  • 他昨天到达的。
    He arrived yesterday.
  • 汤姆天没有熨衬衣。
    Tom didn't iron his shirt yesterday.
  • 天太热,我中暑了。
    It was so hot yesterday that I had a heat stroke.
  • ……当检察官为戈蒂一伙干部的案子做准备时,联邦调查局正不遗余力寻求天新闻的来源。
    …[as] prosecutors prepare cases against a slew of Gotti capos, the FBI is pulling out all the stops on the trail of yesterday's news, ….
  • 仅在天,辛吉斯还仿佛要成为史蒂夫·格拉芙第二,但却已在过去的四项大满贯赛事中被塞雷娜·威廉姆斯、达文波特、皮尔斯和维纳斯·威廉姆斯逐一淘汰出局。
    Only yesterday it looked as if Hingis could be the next Steffi Graf,but she has been knocked out of the past four Grand Slam events by S.Williams,Davenport,Pierce and V.Williams.
  • 天在理发店里理了发。
    I had my hair cut at the barber's yesterday.
  • 天三个人花了一整天时间来修我的电话,其实一个人用个把钟头就可以修好了。这真是杀鸡用牛刀。
    Three men spent all day yesterday mending my telephone. One man could have done the job in an hour or so. It was like taking a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
  • 他昨夜失眠。
    He had a sleepless night last night.
  • 我很困,不过那是当然的我晚整夜没睡。
    I am so sleepy but that figures I do not sleep at all last night.
  • 我很困,不过那是当然的--我晚整夜没睡。
    I am so sleepy but that figures--I did not sleep at all last night.
  • 我很困,不过那是当然的--我晚整夜没睡。
    I am so sleepy but that figures - - I did not sleep at all last night.
  • 晚稍微睡了一下。
    I slept some last night.
  • 昨夜我睡得挺好。
    I slept well last night.
  • 天夜里我睡得很不好。
    I slept wery badly last night
  • 晚几乎一夜没合根。
    I hardly slept a wink last night.
  • 昨晚我在他家过夜。
    I slept at his house last night.
  • 晚只睡了三小时。
    I slept only three hours last night.
  • 她昨晚睡了8小时。
    She slept for eight hours last night.
  • 我们昨晚露天睡觉。
    We slept under the blue blanket last night.
  • 今天较之天稍冷一点。
    It is slightly colder than yesterday.
  • 我昨天预订的。
    I made reservations yesterday.
  • 天,我收到信时,就用小刀把信拆开了。
    When I got the letter yesterday I slit it open with a knife.
  • 公司要学会怎样放弃,要勇于抛弃日的成就。
    Companies need to learn how to unlearn, to slough off yesterday's wisdom."
  • 天会议上,他们讨论了被忽视了的问题。
    They discussed some issues that are being sloughed over at yesterday's meeting.
  • 天这两个势均力敌的拳击运动员不得不在12个回合中拼个你死我活直到胜负分明为止。
    Yesterday the two evenly-matched fighters had to slug it our over all twelve rounds until a decision could be made as to who was the winner.
  • 昨日不会重现。
    No one can call back yesterday.
  • 晚他没有很好地睡觉。
    he didn't get enough sleep last night; calm as a child in dreamless slumber.
  • 警察报导,天在皇冠高地一名黑人男子在试图抢夺一名十六岁犹太女生的皮包时大声用种族歧视的话骂她。
    A black man shouted an ethnic slur while trying to steal a 16-year-old Jewish school girl's purse in Crown Heights yesterday, police reported.
  • 生长与变化是一切生命的法则。日的答案不适用于今日的问题——正如今天的方法不能解决明天的需求。(美国总统 罗斯福.F.)
    Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday's answers are inadequate for today's problems ----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow. (Franklin Roosevelt, Averican president)
  • 晚本报得到消息,丁勤时市长允许同性恋参加圣帕特里游行的计划,因警察局长反对而遭遇重大困难。
    Mayor Dinkins' plan for allowing gays to march in the St.Patrick's Day Parade ran into a major snag when his police commissioner objected, sources told The Post last night.
  • 昨天她恢复了记忆。
    She snapped back to her memory yesterday.
  • 天正当葛市长替戈尔参议员总统竞选打气的时候,州长科莫却给杰克逊浇冷水说:他缺乏从政经验,在十一月可能成为竞选障碍。
    While Mayor Koch was boosting the presidential campaign of Sen. Albert Gore Jr. yesterday, Gov.Cuomo was letting some air out of Jesse Jackson's sails by asserting that his lack of government experience could be a campaign handicap in November.