  • lóng shé lán rèn zhǒng shǔ lóng shé lán shǔ zhòng duō měi zhōu zhí yóu zhǐ lóng shé lán
    Any of various American plants of the genus Agave, especially the century plant.
  • lóng shé lán lán zhǒng lóng shé lán shǔ zhí chǎn jiān de xiān wéi
    Any of several plants of the genus Agave that yield strong leaf fibers.
  • lóng shé lán jiǔ chǎn de zhǒng yòng zhǒng lóng shé lán zhì chéng de hán jiǔ jīng de nián chóu zhuàng jiào yǐn liào
    A thick, fermented alcoholic beverage made in Mexico from various species of agave.
  • lóng shé lán jiǔ zhǒng liè jiǔyòng zhēng liú mǒu zhǒng lóng shé lán de jiào zhī zhì chéng
    A Mexican liquor distilled from the fermented juice of certain species of agave.
  • de zhǒng yòng zhǒng yàng de lóng shé lán zhí yóu shì lóng shé lán de zhī jiào zhì chéng de jiǔ
    fermented Mexican drink from juice of various agave plants especially the maguey.
  • yòng zhì xiàn de yìng xiān wéi fěi bīn lóng shé lán shǔ zhí
    hard fiber used in making coarse twine; from Philippine agave plants.
  • de zhǒng yòng jiào de lóng shé lán zhí de zhī zhì chéng de jiǔ
    Mexican liquor made from fermented juices of an Agave plant.
  • gài zhǒng lóng shé lán shǔ zhí gài lóng shé lán shǔ), zhù yào wéi huò xiān wéi 'ér zài dōng bàn qiú de wēn nuǎn zhòngzhí
    A species of agave(Agave cantula) cultivated chiefly in warm regions of the Old World for its leaf fibers.
  • nán fēi 'ào zhōu zhǒng lèi máo de guàn lán fàng shè xíng lèi chú de huā guān
    hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers.
  • cháng yòu 'àn huā de duō máo zhí shèng lán wān
    densely hairy plant with rayless flowers; San Francisco Bay area.
  • yīng guó rén zuò zhe xiǎng guó rén zhàn zhe xiǎngměi guó rén zǒu zhuóxiǎngài 'ěr lán rén shì hòu cái xiǎng
    An englishman think seated; a frenchman, standing; an american, pacing; an irishman, afterward.
  • měi tiān zǎo shàng lán jiù lái qióng zhāo zuǐ shēn dào kǒu dài zhǎo wèitā zhǔn bèi de hǎochīde dōng hòu zài chū xiàn
    Still, every morning he was there to greet Jean, exploring the pocket for the treat Jean always brought, and in the afternoon he would reappear.
  • jiǔnuò 'ěr luó xùn nuò 'ěr de biǎo mèi kǎi · luó lán jiù kāi shǐ xià shí jiān yán jiū " dǐng diǎn " " jié xùn 5" de yīnbìng fǎng " dòng chéng " de dǎo
    Soon Knowles,Roberson,and Knowles' cousin,Kelly Rowland,were spending their afternoons studying videotapes of the Supremes and the Jackson 5,trying to mimic the Motown groups' choreography.
  • hǎi jiǎo shěng de bái zhǒng rén zhù shì lán mín zhě de hòu bìng qiě shuō nán fēi gōng yòng lán
    a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans.
  • sēn bǎo shì de fēn zhīnán fēi nán yuán lán
    Yiddish and Luxem-bourgian are offshoots of German, and Afrikaans is based on Dutch.
  • nán fēi bái rén yòu 'ōu zhōu xuè tǒng qiě shǐ yòng nán fēi lán de nán fēi rén zhǐ 17 shì lán mín de hòu dài
    An Afrikaans-speaking South African of European ancestry, especially one descended from17th-century Dutch settlers.
  • de xià jūn guān men shǐ pàn luàn zài 'ài 'ěr lán zhǎn
    His lientenants make the rebellion pot boil in Ireland.
  • dài fēi zhōu yàn de shēng lán huā de shǔ
    genus of showy tropical African terrestrial orchids.
  • chá màn lán guó wáng( 768 814 nián), ér qiě shì luó miè wáng hòu 'ōu guó de chuàng shǐ rén zài 'ài shā pèi de gōng tíng chéng wéi 'ōu zhōu wén huà xīng de zhōng xīnyīn jiā luò lín wén xīng 'ér wén míng
    King of the Franks(768-814) and founder of the first empire in western Europe after the fall of Rome. His court at Aix-la-Chapelle became the center of a cultural rebirth in Europe, known as the Carolingian Renaissance.
  • zhǒng 'ǎi dèngcóng qián zài lán zuì fàn zài jiào táng jiē shòu gōng gòng shěn pàn de dèng
    a low stool; formerly in Scotland, a seat in a church where an offender was publicly rebuked.
  • lán réng cháng jìn de chǎng suí zhe shí guāng liú shì gèng yuǎn de tián tàn suǒ
    Frankie continued to frequent the grounds, but as the months passed he explored farther afield.
  • ā hàn lán guó
    The Islamic State of Afghanistan
  • dāng ránlāi yīn 'ěr qiē 'ěr zhī liú suǒ xiǎn de shī tàichún cuì shì chū men bèi xiè dòu de qiú fēng 1986 nián shì jiè bēi fēn zhī jué sài shàng bèi duō bài guān dāng shí men shì yīng lán duì duì yuánzài chǎng sài zhōng duō xiū liǎo yīng lán shì kào shàng zhī 'ēn ér shì kào 'èr jìn qiúkào lìng rén yǎn huā liáo luàn rào guò bàn shù de duì yuánshǐ yīng lán de hòu wèi fēn wēi qiē 'ěr kàn shàng xiàng háo qiú de fàn tǒng
    Of course, the bile displayed by the likes of Lineker and Butcher came purely from their sense of affronted sportsmanship, and had"nothing" to do with the fact that these players were part of the English team beaten by Maradona in the quarter final of the 1986 World Cup, He humiliated England in that game, not with the Hand of God, but with the second goal, the dazzling run past half of the team that made the Fenwicks and Butchers of the English defence look like the artless shit kickers they were.
  • lán huí xiǎng jīng guò de měi de 'ào guó jiā
    Lanny recollected the beautiful Austrian country through which he had passed.
  • ā shīxiào luò 1880- 1957 lán měi guó zuò jiāzài yòu zhēng de xiǎo shuō zhòngshì shǐ yóu tài jiào jiào dào jiě rén( 1939 nián
    Polish-born American Yiddish writer who sought to reconcile Judaism and Christianity in his controversial novels, such as The Nazarene(1939).
  • duì zhì xiāo shè huì fēn chéng liàng jiěwéi rén lèi dài lái xīn wàng de píng rén shì lái shuōběi 'ài 'ěr lán píng jìn chéng shì de
    It gives encouragement to everyone who labours to bring communities together, to bring reconciliation and new hope.
  • yīn biān bìng zhí dǎo liǎo zhè 'èr qiān bǎi wàn měi yuán de piàn piān miáo shù shēn xīn bēng kuì de shǐ shī shǒu qíng gǎn rán de sòng zhè jiù shì piàn cháng sān duō xiǎo shí de lán huā》, shí 'èr yuè shàng yìngdàn shí zhì jīn fēng cháo cái zài měi guó gāo zhǎng
    Instead, he wrote and directed a $25 million epic of psychological and physical collapse, an ode to emotional reconnection, with the three hours-plus Magnolia, which opened in December but expands across the country today.
  • guó yǐn liǎo xiē lái tài guó jiā de mín bān táo lán běi fēi
    France has always attracted immigrants from less affluent countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland and North Africa.
  • 1921 nián zài 'ài 'ěr lán wáng shì jǐng chá duì kàng 'ài 'ěr lán xīn fēn dǎng de yīng guó xīn bīng
    an English recruit serving in the Royal Irish Constabulary to combat Sinn Fein in 1921.
  • zài 'é gāng zhōu lán zǒng de zhāo pìn rén yuán xiàng nán zǒu chū 217 yīng dào wān de xiē fěi 'ěr zhōng xué dòng yuán bìng yǐn xué shēng fàng shàng xué de suàn 'ér dào gāo shù gōng chǎng
    in Oregon, Portland-based recruiters often journey 217 miles southwest to Marshfield High School in Coos Bay to entice students to put off college in favor of a high-tech factory.
  • zài lài 'ēn · mài dēng zuì jìn huàn jīng shén shuāi ruò fàng xiē yǎn chūhuí 'ài 'ěr lán jiā rén tuán liáo yǎng zhī zhè shì nán hái 'ér men yào de hǎo xiāo
    This is the good news the boys needed as Bryan McFadden recently suffered nervous exhaustion and had to miss some shows while recuperating back in Ireland with his family.
  • lán shuǐ hóng sōng de niǎo
    The female red grouse.