  • 男孩子们喜欢在田里和林里漫游。
    The boys love roaming about in the fields and woods.
  • 房子的框加架在混凝土地地基上建立起来后,那间屋子就成了我们玩捉“罗宾汉”游戏的林。
    When the framework went up on the concrete found ation, the room became a forest where we played Robin Hood.
  • 人们问罗宾让别人带队或让别人当明星是什么滋味。
    People ask Robinson how hard it is to let someone else lead or star.
  • 人们都注意了大卫·罗宾的个头,但使这个nba球星显得与众不同的是他的善心。
    Everyone notices David Robinson's height, but it is this NBA star's heart that makes him stand out.
  • 虽然罗宾有好小子之称呼,但他是一个强有力的竞争者,在肘部飞舞、身体激烈碰撞中发挥着他的作用,他的位置——中锋——在比赛中是最难打的位置。
    For all his nice-guy image, though, Robinson is a fierce competitor amid the flying elbows and colliding bodies that make his position-center-the toughest in the game.
  • 显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。
    Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a "financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
  • 可是,小罗杰·梅远在离夏乐特威勒布6千英里外的地方,正准备打篮球,而不是上学念书。
    Roger Mason Jr., however, was over 6,000 miles away from Charlottesville, getting ready to hit the boards rather than the books.
  • 他参加了两部电影的演出--《着陆》和《废墟》(均在1975年拍摄)--继而取得了一个重要角色,在澳大利亚人罗杰·唐纳导演的政治惊险片《睡狗》(1978年)中同沃伦奥兹演对手戏。
    He acted in two movies--Landfall and Ashes(both in 1975)before gaining prominence co-starring with Warren Oates in Sleeping Dogs (1978),a political thriller directed by Australian Roger Donaldson.
  • "我认为在美国,黑人和其他人种的界线几乎无法消除,"弗吉尼亚州乔治.梅大学的历史学教授罗杰.威尔金斯如是说。他还是一位资深民权主义者。
    "I think the almost ineradicable line in America is between blacks and all others," says Roger Wilkins, a history professor at George Mason University in suburban Virginia and a longtime civil rights figure.
  • 许多人在听到“股价指数期货”时,可能立刻想起了栽在日经指数期货手里、把霸菱数百年基业毁于一旦的利
    "Stock index futures" may immediately remind many people of Nick Leeson who toppled Barings Group in rogue futures.
  • 森林水文作用
    hydrological role of forest
  • 阿米尼乌斯德国英雄,(公元9年),在其率领下在条顿堡加林击败罗马人的三个军团,因而将德国人从罗马统治下解放出来
    German hero who led the defeat of three legions of Romans in the Teutoburger Wald( a.d.9), thereby liberating the Germans from Roman rule.
  • 特里尔德国西南部的一个城市,位于摩泽尔河畔,靠近卢堡边界。该市是高卢东部的一个民族——特维希人建立的,在罗马人统治时期是重要的商业中心,后来成为神圣罗马帝国的一部分。该市在1797年至1815年一直被法国控制。人口94,190
    A city of southwest Germany on the Moselle River near the Luxembourg border. Settled by the Treveri, an eastern Gaulish people, it was an important commercial center under the Romans and later as part of the Holy Roman Empire. The city was under French control from1797 until1815. Population,94, 190.
  • 尽管遭到了联合抵制,莫斯科奥运会上人们还是看到了好几十个记录被打破,而罗马尼亚体操运动员娜迪亚·科马内奇、古巴拳击手迪奥菲洛·史蒂文和苏联泳将弗拉迪米尔·萨尔尼科夫的精彩表演更是给人们留下了深刻的印象。
    Despite the boycott, the Moscow Olympics saw dozens of records fall and memorable performances by Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci, Cuban boxer Teofilo Stevenson and Soviet swimmer Vladimir Salnikov.
  • 都布,(亨利)奥斯丁1840-1921以轻松诗著名的英国作家。其轻松诗用传统的法国诗体,如八行两韵等回旋体写成
    British writer known for his light verse in traditionally French forms such as the triolet and rondeau.
  • 血根草一种多年生的野生植物(美洲血根草),,原产于北美洲东部的林,根茎鲜艳,叶汁红色且有毒,叶单生,早春开白色单花
    A perennial wildflower(Sanguinaria canadensis), native to forests in eastern North America and having a fleshy rootstock exuding a poisonous red sap, a single lobed leaf, and a solitary white flower in early spring.
  • 三叶碎米荠一种产于北美东部的林植物(三叶碎米荠),生有肉质根茎和有三小叶的叶片,开白色或粉红色花簇
    A woodland plant(Cardamine diphylla) of eastern North America, having fleshy rootstocks, trifoliolate leaves, and clusters of white or pinkish flowers.
  • 杀害罗莎·卢伯格的消息引起了极大的愤慨。
    The news of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg roused great indignation.
  • 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感
    As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late19th-century Europe.
  • 在阴暗的林深处;在那些玫瑰色的嘴唇上有着阴暗的色调——华兹华斯。
    in the depths of an Acheronian forest; upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue-Wordsworth.
  • 房间陈设富丽堂皇,布尔雕刻的和玫瑰木的家具、塞弗尔和中国的花瓶、萨克的小塑像、绸缎、天鹅绒和花边绣品;真是目不暇接,应有尽有。
    The furniture was superb. Rosewood and Buhl-work pieces, Severs vases and blue china porcelain, Dresden figurines, satins, velvet and lace, everything in fact.
  • 道奇城位于威奇托城以西的堪萨斯州西南部城市,傍阿肯色河。1872年建城于圣菲小道之上,不久成为野蛮而嘈杂的牛仔城市,居民中有如怀亚特·依尔普及巴特·马斯特尔这样的传奇人物。人口21,129
    A city of southwest Kansas on the Arkansas River west of Wichita. Laid out on the Santa Fe Trail in1872, it soon became a wild and rowdy cow town whose residents included such legendary figures as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. Population,21, 129.
  • 生态农业建设使农业生态环境得到明显改善,荒山荒坡得到绿化,林覆盖率大幅度提高,水土流失有所控制,土壤有机质含量提高,农业生态系统抗灾能力有所增强。
    The practice of eco-agriculture has brought about striking improvements in the agricultural ecological environment -- barren hills greened, forest acreage greatly raised, soil erosion controlled to some extent, organic matter content of the soil increased, and the ability of the agricultural ecological system to ward off natural disasters improved.
  • 一九八七年的野火毁灭了千万公顷的林。
    The wildfire of 1987 destroy thousands of acre of the forest.
  • 伯内特,弗朗西丝·伊丽莎·霍奇1849-1924英裔美国作家,以她的流行儿童作品而出名,特别是方特勒罗伊小爵爷(1886年),其中描写的自命不凡的主角穿着带皱边领子的黑天鹅绒服装,留着炫耀的金黄色的长卷发
    British-born American writer famous for her popular children's books, especially Little Lord Fauntleroy(1886), whose priggish title character dressed in black velvet with ruffled lace collars and sported long golden curls.
  • 马尔德国中西部一城市,位于埃市以北鲁尔峡谷内。最早在9世纪被提及,现在为工业高度发达城市。人口87,231
    A city of west-central Germany in the Ruhr Valley north of Essen. First mentioned in the ninth century, it is now highly industrialized. Population,87, 231.
  • 协约国(澳大利亚比利时玻利维亚巴西加拿大中国哥伦比亚哥斯达黎加古巴捷克斯洛伐克多米尼加共和国萨尔瓦多埃塞俄比亚希腊危地马拉海地洪都拉斯印度伊朗伊拉克卢)。
    a war between the Allies (Australia Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada China Colombia Costa-Rico Cuba Czechoslovakia Dominican-Republic El-Salvador Ethiopia Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras India Iran Iraq Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New-Zealand Nicaragua Norway Panama Philippines Poland South-Africa United-Kingdom US USSR Yugoslavia) and the Axis (Albania Bulgaria Finland Germany Hungary Italy Japan Rumania Slovakia Thailand) from 1939 to 1945.
  • 霍加x非洲刚果河盆地的一种反刍类林哺乳动物(霍加x),与长颈鹿为同一科属,但更小一些,颈短,有红褐色躯体,奶白色的面颊,腿部有略带白色的条危f
    A ruminant forest mammal(Okapia johnstoni) of the Congo River basin in Africa, related to the giraffe but smaller and having a short neck, reddish-brown body, creamy white cheeks, and whitish stripes and bands on the legs.
  • 霍伯说,就资格而言,"新新人类"处于工作金字塔的下方,也就是说,如果遇到公司裁员,这个群体是首当其冲的。
    Generation Xers are at the lower rung of the job ladder in terms of seniority, which means they are often the first to lose their jobs during layoffs, said Hobson.
  • “露丝”我答道,“我叫露丝·彼特。”
    "Ruth," I answered. “I'm Ruth Peterson.
  • “你好,我是露丝·彼得”。
    "Hello," I said."I'm Ruth Peterson.
  • 我三天前预定了房间。我的名字叫鲁思.卡
    I made a reservation three days ago. My name is Ruth Carson.