  • 急切的購物者在犧牲品旁仔細檢查襯衫以便選購。
    Eager shoppers were picking over the shirts on the bargain tables.
  • 萬維網最出名的缺點是將信息從服務器移到用戶的面係統時(人們永遠喜歡這麽做),不管服務器是在地球的另一半、還是就在同一條街上,都要花時間。
    The well-known shortcoming of the World Wide Web is the fact that it takes time to move information from a server to a user's desktop -- people always like to do so, no matter if that server is on the other side of the globe or down the street.
  • 子跟前靠着一支獵槍。
    A shotgun leans against the table.
  • 海倫將書本推到書的另一邊給他。
    Helen shove the book across the desk to him.
  • 她想,“我一定又變小了,”她起來步到子邊,量一量自己,正像她猜測的那樣,她現在大約衹有二英寸高了,而且還在迅速地縮下去,她很快發現是拿着的那把扇子在作怪,於是她趕緊扔掉扇子,總算快,要不就縮得沒有了。
    she thought. `I must be growing small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it hastily, just in time to avoid shrinking away altogether.
  • 他的上放着混雜的文件。
    On his desk was a shuffle of papers.
  • 好的,abe先生。兩人座的一,星期四晚上八點,禁煙區,對嗎?
    All right, Mr. Abe. A table for tow on Thursday evening at eight, non- smoking- is that right?
  • 自助餐客人們自己動手選擇放在上或餐具櫃上的各種食物的用餐
    A meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed on a table or sideboard.
  • 這一預測意味着2020年一臺上電腦將會像今天硅𠔌所擁有的電腦一樣功能強大。
    This estimate means that one desktop computer in 2020 will be as powerful as all the computers in Silicon Valley today.
  • 請將銀餐具擺放在子上吃晚飯。
    Place the silverware on the table for dinner.
  • 餐具的擺法與歐式擺法大不相同,但衹要一會兒先從離餐盤最遠的餐具開始,然後隨着每道菜上依次使用越來越靠近餐盤的餐具就不會出錯。
    the silverware placement is quite different from the European style, but you can't go wrong if you use the piece of silverware furthest from the plate first and work your way in toward the plate as the meal progresses.
  • 把辦公桌轉個嚮。
    Turn the desk end for end.
  • 把袋裏的東西倒在
    turn the contents of one's bag out to the table
  • 我們要另一張餐桌。
    We need another table.
  • 過去人們圍着子一起合唱;如今則由於唱得較好這一荒唐的理由,而由一個男子獨唱了。
    Once men sang together round a table in chorus; now one man sings alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better.
  • 書桌摸起來很硬。
    The desk feels hard.
  • 收穫季節就快要結束了。一天晚上,他和奶奶坐在餐旁,一邊咂着苦咖啡,一邊想對策。
    One autumn night, while harvest time was running out, he and his wife sat at the kitchen table sipping bitter black coffee trying to figure a way out of their dilemma.
  • 幾分鐘以後,牛排端上了
    A few minutes later, the sirloin steak is served.
  • isaygood我坐在辦公前。
    I sit at my desk.
  • 他坐在寫字桌前。
    He is sitting at a desk.
  • 他們正在那子周圍坐着。
    They are sitting round the table.
  • 當gerstner使蹣跚的bigblue恢復生機,為它正在死去的大型主機和面電腦業務註入新的活力的時候,他是在同一個無神論的合唱隊,不,是一夥龐大的人群在對抗。
    Gerstner defied a chorus--no, a teeming mass--of skeptics when he revived doddering Big Blue, breathing life back into its dying mainframe and desktop businesses.
  • 肉汁太油膩了:端上之前要撇掉一些油。
    The gravy is too greasy: skim off some of the fat before you can serve it.
  • 書在桌子上。
    The book is on the table.
  • 防止虐待動物協會的收容所是由私人提供資金的梅迪寵物收養中心,上個月纔開張,它不是普通的動物收容所,而是一種給狗和貓建造的家庭型住所,有電視設備、波斯地毯、天窗、長沙發和子。
    The S.P.C.A. shelter, the privately financed Maddie's Pet Adoption Center, opened last month and is not the standard animal shelter. It has "home style" quarters for dogs and cats, with television sets, Persian rugs, skylights, couches and tables.
  • 面是一塊磨光的大理石板。
    The top of the table was a polished slab of marble.
  • 那厚實的面,年長日久,被司法宮書記們的鞋跟劃得全是道道痕跡,現在已搭起一個相當高的木架籠子,上端板面整個大廳都看得見,到時候就作為舞臺。籠子四周圍着帷幕,裏面就作為劇中人的更衣室。
    On the magnificent slab, all scored by the heels of the law-clerks, stood a high wooden erection, the upper floor of which, visible from every part of the Hall, was to serve as the stage, while its interior, hung round with draperies, furnished a dressing-room for the actors.
  • 這座呈平行四邊形的寬闊無比的大廳,一端擺着那張名聞遐邇的大理石子,那麽長,那麽寬,那麽厚,據古老地籍册所云,世上如此偌大的大理石,真是見所未見,這樣一種說法可叫卡崗蒂亞②垂涎欲滴;
    The two extremities of this huge parallelogram were occupied, the one by the famous marble table, so long, so broad, and so thick that, say the old territorial records in a style that would whet the appetite of a Gargantua, “Never was such a slab of marble seen in the world”;
  • 他把書破片擲於書上。
    He slammed his books on the desk.
  • 教室裏不斷發出聲音,他氣得將筆記本狠狠地扔在子上。
    The continual noise in the classroom provoked him into slapping his notebook down on the desk.
  • 他啪地一聲把書擲到子上。
    He slapped the book down on the table.
  • 你好,我要訂一張今晚八點兩個人的餐
    Hello. I'd like to reserve a table for two for eight o' clock, please.