  • 右派集团将他们的积极分子进一般目的委员会。
    The leave wing group packed the general purpose committee with activist.
  • 右派集团将他们的积极分子进一般目的委员会。
    The leave-wing group packed the general purpose committee with activist.
  • 分配器中的节点;转动体把联系着分配器和电流的突出的胳膊为活力
    a contact in the distributor; as the rotor turns its projecting arm contacts distributor points and current flows to the spark plugs.
  • 据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。
    Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
  • 在那个环形交叉口,交通时常发生阻
    The traffic gets snarled up very often at that roundabout.
  • 王冠象征皇室;手纺车和鲟鱼是马萨诸的象征。
    a crown is emblematic of royalty; the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish.
  • 管子里塞满了脏物。
    The pipes were clogged with rubbish.
  • 垃圾阻了污水管道。
    The sewage pipes were choked with rubbish.
  • 这些水沟全被垃圾阻了。
    The drains are all choked up with rubbish.
  • 不要将衣服箱子内得太紧,那样会打皱的。
    Don't pack your clothes too tightly in the case or it will ruckle them up.
  • 第二条长街在左岸,名为竖琴街,在老城河洲上叫做箍桶街,在右岸叫做圣德尼街,在纳河两道河汊上各有一座桥,一座叫做圣米歇尔桥,另一座叫钱币兑换所桥,这条长街起自大学城的圣米歇尔门,止于新城的圣德尼门。
    The second, which was called the Rue de la Harpe on the left bank, Rue de la Barilleri in the island, Rue Saint-Denis on the right bank, Pont Saint-Michel on one arm of the Seine, Pont au Change on the other, ran from the Porte Saint-Michel in the University, to the Porte Saint-Denis in the Town.
  • 这四座大厦都座落在诺南迪埃尔街和莱斯坦修道院之间,四座府邸的山墙和雉堞被修道院的尖顶一衬托,轮廓线益发显得优雅飘逸。
    These four edifices filled the space from the Rue des Nonaindi鑢es, to the abbey of the Celestins, whose spire gracefully relieved their line of gables and battlements.
  • 葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐尔说。“我就喜欢他这一点。”
    And Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody,"said Zissel. "That's what I like about him."
  • 协约国(俄国法国大不列颠意大利美国日本罗马尼亚尔维亚比利时希腊葡萄牙)跟同盟国(德国奥匈帝国土耳其保加利亚)在1914到1918年间的战争。
    a war between the Allies (Russia France British-Empire Italy US Japan Rumania Serbia Belgium Greece Portugal Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany Austro-Hungary Turkey Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918.
  • 协约国(澳大利亚比利时玻利维亚巴西加拿大中国哥伦比亚哥斯达黎加古巴捷克斯洛伐克多米尼加共和国萨尔瓦多埃俄比亚希腊危地马拉海地洪都拉斯印度伊朗伊拉克卢森)。
    a war between the Allies (Australia Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada China Colombia Costa-Rico Cuba Czechoslovakia Dominican-Republic El-Salvador Ethiopia Greece Guatemala Haiti Honduras India Iran Iraq Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New-Zealand Nicaragua Norway Panama Philippines Poland South-Africa United-Kingdom US USSR Yugoslavia) and the Axis (Albania Bulgaria Finland Germany Hungary Italy Japan Rumania Slovakia Thailand) from 1939 to 1945.
  • 起初我流鼻涕,老打喷嚏,现在又鼻
    At first I have a runny nose and I sneeze a lot, but now it's stuffed up.
  • 起初我流鼻涕,老打喷嚏,现在又鼻
    At first I had a runny nose and I sneezed a lot, but now it 's stuffed up.
  • 知觉的突然丧失(通常是由于血管破裂或堵而导致脑部缺氧而造成的)。
    a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain.
  • 人行道被涌动的人群堵了。
    sidewalks jammed with rushing crowds.
  • 家具生产仍在很大程度上保持着非机械化-戈登·拉尔。
    production of furniture remained largely unmechanized- Gordon Russell.
  • 伯特兰拉尔当代伟大的思想家之一。
    Bertrand Russell, one of the great thinkers of our age.
  • 恐惧是非常容易传染的;孩子是从他们的长辈那里感染上这种情绪的——伯特兰·拉尔。
    fear is exceedlingly infectious; children catch it from their elders- Bertrand Russell.
  • 进行谋杀的秘密动机;对于所有知识的未来用途看得太重-伯特兰·拉尔。
    subterranean motives for murder; looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge- Bertrand Russell.
  • 环视一下她在拉尔参议员办公大楼里的家具,54岁的希拉里称自己在走向新的生活。
    Surveying her suite in the Russell Senate office Building, Clinton, 54, declares that she has moved on.
  • 84岁的比尔·拉尔结婚59年的妻子最近去世了。他今天来到戴夫饭店是为了度过这艰难的一天--他们的结婚纪念日。
    Eighty-four-year-old Bill Russell had recently lost his wife of 59 years and had come to Dave's to help himself get through the day his wedding anniversary.
  • 具有新鲜的眼光和不受约束的好奇心的天赋-拉尔·罗德;这自由自在的急流是雪在初春的阳光下的展现-法利·莫华特。
    the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity- Russell Lord; the untrammeled rush that the snows had shown in the first spring sun- Farley Mowat.
  • 法利说,"黑人人口中有相当一部分仍住在底特律(detroit)、芝加哥、纽约的贫民区。这些城市的内城地区还未经历经济高度增长。"法利说"那些人跟不上,被远远舍弃在一边。"法利以前是密歇根大学的教授,现任纽约市拉尔.
    "There is a considerable fraction of the black population that still lives in inner-city areas -- in Detroit, Chicago, New York City -- that has not been caught up in dynamic economic growth," said Farley, formerly a professor at the University of Michigan and now a vice president of the Russell Sage Foundation in New York City.
  • 被锈死的活塞
    A pipe clogged by rust buildup.
  • 铁锈阻塞了管道
    The pipes had clogged with rust.
  • 狄尔登,缪尔·琼斯1814-1886美国政治家,1876年民主党总统候选人,他赢得了公众支持率选举,但在竞选论战中失败而失去总统宝座,一个支持拉瑟福德·b·海斯的参议员委员会平息了这场论战
    American politician. The Democratic presidential nominee in1876, he won the popular election but lost the presidency in an electoral college controversy that was settled by a Senate committee in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes.
  • 一般家庭的度假方法是把孩子和鼓鼓的行囊进汽车或者房车(一种活动的小房子,里面有各种家庭日用品),开上几千英里。
    The average family modus operandi for holidays is to pack the children and a huge amount of luggage into a car or RV (recreational vehicle - a motorised small house with all the comforts of home) and drive thou-sands of miles.
  • 2001年,中国向柬埔寨、埃俄比亚、厄立特里亚、莫桑比克、卢旺达、纳米比亚、安哥拉等七国捐献了一大批扫雷设备和器材。
    In 2001, China donated large quantities of demining equipment to Cambodia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mozambique, Rwanda, Namibia and Angola.