Chinese English Sentence:
  • 报名参加赛跑、考试
    Enter a race, an examination
  • 多维耶法国西北部一城市,临英吉利海峡。该市是游客如织的旅游胜地,有一个闻的赛马场。人口4,682
    A city of northwest France on the English Channel. It is a fashionable resort with a noted racecourse. Population,4, 682.
  • 而且,昨天戈尔参议员(他寄希望于三月间的南方初选)的一位助手说:戈尔助选团正寻求联邦选举委员会,对两民主党总统竞选对手所用的避过竞选开支限制的方法做一判决。
    Also yesterday, an aide to Sen. Albert Gore Jr., who is pinning his presidential hopes on the southern primaries in March, said the campaign is seeking a Federal Election Commission ruling on a method two rival Democratic presidential contenders used to skirt campaign spending limits.
  • 安妮:世界上最著的车手是谁?
    Annie: Who is the most famous racer?
  • 出色的选手飞人一般遥遥领先,让观众领略了什么是速度——和更快。
    A superb racer pulled away,showing the audience what fast looks like and faster.
  • 本杰明,阿舍1773-1845美国建筑师,特别以其著作闻,如美国建筑者伴侣(1860年),该书在新英格兰推广殖民时代晚期和希腊复兴时期的建筑设计
    In the Old Testament, the younger son of Jacob and Rachel and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.
  • 思义,这是澳洲白人至上,反土著反移民,公然在一个实施民主议会制度的国家,明目张胆地鼓吹种族主义,走高度危险的政治钢索。
    As the name of her One Nation party suggests, it is anti-aborigines and anti-immigrants. In a country that practices parliamentary democracy, she is walking a political tightrope by openly advocating racism.
  • 他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上列前茅。
    By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his class-mates.
  • 阿q是中国伟大作家鲁迅的著小说《阿q正传》中的主角。
    Ah Q is the leading character in The True Story of Ah Q, the famous novel by the great Chinese writer Lu Hsun.
  • 黑社会头子安东尼(又称胖东尼)昨天又从判他犯勒索建筑商罪的陪审团那里得到另一个信息:吐出赃款,但可以保留农场。
    Underworld boss Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno got another message yesterday from the jury that convicted him of construction racketeering: cough up the dirty money, but keep the farm.
  • 闵希豪生,卡尔·弗雷德里希·希伦穆斯·冯1720-1797德国士兵,以善讲有关他做为猎人、运动员和士兵的冒险经历的荒诞故事而闻
    German soldier and raconteur known for his fantastic stories about his adventures as a hunter, sportsman, and soldier.
  • 廷德尔,约翰1820-1893爱尔兰裔英国物理学家,因其关于气体的透明度和大气吸收辐射热量的著作而著
    Irish-born British physicist known for his work on the transparency of gases and the absorption by gases of radiant heat.
  • 他建立了作为激进分子的声。
    He establish his reputation as a radical.
  • 戈达尔,简·卢西生于1930法国电影制作人,因他的创新的电影和叙述技术而著。他的电影如窒息(1959年)和自私(1980年),记录了他的激进政治观点的演变
    French filmmaker known for his innovative cinematic and narrative technique. His films, such as Breathless(1959) and Every Man for Himself(1980), chronicle the evolution of his political radicalism.
  • 我看到了一个妓女的梳妆间倒没有厌恶的心情,不管是什么东西,我都饶有兴趣地细细鉴赏一番。我发现所有这些雕刻精湛的用具上都镌刻着各种不同的人首字母和五花八门的纹章标记。
    I, who was not the least put out by the sight of the dressing-room of a kept woman, spent some time agreeably inspecting its contents, neglecting none of them, and I noticed that all these magnificently wrought implements bore different initials and all manner of coronets.
  • 伽莫夫,乔治1904-1968俄国裔的美国核物理学家,因在射线遗传信息方面的研究和有关普及物理理论的书籍而闻于世
    Russian-born American nuclear physicist known for his work on radioactivity and genetic information as well as his books popularizing theories of physics.
  • 所有这些元素都放出一种射线,我称之为放射性射线,这一在放射性研究过程中新发现的物质属性也因此获得了放射性这一称。
    All the elements emitting such radiation I have termed radioactive, and the new property of matter revealed in this emission has thus received the name radioactivity.
  • 我们发现沥青铀矿物中至少含有两种放射性物质:与铋伴生的命为钋,与钡伴生的命为镭。
    We found that pitchblende contains at least two radioactive materials, one of which, accompanying bismuth, has been given the name polonium, while the other, paired with barium, has been called radium.
  • 杰里说他在上次战争中是一皇家空军的战斗机驾驶员,而且还立下了卓著功勋其实是天大的谎言——当时他是步兵部队中的一个炊事员。
    It runs out that Jerry's stories of his exploits as a fighter pilot in the RAF during the last war are a whopping great lie—he was really a cook in the infantry.
  • 由一些声狼藉的单身汉举办的鸡尾酒会——克瑞里·摩尔。
    a cocktail party given by some...raffish bachelors- Crary Moore.
  • 全是一些令人感到沮丧的负面报道。所幸还有一则有如黑暗中指引明灯,令人感到鼓舞的正面新闻。莱佛士女子中学以学生的福利为重,为了让一患上计算障碍症的学生,和其他同学一起参加“o”水准考试,导致学校无法保持往年100%的骄人及格率。
    Against such depressing backdrop, the news report of the prestigious Raffles Girls' School placing the welfare of a student with learning disability above its academic excellence shone as a beacon worthy of emulation by others.By allowing this student to sit the O-level examination, the school failed to repeat its proud record of 100% passes.
  • 如果他是一个社会联系广泛的律师,他就会很有钱,但是你知道他社会地位低下,并没有很多钱。
    If he's a prominent barrister with a big connection he'll have plenty of money; but the rag-tag and bobtail of the profession don't make all that much, you know.
  • 2月1日加拿大多伦多市一只叫buddy的小猫一夜之间成了英雄,它在大火中拼命将熟睡的主人叫醒,从而救了他一命。
    Buddy the cat is being hailed a hero on Friday after saving his owner's life by waking the sleeping man during a raging fire.
  • 拍摄完《星球大战》后,福特得到了另一个令他成的角色,这次是史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格和乔治·卢卡斯共同导演的印第安纳·琼斯系列影片的第一部:《夺宝奇兵》。
    After his work in Star Wars, Ford performed in another star-turning role, this time for directors Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, in the first installment of the Indiana Jones series, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  • 伤兵因痛苦而翻滚着。
    The wounded soldier writhed in agony.
  • 工人们被迫在协议上签了
    The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement.
  • 他现在一定也知道是怎么回事了,因为我的雨衣里有我的字。
    He must know it too by now. Because my raincoat has my name in it.
  • 高原明珠滇池、天下奇观石林、西双版纳热带雨林、“银苍玉洱、风花雪月”的大理、世界纬度最低的滑雪胜地丽江玉龙雪山、风景迷人的香格里拉等都是闻遐迩的旅游胜地;
    Among Yunnan's famous tourist attractions are Dianchi Lake the pearl on the highland, the Stone Forest the number one wonder under heaven and Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest. Dali is well known for its snowcapped Cangshan Mountain, the crystal-clear Erhai Lake, the wind at Xiaguan, flower at Shangguan, snow at the Cangshan Mountain and the moon mirrored in the Erhai Lake. The Yulong Snow Mountains in Lijiang is a skiing resort at the lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere. The Shangri-La scenery in northwest Yunnan is picturesque.
  • 比如,一项调查显示,一个募捐人在向房主展示了一长串已经向慈善机构捐款的邻居的单后,获得捐款的数量显著增加;
    For example, a study found that a fund? raiser who showed homeowners a list of neighbors who had donated to a local charity significantly increased the frequency of contributions;
  • 纽约还有一家非常不错的巧克力店叫sweetbliss.它的主人伊列娜·沙恩曾是设计师拉尔夫·劳伦的私人厨师。
    There's also Sweet Bliss, a New York-based company started by Ralph Lauren's former personal chef, Ilene Shane.
  • 巴克写信给爱默生,希望爱默生说些有关他自己的事:---这个原来在「西联」机构传信的童役,不久便和国内那些著的人物通信,像爱默生、布罗斯、臭利弗、郎菲洛、林肯夫人、休曼将军、和台维斯等。
    Soon our Western Union messenger boy was corresponding with many of the most famous people in the nation: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wendell Holmes,Longfellow, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Louisa May Alcott,General Sherman and Jefferson Davis.
  • 你想要人尊重并珍视你的片,如果胡乱散发就不会有这个效果。
    You want your card to be respected and valued,which it can't be if it is randomly distributed.