  • 目前,多数无线局域网工作在日益拥挤的2.4ghz频率上,在此频率上,它们要与微波炉、无绳电话和其他消费类电子产品发的信号争夺空间。
    Most wireless LANs currently operate at the increasingly crowded 2.4 GHz frequency, where they compete for airspace with signals from microwave ovens, cordless telephones and other consumer electronic products.
  • 大力支持西安交大等5个高校科技产业园、生物工程园的建设,加快发展西安软件园、留学人员创业园、西安医药工业园、西飞航空航天科技园、高新技术产业口工业园。
    We will strongly support 5 hi-tech parks of higher institutions, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, the construction of the biotechnology park, so as to speed up the development of software park, park for the oversea students, Xi'an airspace and airspace and airplane garden, the exportation of hi-tech products garden.
  • 因特殊的资格选举或选拔来的。
    selected or chosen for special qualifications.
  • 我们的社会非常重视一纸文凭,大家都希望通过优异的成绩人头地。
    Singapore is a highly paper qualification-oriented country, and nothing succeeds here like success.
  • 最近一篇有关于专家证人的道德和责任的文章中对专家证人提下述资格标准:
    A recent article on the ethics and responsibility of expert witnesses suggests the following criteria for qualification:
  • 这种不合逻辑的定罪,反映所谓死刑可以慑止凶杀的论点是多么脆弱。
    That illogical qualification shows how flimsy is the argument that capital punishment is a deterrent to murder.
  • 如在规定总统任期开始的时间以前,总统尚未选,或当选总统不合资格,当选副总统应在有合乎资格的总统之前代理总统职务。
    If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified;
  • 我没有条件作判断。
    I'm not qualified to judge.
  • 1.以下搜索修饰符同时现时具有相同的优先级。
    1.The following find-qualifiers occur at the same level of precedence.
  • 4.servicesubset,combinecategorybags:这些条件与其它搜索修饰符的现是正交的。
    4. serviceSubset, combineCategoryBags: these conditions are orthagonal to the existence of the other search qualifiers.
  • 俄罗斯队派他们的大明星斯韦特兰娜·霍尔金娜打头阵,她以39.005的最高分数压倒了所有36位获得星期四个人全能决赛资格的运动员。
    Russia's team effort was led by their superstar Svetlana Khorkina, who scored 39,005 points to lead 36 all-around qualifiers for Thursday's individual final.
  • 在群众面前把你的资格摆得越老,越像个“英雄”,越要卖这一套,群众就越不买你的账。
    The more you put on the airs of a veteran before the masses and play the "hero", the more you try to peddle such stuff to the masses, the less likely they are to accept it.
  • 奥运会开幕前两年内举行的五个官方“洲资格锦标赛”(非洲、美洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲)会产生其不意15名男子和15名女子的参赛名额。
    Ω Fifteen men and 15 women will qualify from the five official Continental Qualifying Tournaments (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania) held in the 2 years prior to the Olympics.
  • 我的邻居总是摆架子,装她认识重要人物,被邀请席豪华宴会等等。
    My neighbour is always putting on airs, pretending she knows important people and is invited to rich parties, and so on.
  • 用于网络中某点上线路的一种限定术语,它指明发呼叫的方向是从其它一点到该点的。注:术语“incomingtrunk(入局中继线)”描述总局中的单向中继线。
    A qualifying term applied to circuits at some point in a network to indicate that direction of a call set-up is towards that point from some other point. Note: The term"incoming trunk" describes a one-way trunk at a central office.
  • 圆括号,圆括弧两个直立曲线或其中之一,(或),用于标解释文字及书写或打印中的限定语或包含一个和、积或其它在数学运算中作为或被当作是一个集体的性质的表达式
    Either or both of the upright curved lines,( or), used to mark off explanatory or qualifying remarks in writing or printing or enclose a sum, product, or other expression considered or treated as a collective entity in a mathematical operation.
  • 他们自以为有学问,摆一副博学的样子。
    They fancied themselves learned and assumed airs of erudition.
  • “它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾售武器的政策,它向台湾售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  • 美国政府在公报中声明:“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾售武器的政策,它向台湾售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  • 美国政府在公报中声明:“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾售武器的政策,它向台湾售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建交后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    In that communique the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  • 她装一贵族的样子。
    She gives herself aristocratic airs.
  • 租汽车把行李运到机场
    Cabbed the package to the airport.
  • 格林太太不放心让孩子这么晚外
    Mrs Green had qualms about letting the child go out so late.
  • 非连续形式的数据,即现的值的大小是跳跃式的或等量增加的(量子化的)。
    A discontinuous form, i.e. larger or smaller amounts occur in jumps or increments(quanta) of equal size.
  • “我们仍然不能很客观地量化到2100年气温升高的可能性,因为问题越来越呈非线性发展,”艾伦说道。他所指的是新的措施将可能加剧或抵消升温现象。
    "We are stilinot in a position to quantify likelihoods objectively to 2100, because the problem becomes more nonlinear," Allen says, referring to the possibility that new effects could amplify or counteract the warming.
  • 没有数量限制的小麦口;数量分析决定了一种物质或混合物的化学成分的数量和比例。
    export wheat without quantitative limitations; quantitative analysis determines the amounts and proportions of the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture.
  • 多基因一种非等位基因,每一个基因都有很小量的效果,这些效果合在一起产生很多种表现型变异
    Any of a group of nonallelic genes, each having a small quantitative effect, that together produce a wide range of phenotypic variation.
  • 这可以通过计数的方式表达来。
    this can be expressed quantitatively.
  • 可量化的值可以用数字形式描述来的特性,例如球体的面积或者向量的长度
    A property that can be quantitatively described, such as the volume of a sphere or the length of a vector.
  • 专家系统中使用的一种量,该量可以指定为一个数值,并使系统推有关的实际物理量。对照assertion。参阅rule。
    In expert system, a quantity which may be assigned a numerical value and allows the system to reasonabout real physical quantities.
  • 可遵守的一项物理特性,能直接观察或测量到,如重或温度,而不象功或熵等这一类,这些必须从所观测到的各种不同的量推算
    A physical property, such as weight or temperature, that can be observed or measured directly, as distinguished from a quantity, such as work or entropy, that must be derived from observed quantities.
  • 产量生产的数量;产量
    The quantity produced; yield.