  • 我仍然希望新加坡更多一些善意的温情的提醒(属于道德层面),而不是冷冰冰动辄罚款xx元或在改法令下接受改的惩戒。
    Besides, I hope justice can be tempered with mercy. Do not throw the book at people in the first instance, allow them the benefit of a kind and gentle reminder (this has to do with morality) instead of slapping them with a fine or Corrective Work Order.
  • 在国外的新加坡义工,花三个星期或更多时间努力向他人证明,新加坡人也能够关怀他人,并不只是如一般人所说,有效率、勤但缺乏优雅行为,却可能因为我们在三分钟里的言谈举止,完全被否定。这一点,我们需要时常提醒自己。
    Statistically, I may be far from reality, but it helps by putting things in perspective. We could take as a reminder that three seconds of what we say and how we behave can wipe out what the volunteer has taken three weeks or more to communicate - that Singaporeans can be something else other than efficient, hardworking but ungracious.
  • 另一些著述家(其中包括麦克库洛赫先生和萨伊先生)则把非生产性一词看作是贬意的,反对将这个词用于任何被认为是有用的动,所谓有用的动,是指所带来的好处或快乐与所付出的代价价值相等的动。
    There are others (among whom are Mr. M'Culloch and M. Say) who looking upon the word unproductive as a term of disparagement, remonstrate against imposing it upon any labour which is regarded as useful-which produces a benefit or a pleasure worth the cost.
  • 但是还有另一种使用动的方式,同样有助于生产,只是更为间接而已,这就是将人作为对象的动。
    But there is yet another mode of employing labour, which conduces equally, though still more remotely, to that end: this is, labour of which the subject is human beings.
  • 第二节 动间接地对物品生产起作用的另一种方式,也需要给予特别注意,即用动生产粮食,以维持从事生产的动者的生活。
    2. Another of the modes in which labour is indirectly or remotely instrumental to the production of a thing, requires particular notice: namely, when it is employed in producing subsistence, to maintain the labourers while they are engaged in the production.
  • 与此相反,工具是可重复使用的,因而可用它们生产的全部产品,来为制造工具的动,以及那些用存粮养活动的人的节欲支付报酬。
    Implements, on the contrary, being susceptible of repeated employment, the whole of the products which they are instrumental in bringing into existence are a fund which can be drawn upon to remunerate the labour of their construction, and the abstinence of those by whose accumulations that labour was supported.
  • 面包必须足以对所有这些动者和其他动者付酬,所谓其他动者是指建造农场房屋的木匠和瓦匠、为保护农作物而修建围篱和挖沟的工人、开采或冶炼制作犁及其他农具所用钢铁的矿工和冶炼工。
    The bread must suffice to remunerate all these labourers, and several others; such as the carpenters and bricklayers who erected the farm-buildings; the hedgers and ditchers who made the fences necessary for the protection of the crop; the miners and smelters who extracted or prepared the iron of which the plough and other instruments were made.
  • 但是,支付的贷款将从收获中获得,因为除非农民预期收获会使贷款得到偿还,并会带来利润,也就是说,除非收获在给农场动者带来报酬外,还有足够的余额来支付制犁匠的报酬,给予制犁匠和农民两者以利润,否则他是不会支付货款的。
    Nevertheless, it is from the harvest that the payment is to come; since the farmer would not undertake this outlay unless he expected that the harvest would repay him, and with a profit too on this fresh advance; that is, unless the harvest would yield, besides the remuneration of the farm labourers (and a profit for advancing it), a sufficient residue to remunerate the plough-maker's labourers, give the plough-maker a profit, and a profit to the farmer on both.
  • 丰收是对农民动的酬
    A bumper crop remunerated the peasant for his labour.
  • 在这种情况下,所有这些动都必须直接从产品中得到报酬;
    all which labour, in that case, must be directly remunerated from the produce;
  • 超过维持生命和健康实际需要的那部分(就熟练动者来说,通常会超出很多),不是用于养活动者,而是用于酬动者,动者可以等到生产完成后再得到这种酬,因而不必作为资本而预先存在。
    As much of it as exceeds the actual necessaries of life and health (an excess which in the case of skilled labourers is usually considerable) is not expended in supporting labour, but in remunerating it, and the labourers could wait for this part of their remuneration until the production is completed;
  • 为所有这些动者生产食物的动,虽然同其他动一样对于最终产品(即本次收获季节作出的面包)来说是必不可少的,但它却不象别的动那样从最终产品取得报酬。
    The labour that produced the food which fed all these labourers, is as necessary to the ultimate result, the bread of the present harvest, as any of those other portions of labour; but is not, like them, remunerated from it.
  • 但是工具和原料,除了用于获取产品外,是毫无用处的,或者至少不可作他用,制造它们所耗费的动只能从生产出的产品得到补偿。
    But the tools and materials are of no use except for obtaining the product, or at least are to be applied to no other use, and the labour of their construction can be remunerated only from the product when obtained.
  • 既然原料一经使用就会毁灭,所以为生产它们所需的全部动,以及提供生产手段的人的节欲,都必须从这种使用所产生的成果中得到报酬。
    Since materials are destroyed as such by being once used, the whole of the labour required for their production, as well as the abstinence of the person who supplied the means for carrying it on, must be remunerated from the fruits of that single use.
  • 以上各式各样的人,就组成了分配阶级,其作用是对生产阶级的活动给以补充。这样分配的产品或其价格,便是分配者的动和节欲获得报酬的来源,正是通过节欲,他们才预先拿得出分配业务所需的资金。
    Of these various elements is composed the Distributing Class, whose agency is supplementary to that of the Producing Class: and the produce so distributed, or its price, is the source from which the distributors are remunerated for their exertions, and for the abstinence which enabled them to advance the funds needful for the business of distribution.
  • 但当(在政治经济学中,应该经常准备这样做)我们改变观点,考虑的不是个人行动和决定个人行动的动机,而是对整个国家和整个世界的影响时,就必须把思想看作是社会生产动最重要的组成部分,必须把从事这种动和酬报这种动的社会资源看作是社会支出中具有重大生产意义的部分。
    But when (as in political economy one should always be prepared to do) we shift our point of view, and consider not individual acts, and the motives by which they are determined, hut national and universal results, intellectual speculation must be looked upon as a most influential part of the productive labour of society, and the portion of its resources employed in carrying on and in remunerating such labour, as a highly productive part of its expenditure.
  • 中国加入世界贸易组织后,贫困地区的市场将会进一步扩大和开放,有利于这些地区发展有优势的动和资源密集型产业,增加动力就业。
    After China joins the WTO, the markets of these areas will expand further and open wider to the outside world, which will be favorable for the development of their advantageous labor- and resource-intensive industries, bringing more employment opportunities.
  • 中国的贫困地区大多地处中西部,资源相对丰富,动力成本低,具有承接这种结构梯度转移的区位优势。
    The poor areas, mostly situated in the central and western parts of China, have relatively rich resources and cheap labor, which place them in a locationally advantageous position to respond to such transference.
  • 工人们长时间辛苦动,而医院却给他们很低的工资。
    The hospital repaid the workers' long hours of hard work by giving them a low wages.
  • 非法工在遣返原居地之前,会被当局检控,被判罚款或监禁。
    The illegal workers were prosecuted and either fined or gaoled before being repatriated to their places of origin.
  • 你们任任怨,克尽厥职,效率超卓;
    You have done an excellent job in maintaining good order in the Vietnamese migrant detention centres and implementing the Orderly Repatriation Programme.
  • 这就要求必须有动和时间密集的孕育和抚养过程使克隆婴儿长大成人。
    These require the labor-and time-intensive processes of gestation and child rearing to reach adulthood.
  • 有的还组织受害者到监狱、改场所控诉犯罪的危害,使罪犯增加罪责感,进一步认罪悔罪。
    Crime victims are also invited to come to prisons and reform-through-labour institutions to condemn the harm caused by crime to help enhance the criminals' sense of guilt and make them feel more responsible and repentant for their crimes.
  • 斯特斯警告说,这种经历会对孩子有严重的影响。他在美国社会学联合会召开的会议上提交了这项研究结果。
    The episodes can have serious repercussions,warns Straus,who presented the findings at the American Sociological Association meeting.
  • 使他感到沮丧的是农场的日常生活和单调重复和动。
    It was the daily life of the farm, with its repetitive tasks, that frustrated him.
  • 设计用来代替或者节省人的动,特别是体力的动。
    designed to replace or conserve human and especially manual labor.
  • 资本主义制度建立在剥削动人民的基础上。
    The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people.
  • 改机关要求监管工作人员深入了解罪犯的各项日常活动,组织罪犯动、学习,开展个别教育和谈心活动,重要节、假日还与罪犯共同进餐,参加罪犯的文娱、体育活动,使罪犯与监管工作人员之间形成彼此的情感联系和心理感应,尽可能消除罪犯与监管工作人员之间可能存在的排斥和消极对抗心理。
    Reform-through-labour institutions require the prison staff to maintain close track of all the day-to-day activities of the prisoners. They must organize the prisoners to work and study ,and have personal education and heart-to-heart talks with prisoners. They also have meals with them on major holidays and participate in recreational and sports activities with them, to establish emotional and intellectual ties.This contact goes as far as possible to dispel any feelings of aversion and repressed antagonism which the prisoners may feel toward the prison staff.
  •  改机关要求监管工作人员深入了解罪犯的各项日常活动,组织罪犯动、学习,开展个别教育和谈心活动,重要节、假日还与罪犯共同进餐,参加罪犯的文娱、体育活动,使罪犯与监管工作人员之间形成彼此的情感联系和心理感应,尽可能消除罪犯与监管工作人员之间可能存在的排斥和消极对抗心理。
    Reform-through-labour institutions require the prison staff to maintain close track of all the day-to-day activities of the prisoners. They must organize work and study for, conduct classes for and have personal heart-to-heart talks with prisoners. They also have meals with them on major holidays and participate in recreational and sports activities with them, to establish emotional and intellectual ties. This contact goes as far as possible to dispel any feelings of aversion and repressed antagonism which the prisoners may feel toward the prison staff.
  • 三、不但地主、贵族和皇室依靠剥削农民的地租过活,而且地主阶级的国家又强迫农民缴纳贡税,并强迫农民从事无偿的役,去养活一大群的国家官吏和主要地是为了镇压农民之用的军队。
    Not only did the landlords, the nobility and the royal family live on rent extorted from the peasants, but the landlord state also exacted tribute, taxes and corvee services from them to support a horde of government officials and an army which was used mainly for their repression.
  •  ——捕前无职业或者不符合回原单位安置条件的刑满释放人员,回城镇后和一般待业人员同样对待,由动部门或街道,按照现行就业政策积极予以安置。
    Someone who was jobless when arrested or is no longer suitable in some way to return to his or her former work unit is to be treated the same way as an ordinary person waiting for employment. In accordance with current employment policies, the labour department or neighbourhood committees in the city or town where the prisoner is released is to take positive steps to resettle the reformed criminal.
  • 因为神费力地去打探别人的事情绝非是由于那些事与打探者的利害有关,所以其原因必定是打探者在旁观他人祸福时能获得一种视剧般的乐趣。
    For to know much of other men's matters, cannot be because all that ado may concern his own estate; therefore it must needs be, that he taketh a kind of play-pleasure, in looking upon the fortunes of others.