佛教专著,如《贝叶经的整理、研究》、《西藏拉萨现存梵文贝叶经的整理》、《西藏宗教源流与教研究》、《活佛转世制度》、《郭扎佛教史》、《西藏苯教寺庙志》、《中国藏传佛教寺庙》、《西藏佛教寺院壁画艺术》等,都正式出版发行。
    Treatises on Buddhism written and published by religious research institutions, eminent monks and scholars include Collation and Studies of the Pattra Sutra, Compilation of the Sanskrit Pattra Sutra Extant in Lhasa, Studies of the Origin and Development of Religions and Religious Sects in Tibet, The Reincarnation System of Living Buddhas, History of Buddhism by Guta, Records of the Monasteries of the Tibetan Bon Religion, Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in China and The Fresco Art of Tibet's Buddhist Monasteries.
  • 人士,左翼人士政治左的拥护者或成员
    An advocate or a member of the political left.
  • 我们提倡党性,反对性。
    We advocate Party spirit and oppose factionalism.
  • 出一支民兵去增援主力部队。
    Another detachment of militiamen was drawn out to reinforce the main forces.
  • 詹森信条的鼓吹者。
    an advocate of Jansenism.
  • 援军来——敌人在大举进攻了。
    Send for reinforcements-the enemy are attacking in strength.
  • 在夜幕的掩护下,增援力量被到了河的对岸。
    Reinforcements were sent across the river under cover of darkness.
  • 由于敌军进攻加剧,越来越多的援军被遣上前线。
    As enemy attacks increased, more and more reinforcements were dispatched to the front.
  • 当举行达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼的坐床和亲政典礼时,中央大员亲临监视。
    The central government will send high officials to supervise in person the installation ceremony for the new Dalai Lama and the new Bainqen Erdeni and also the ceremony for their taking over reins of government .
  • 当举行达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼的坐床和亲政典礼时,中央大员亲临监视。
    The central government will send high officials to supervise in person the installation ceremony for the new Dalai Lama and the new Bainqen Erdeni and also the ceremony for their taking over reins of government at coming of age.
  • 其他美国选手的表现与帕克一模一样,这还是自从1972年射箭比赛在奥运会上恢复以来美国选手第一次空手而归(1980年除外,因为那年美国为了抵制莫斯科奥运会未选手参赛)。
    Parker's performance mirrored the rest of the Americans, who failed to medal in archery for the first time-the 1980 boycott year excepted-since the sport's reintroduction to the Olympics in 1972.
  • 分成各种宗派的倡议
    Advocacy of separation into religious denominations.
  • 顽固也正是要奉行其一党主义,否认统一战线,才造出那些否认共产主义的荒谬说法来。
    The die-hards have concocted absurd arguments for the rejection of communism just because they want to reject the united front and practise their one-party doctrine.
  • 委员会,理事会选出或委的行使行政、司法和协商功能的群体
    A body of people elected or appointed to serve in an administrative, legislative, or advisory capacity.
  • 美国国家安全委员会工作人员被总统国家安全顾问关键人物指调查有关日益发展的中国间谍问题,不时发生辩论,就像国防部秘书长理查森所做的在中国论坛被允许保留一样。
    The NSC Staffer designated by the President's National Security Advisor to be "point man" on the developing PRC "spying" scandal, argued then and now, as does DOE Secretary Richardson, that the PRC "forum" has been, and should be permitted to remain, a key element of the Clinton Administration's "Engagement" policy with the PRC.
  • 具体来说,特区政府与特员公署的联系主要涉及以下工作:
    In more specific terms, contacts between the HKSARG and the MFA Office relate in the main to the following areas:
  • 记者;委员会的特别顾问;不得不取得竞赛的特别许可。
    a special correspondent; a special adviser to the committee; had to get special permission for the event.
  • 如果不提高警惕,让他们占据领导岗位,重新耍两面,扎根串连,隐蔽下来,即使是少数人,也可能给我们带来无法预料的祸害。
    And any who are already in leading posts must be removed without the slightest hesitation. They could do untold harm if, relaxing our vigilance, we allowed even a few to occupy leading posts, engage in further double-dealing, gang up with each other and conceal themselves in our ranks.