  • (雌性动物的)动情,动情周期大多数哺乳动物(包人类)的雌性产生的周期性的性冲动,在此期间内雌性具有排卵的优势,所以该期间最适合性交;刺激
    The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding human beings, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat.
  • 尤其是在教堂的东部的半球形的或拱状的凹室;通常包祭坛。
    a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the the altar.
  • 就拿手机来说,它包在重新充电之前仅仅可以对付两个小时通话的电池组,而充电就需要一天的时间。
    Cell phones, for instance, contain battery packs that can handle only about two hours' worth of calls before they need to be recharged, which can take all day.
  • 霍克蒂打算在一年后介绍一种混合系统——包一节电池和一块燃料电池,这块燃料电池使电池一直保持充电状态,并且,在通话时可以激起功率电平。
    Hockaday plans to introduce a hybrid system -- containing both a batterj and a fuel cell which keeps the battery recharged and kicks up the power level during calls -- sooner, in about a year.
  • 之后的检查证明,克瑞基特的长期记忆完好,却忘记了最近18个月里发生的事,包基姆。
    Later, tests revealed that her long? term memory was intact, but she had no recollection of the previous 18 months, which included Kim.
  • 文章中包着政府重建计划的的许多要点。
    The article embraces many important points of the government reconstruction plan.
  • 不能否认,过去几年我们在各方面的成绩,包建设方面的成绩,都是伟大的。
    It cannot be denied that our achievements of the past few years in all fields, including national reconstruction, were great.
  • 有关计算机运行的全部事项记录的过程,包计算机运行的标识、记录转换开关的置位、输入输出带的标识、人工键入信息的拷贝、所有停止的标识以及所有为停机所采取的动作记录。
    The process of recording everything pertinent to a machine run, including identification of the machine run, recording the alternation switch settings, identification of input and output tapes, copy of manual key-ins, identification of all stops, and a record of the action taken on all stops.
  • 加尔布雷思,约翰·肯尼思生于1908加拿大裔的美国经济学家、外交家,曾任驻印度美国大使,作品包大撞击和富裕的社会(1958年)
    Canadian-born American economist, writer, and diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to India(1961-1963). His works include The Great Crash(1955) and The Affluent Society(1958).
  • 为新聘的消防队长而设的训练课程,除基本的灭火及救援技巧外,更包现场指挥及控制的环节。
    Courses for recruit Station Officers also cover incident command-and-control elements.
  • 为新聘的消防员而设的初级训练,课程包基本的灭火技巧、操作消防车辆和设备、使用呼吸器、救护工作及体能训练。
    For recruit firemen, this covers basic fire-fighting techniques, appliances and equipment, breathing apparatus, ambulance aid and physical training.
  • 倾斜政策的支持者,包大多数大学的管理人员,认为他们只需指出在种族优先禁令生效以来的两年间,加州和得州最好的公立大学录取的少数民族学生数量的减少就可以说明问题了。
    Proponents of affirmative action, including most university administrators, feel they need only point to the decline of minority enrolment in the best public universities in California and Texas in the two years since the ban on racial preferences went into effect.
  • 在英语教学方面,采用母语教学的中学均获提供额外支援,包平均每校增加两名英文科教师、学校可选择多聘用一名以英语为母语的英文科教师,以及获发用以添置设备和图书的经常津贴。
    Secondary schools teaching in Chinese are provided with additional support in the teaching and learning of English, including an average of two additional English Language teachers for each school, the choice of an additional native-speaking English teacher and additional recurrent grants for equipment and library books.
  • 在母语教学政策之下,政府依然十分重视学校的英语教学,并为采用母语教学的中学提供额外支援:包为这类学校平均每校增加两名英文科教师、让学校可选择多聘用一名以英语为母语的英文科教师、发放用以聘请文书人员和购买设备的一笔过津贴,以及用以添置设备和图书馆书籍的经常津贴。
    Heavy emphasis continued to be given to the teaching of English in all schools. Secondary schools teaching in Chinese were provided with additional support: an average of two additional English Language teachers for each school, the choice of an additional native-speaking English teacher, a one-off grant for employing clerical staff and purchasing equipment and additional recurrent grants for equipment and library books.
  • 绝大多数人,包被派性迷了心窍的人,都可以挽救过来。
    The overwhelming majority, including those who were obsessed by factionalism, were redeemable.
  • 粘液病毒一组含核醣核酸病毒的任一种,包引起流行性感冒的病毒,通常与某种粘蛋白有关,而且会导致血红细胞的凝集
    Any of a group of RNA-containing viruses, including those that cause influenza, typically having an affinity for certain mucins and causing agglutination of red blood cells.
  • 《英国医学杂志》4月19日刊登了一项读者调查结果,这项调查定义了大约200种还没有构成疾病的身体状况,其中包了从过敏到飞行疲劳症的各种状况。生活中越来越多的普通状况被重新定义为健康问题。
    The British Medical Journal said on Friday a poll of its readers had identified almost 200 conditions that are not real sicknesses -- ranging from allergies to jet lag -- as more and more ordinary life conditions are redefined as medical problems.
  • 年内,因应自愿退休计划而出现的职位调派和职务转变,培训处继续全力提供协助,举办了四百多个研讨会和课程,内容包资讯科技、语文、办公室程序、主管人员辅导技巧和思维改革等,参加人数超过9000人。
    In this regard, the momentum to help redeployment and job transition of staff affected by the VR exercise was sustained during the year. Over 400 seminars/courses on various areas including information technology, languages, office procedures, counselling skills for supervisors and mindset change were offered to more than 9 000 staff.
  • 除了跟踪羊群以帮助重新规划分配牧场之外,这项计划的基本内容还包让饲养的猪多多进行它们喜欢的拱地活动,以及为奶牛制造荫凉地带,让它们在舒适的自然环境里抚育小牛犊。
    Apart from tracking sheep to help redesign fields, the initial phase of the project will encourage pigs to indulge in a bit of satisfying rooting and create shady spots for cows to have their calves in natural comfort.
  • 年内,九广铁路公司继续改善铁路设施,包改良讯号系统、修建位于红磡的九龙火车总站、重建工场和车厂,以及在铁路沿线指定地点建造隔音屏障。
    In 1997, the KCRC continued efforts to improve facilities by upgrading signal systems, renovating the Kowloon Station at Hung Hom, redeveloping workshops and depots and building noise barriers at selected locations along the railway.
  • 现有的中转房屋可分为三类:旧型层数较少的木建建筑物(当局承诺在二零零零年年底前清拆)、多层中转房挝由现有一些旧型屋群大厦改建而成)及预制组件中转房屋。除此之外,当局正在屯门及天水围兴建一种新型的多层中转房屋。
    In addition to the existing three types of interim housing: old-type low-rise timber structures (to be cleared by 2000), multi-storey vertical interim housing (converted from redeveloped blocks in some older estates) and prefabricated interim housing blocks, a new form of vertical interim housing is being built in Tuen Mun and Tin Shui Wai.
  • 计划的对象亦包受重建和清拆计划影响的居民,以及合资格的初级公务员。
    This initiative is also open to tenants affected by redevelopment and clearances as well as eligible junior civil servants.
  • 我们已拟订十年房屋发展计划,包加快移山填海、开发土地和市区重建;进一步发展集体运输系统与基础设施。
    We have drawn up a 10-year housing plan to speed up reclamation, land formation and urban redevelopment and to extend the mass transit system and infrastructure development.
  • 都会计划检讨拟为都会区的发展和重建制定直至二零一六年及以后的最新规划大纲,范围包对一九九三年九龙建筑物密度研究进行检讨。
    The Metroplan Review Study is intended to produce an updated planning framework for the development and redevelopment of the Metro Area for 2016 and beyond, including a review of the 1993 Kowloon Density Study.
  • 二零零一年,房屋委员会和房屋协会共提供70527个单位,编配给各类别的申请人,其中49900个为新单位、19700个为翻新单位,另有927个为空置单位。这些单位有56%编配给公屋轮候册上的申请人、29%编配给受房屋委员会整体重建计划影响的租户、1%编配给受清拆计划影响的家庭、2%编配给初级公务员。其余获编配单位的包火灾和天灾灾民、位处危险地点的寮屋及其他搭建物的住户,以及由社会福利署推荐给予体恤安置的人士。
    In 2001, 70 527 flats were allocated by the HKHA and the HKHS to various categories of applicant. Of these flats, 49 900 were new, 19 700 refurbished and 927 being vacant flats: 56 per cent were allocated to Waiting List applicants, 29 per cent to tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme, 1 per cent to families affected by clearances, 2 per cent to junior civil servants, and the remainder to victims of fire and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures at dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  • 1.一个商业实体为一个寄宿于远程站点或需重定向的商业服务s注册了一个bindingtemplatea。这个bindingtemplate包一个bindingkey值q来引用另外一个bindingtemplateb。这个bindingtemplateb典型地由提供重定向服务的组织来控制。
    1. A business registers a bindingTemplate A for a remotely hosted or redirected business service S. This bindingTemplate contains a bindingKey value Q that references a second bindingTemplate B. The bindingTemplate B is typically controlled by the organization that hosts the redirection service.
  • powergen公司的报告引用心理学家阿里克·西格曼的话说:"目前儿童经典读物再次流行,包已经拍成电影的《指环王》,家长们重新翻看自己小时候读过的书,或者看过影片后第一次想到要读这些书。
    "With the current revival of children's classics like the Lord of the Rings at the cinema, parents are rediscovering books they read when they were younger or are feeling inspired to read them for the first time," a PowerGen statement quoted psychologist Aric Sigman as saying.
  • 因此,在极大部分的区域,包没有真正分配土地的控制区及一切游击区和崭新区,都应根据中央指示,“充分利用抗日时期的经验,实行减租减息和酌量调剂种子食粮的社会政策和合理负担的财政政策,以便联合或中立一切可能联合或中立的社会力量,帮助人民解放军消灭一切国民党武装力量和打击政治上最反动的恶霸分子。
    Therefore, in the great majority of the areas, including those areas under our control where land has not really been redistributed and all the guerrilla zones and the areas unreached by our army, we should follow the Central Committee's directive to "make full use of the experience acquired during the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and put into effect the social policy of reducing rent and interest and of properly adjusting supplies of seed and food grains". We should also apply "the financial policy of the reasonable distribution of burden, so as to unite with all social forces or persuade them to take a neutral stand, and help the People's Liberation Army to wipe out all the Kuomintang armed forces and strike blows at the local tyrants, who are politically the most reactionary.
  • 这一2.0版的特性为第三方团体提供了有力的支持,这些第三方团体包那些为特定标识系统提供认证的团体,或者是提供一个特定分类法的团体,对于后者而言,可能对该分类法的使用具有策略上的控制,比如仅能使用一组特定的分类值空间,比如只能让联盟或协会内成员使用该分类法。
    This Version 2.0 feature makes it possible for a third party, who perhaps specializes in identity verification or provides a specialized classification that is restricted in use to either specific value sets or as applicable to specific members of a group or affiliation with an organization.
  • 这包降低国防支出;严格管制敏感材料、技术及军事装备的转让;实行国防科技工业的军转民等。
    These include reducing defense spending, strictly controlling transfers of sensitive
  • 社会上的社交团体是不管哪个教派的人都可以参加的,而一个人的社交范围包各种教派的人。
    Participation in social groups in the community is independent of religious affiliation, and one's circle of friends will include people of a variety of denominations.
  • 石珊瑚任一种属于石珊瑚目的各种石质珊瑚,包热带海洋中的礁石珊瑚
    Any of various stony corals of the order Madreporaria, which includes the reef builders of tropical seas.