  • 三是国家已经和正在研究出台一系列扩大出口和吸引外资的政策措施,如依据国际通行规,采取进一步提高出口退税率的重大措施;
    third, the State has introduced and is working on more policies and measures to expand exports and attract foreign investment, such as the significant move of further raising tax rebate rates for exports in accordance with international practice;
  • 他手头拮据并反对当时的社会和学术准
    He was short of money and rebelling against social and academic standards.
  • 除非反叛分子立即投降,否政府将宣布他们为不法之徒。
    The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrender immediately.
  • 你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗?我。。。曾经爱过你,susan.我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的那一刻,那个做尽坏事的人就已经死了,而我获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成了一个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我送进这里,与这些人为伍时,过去那个肮脏的罪人又将复活。
    You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.
  • 尽管在欧洲汽车销量大幅下降,并且今年仍将持续,以致欧洲厂商必须紧缩并裁员,日本汽车制造商相信明年销售将开始回升。
    Despite a deep slump in car sales in Europe that is expected to persist this year, forcing cutbacks and layoffs among the European companies, the Japanese auto makers are banking on a rebound starting next year.
  • 让我们来重述几个要点:亚洲人注重社会秩序,而美国人注重个人自由和个人权利。
    To recapitulate, Asians emphasise the importance of orderly society whereas Americans emphasise the importance of personal freedom and individual rights.
  • 而现代的白人音乐家们稍晚被引入蓝调的艺术殿堂,研究并尝试着去重新锻造蓝调音乐。
    The modern White player came later - to "discover" the authentic music and recast it.
  • 丢卡利翁为人正直,他的妻子虔诚敬神。朱庇特怜惜他们夫妻一生清白,品行端正,就斥令洪水退去。
    Jupiter, remembering the harmless lives and pious demeanor of this pair, caused the waters to recede.
  • 实际上,根据上述原,中国政府已经同意英、德、加拿大等国的民间航空公司与台湾的私营航空公司通航。
    As a matter of fact, according to the afore-said principle the Chinese Government has consented to such services between privately-operated airlines of Britain, Germany, Canada, etc. and their counterparts in Taiwan.
  • 上述方针和政策,贯彻了坚持一个中国原的基本立场和精神,也充分尊重了台湾同胞当家作主、管理台湾的愿望。
    The afore-mentioned principles and policies embody the basic stand and spirit of adhering to the One-China Principle, and fully respect Taiwan compatriots' wish to govern and administer Taiwan by themselves.
  • 世贸组织在审议接纳台湾加入该组织时,应坚持上述声明确定的原
    The WTO should persist in the principle defined in the afore-said statement when examining the acceptance of Taiwan's entry to the organization.
  • 世贸组织在审议接纳台湾加入该组织时,应坚持上述声明确定的原
    The WTO should persist in the principle defined in the afore-said statement when examining the acceptance of Taiwan's entry into the organization.
  • 如能告知该商品的详细情况,不胜感谢。
    We will appreciate receiving details regarding the commodity.
  • 公共交通费涨价和银行征收最低存款服务费影响层面广,中下层阶级人士首当其冲,其中好些是被裁退还没找到工作,有些是收入仅仅足够养家、供屋,属于手停口停的阶层。
    The transport fare hikes and the fall-below bank fee will affect a large sector of the population, especially the lower-income masses.Many of them have yet to find a job after being laid off during the economic downturn, while others are people who live from hand to mouth, earning barely enough to pay rent and keep their families afloat.
  • 公共交通费涨价和银行征收服务费影响层面广,中下层阶级人士首当其冲,其中好些是被裁退还没找到工作,有些是收入仅仅足够供屋、养家,属于手停口停的阶层。
    The transport fare hikes and the fall-below bank fee will affect a large sector of the population, especially the lower-income masses. Many of them have yet to find a job after being laid off, while others are people who live from hand to mouth, earning barely enough to pay rent and keep their families afloat.
  • 他们其中好些是被裁退还没找到工作,有些是收入仅仅足够养家、供屋,属于手停口停的阶层。
    Many of them have yet to find a job after being laid off during the economic downturn, while others are people who live from hand to mouth, earning barely enough to pay rent and keep their families afloat.
  • 赛义德被逮捕入狱,直到1999年12月赛义德又被作为交换被劫持到阿富汗坎大哈的一架印度客机上的乘客,被印度当局释放。
    Saeed was arrested and held until Dec.1999, when India exchanged him for passengers on an Indian Airlines jet hijacked to Afghanistan.
  • 而其他国家陷入衰退时,却无力这样做,因为这些国家不能实行自由开放的金融政策,否资金就会外流。"
    When other countries are in recession, they don't have the ability to engage in anti-recessionary policies because they can't have a permissive monetary policy, because money would flee."
  • 质量说得过去的数码相机都应该具有内置闪光灯和以便观赏照片的与电视接口、图像编辑软件以及可以预览的lcd显示屏。当然,如果再具备防红眼装置、自拍功能和充电电池,对顾客来说更是一种优惠。
    Any reasonable quality digital camera should also have a built-in flash, a connector to attach it to your TV to view your photos, image editing software and an LCD screen so you can preview shots Red-eye reduction, self timers and rechargeable batteries are also a boon;
  • 这些对象都有唯一的名字、语法、对象识别符以及匹配规,它们对非动态目录的浏览器和目录(如ldap)是不认识的。
    These objects have unique names, syntax, object identifiers and matching rules, which are not going to be recognizable to non-Active Directory browsers and directories, such as LDAP.
  • 遵守正统或公认的规的。
    conforming to orthodox or recognized rules.
  • 这些行为违背了人类尊严和国际法的一切准
    These acts are an affront to all standards of human decency and international law.
  • 拉萨及周边地区造林绿化工程、雅鲁藏布江防护林体系建设工程、芒康长江防护林体系建设试点示范工程、日喀林业治沙示范工程等重点项目的实施,在很大程度上改善了所在区域的自然生态环境。
    Implementation of the key projects, such as the afforestation project in Lhasa and its outskirts, the construction of the shelter-forest system of the Yarlungzangbo River, the pilot project of the Yangtze River shelter-forest system in Markam and the pilot project for controlling sand by afforestation in Xigaze, has, to a great extent, improved the natural eco-environment of those localities.
  • 而该书的大部分是普京的朋友和熟人对普京的回忆,内容大多都是温馨美好的往事。
    The result is a selection of memories by Putin's friends and acquaintances who hold nothing but the warmest recollections of him.
  • 由于这样的恐慌,处于与英国作自由竞争地位的那些国家,它们的全部工业:信用系统,不但是这些,还有农业,甚至整个经济系统,都发生了根本动摇,这些国家在创且痛深以后、还要通过提高了的价格来大大的报答英国商人——恐慌演变的结果往往如此。在这样情况下,对于各国商业关系的解释,是否应当以单纯价值理论和世界主义原为依据;我们对于这一点的恰当性还不应当发生极大疑问吗?
    If we consider how often by such crises the whole manufacturing power, the system of credit, nay the agriculture, and generally the whole economical system of the nations who are placed in free competition with England, are shaken to their foundations,and that these nations have afterwards notwithstanding richly to recompense the English manufacturers by higher prices, ought we not then to become very sceptical as to the propriety, of the commercial conditions of nations being regulated according to the mere theory of values and according to cosmopolitical principles?
  • 你是怎样调和你的政治原与宗教信仰的?
    How do you reconcile your political principles with your religious beliefs?
  • 你的行为正好与你的原背道而驰。你怎样能使它们并行不悖?
    How do you reconcile your principles with your behaviour, which is exactly opposite?
  • 请最晚在起飞前两天中午2点前再确认一下机票,否预订会自动取消。
    Please reconfirm your ticket no later than 12 o'clock noon two days before the flight; otherwise, your reservation will automatically be canceled.
  • 历史和实践证明,尊重《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原以及和平共处五项原,是解决国际各种争端的重要依据。以和平方式解决各国间存在的分歧和争端,避免诉诸武力或以武力相威胁,是实现和维护和平与稳定的正确途径。
    History and practice have proved that respect for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is an important basis for the settlement of any international dispute, and that to resolve differences and disputes between nations through peaceful means without recourse to force or threat of force is the right path to realizing and maintaining peace and stability.
  • 度假胜地的宾馆在旅游旺季招揽比较有钱的游客,在淡季推出广告以低价吸引其他消费群。
    Hotels in resorts may go after affluent consumers at the height of their season, then try to attract other groups by advertising lower prices in the off-season.
  • 有光滑的顶的规的石头;曾经用来铺路。
    rectangular stone with curved top; once used to make roads.
  • 在信后加则附言
    Affix a postscript to a letter.