  • gǎn kěn dìng men shì fǒu néng zhè yàng yòng zhè
    I dare not affirm whether we can use so this word.
  • kàn kàn néng fǒu jiāng miàn lín de " wèn " chóngxīn dìng wéi " yàn "。
    See if you can redefine the issue you face from being a problem to being a test.
  • chóngjiàn jìhuà bèi jìhuà wěi yuán huì fǒu jué liǎo
    The redevelopment plan is rejected by the plan committee.
  • yào wán quán jiě jué zhè wèn zhǐ yòu xìng de rèn shí zài huí dào shè huì shí jiàn zhōng yìng yòng lùn shí jiànkàn shì fǒu néng gòu dào xiǎng de mùdì
    The only way to solve this problem completely is to redirect rational knowledge to social practice, apply theory to practice and see whether it can achieve the objectives one has in mind.
  • men dào xīn diào chá yán jiūjiǎn dān bào zhe bàn nián wán chéng gǎi de yuàn guǎn qíng shì fǒu guǎn qún zhòng de gànbù de zhǔn bèi chéng shì liǎo qún zhòng gōng zuò de jiān xìng shǎo shù yǒng gǎn fènzǐ de xíng dòng rèn shì duō shù qún zhòng de xíng dòng jūn jìn hòu qún zhòng shí de jìn rèn shì duō shù nóng mín jīng yòu liǎo fēn pèi de jué yào qiúyīn 'ér shì yòu zhòu yòu fēn bié lǐng dǎo qún zhòng shèng ér shì qīng shuài jué dìng shí xíng gǎi
    When we arrived in the new liberated areas, we did not investigate and study the situation, but simply planned to complete land reform in six months, without regard to whether or not the enemy's situation permitted it and whether or not the masses and cadres were prepared for it. We overlooked the arduousness of mass work, taking the action of a few reckless persons for that of the overwhelming majority of the masses, and the momentary popular enthusiasm upon the arrival of our army for the awakening of most peasants and their demands for the redistribution of land. Therefore, we did not try to lead the masses in attaining victory step by step and group after group, but just decided recklessly to undertake land reform.
  • men jiā bèi fǒu yǒng yuǎn gǎn shàng bié rén
    We must redouble out efforts, or we'll never be able to catch up with others.
  • men jiā bèi fǒu yǒng yuǎn gǎn shàng bié rén
    We must redouble our efforts , or we'll never be able to catch up with the others.
  • xīng qián chóngxīn bào jià wàng jìn zuì qièwù shī bài fǒu guì dài jiāng bèi chóngxīn shěn chá
    Offer renew until monday expect your utmost failing this agency may be reexamined.
  • 2000 nián 9 yuè 28 dān mài rén jìn xíng liǎo quán mín gōng juézhè shì 'ōu zhōu zuì zǎo tōng guò tóu piào biǎo jué shì fǒu jiē shòu 'ōu yuán de guó jiā
    Danish voters on September 28 2000 became the first European citizens to decide by popular referendum whether to adopt the euro.
  • shǒu xiāntái wān shì zhōng guó lǐng fēn de wèi lùn zài guó nèi hái shì zài guó shàngdōuyǐ jīng shì míng què de cún zài yòng gōng mín tóu piào fāng shì jué dìng shì fǒu yìng jué de qián
    Firstly, under both domestic and international laws Taiwan's legal status as a part of Chinese territory is unequivocal, and there can be no premise for using referendum to decide any matter of self-determination.
  • zhè jué dìng shì fǒu xiàn duì shì de guān diǎn
    Does this decision reflect back your opinion on this matter?
  • cān tīng shì fǒu yòu rèn zhuāng shàng de guī dìng
    Do you have a dress code?
  • qiáo zhì · fǒu rèn shì lǎng jūn shòu 'àn de zhù zǎi rén zhī
    George Bush dens he is in the loop regarding the irangate scandal.
  • qiáo zhì shí fǒu rèn shì lǎng jūn shòu 'àn de zhù zǎi rén zhī
    George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal
  • bǎo liú liè tóu gōng guǎn shì fǒu zhǎo dào shì rén xuǎn dōuyào shōu láo fèi
    retainer searchers are paid regardless of whether they find an acceptable candidate.
  • guǎn shì fǒu jiǔjǐn yòu míng yān de fèi 'ái huàn zhě yòu p53 yīn biàn
    Only one of the nonsmokers with lung cancer had p53 mutations, regardless of alcohol use.
  • néng fǒu gěi zhè fēng xìn guà hào
    Can you register this letter for me?
  • néng fǒu gěi zhè fēng xìn guà hào
    Could you register this letter for me?
  • fēi běn gāo děng zhuān jiào ( guī guǎn ) tiáo zài jiǔ jiǔ nián liù yuè shēng xiàofēi běn chéng zhù chù chù cháng yóu jiào shǔ shǔ cháng dān rènér píng shěn huò wěi rèn wéi chù cháng de wènjiù fēi běn gāo děng zhuān jiào chéng shì fǒu tiáo dìng míng de zhǔn 'ér huò zhǔn zhù huò huò miǎn zhù huò shì fǒu yòu yào jiā zhù tiáo jiàn děng shìxiàng chù cháng gōng jiàn
    With the implementation of the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance in June 1997, the HKCAA was appointed the adviser to the Registrar of Non-local Courses, who is the Director of Education. The HKCAA advises the registrar whether certain non-local higher and professional courses meet the criteria for exemption or registration, and whether conditions should be imposed.
  • chú liǎo zhēn shěn běn xué wèi xué wèi chéng wàipíng shěn jiù shēn qǐng zài xiāng gǎng kāi bàn de fēi běn gāo děng zhuān chéng shì fǒu fēi běn gāo děng zhuān jiào ( guī guǎn ) tiáo dìng míng de zhù tiáo jiàn xiàng fēi běn chéng zhù chù chù cháng gōng jiàn
    Apart from local degrees and sub-degrees, the HKCAA continues to advise the Registrar of Non-local Courses on whether the non-local higher and professional courses applying for operation in Hong Kong can meet the registration criteria stipulated by the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance.
  • yòu rén wèn céng fǒu hànshì de yòu zhuāng hàn shì méi yòu huì zài wèi lái 4 nián wèiguó rén pīnyóu shì wéi yào pāo kāi dānpái chú kùn nán de qúnyóu shì wéi gǎn dào méi yòu rén tīng dào men de shēng yīn de qún
    Some have asked whether I have any regrets and I do have one regret: that I didn't get the chance to stay and fight for the American people over the next four years,especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removed,especially for those who feel their voices have not been heard.
  • shù tiáo shěn shǔ shǔ cháng dìng quán shěn zhàng shì fǒu tuǒ shàn
    The Audit Ordinance gives the Director statutory authority for conducting regularity audits.
  • shěn shǔ de shěn gōng zuò fēn wéi liǎng lèi shì shěn zhàng shì fǒu tuǒ shàn de gōng zuò 'èr shì héng gōng liàng zhí shì shěn gōng zuò
    The Director of Audit carries out two types of audit: regularity audits and value-for-money audits.
  • shì fǒu zhī dàorén lèi zài jiāo tán shítōng cháng yòu zài lái diào jié duì fāng zhī jiān de
    Did you know that all human beings have a comfort zone regulating the distance they stand from someone when they talk?
  • qǐng gào huò hòu mǎi fāng shì fǒu yòu quán chá ?
    Will you tell me whether the buyer has the right to reinspect the goods when the goods arrive?
  • qǐng gào huò hòu mǎi fāng shì fǒu yòu quán chá
    Will you tell me whether we the buyer have the right to reinspect the goods when the goods arrive?
  • duì shì fǒu chóngxīn cǎi yòng xíng néng jiǎn shǎo zhuāng qiǎng jié 'ànzhè shì yòu zhēng de wèn
    Whether the reintroduction of capital punishment would reduce the number of armed robberies is an open question.
  • fǒu jué dòng zhàn zhēng de xiǎng zhè jiā zhì fǒu jué liǎo zhè xué shēng de lùn wén
    I reject the idea of starting a war; The journal rejected the student's paper.
  • men gòng chǎn dǎng rén shì chè de wéi zhù zhězhǐ néng shí shì qiú shì kěn dìng yīngdāng kěn dìng de dōng fǒu dìng yīngdāng fǒu dìng de dōng
    As thoroughgoing materialists, we Communists cannot but accept what should be accepted and reject what should be rejected, basing our judgement strictly on facts.
  • fǎn duìfǒu jué
    To refuse to approve; reject.
  • fǒu rèn gòng chǎn zhù shí shàng jiù shì fǒu rèn tǒng zhàn xiàn
    To reject communism is in fact to reject the united front.
  • gōng huì fǒu rèn liǎo guǎn mén de jiàn
    The union reject the management's proposal.