  • 歷史方面的暢銷書都滿情趣。
    Historical best sellers reek with sentiment.
  • 整個房間斥着一股煙味。
    The whole room reeked of tobacco smoke.
  • 公共汽車裏面悶熱得很,滿汽油味。
    It was stiflingly hot inside the bus, which reeked of petrol.
  • 鄉村的下等酒吧滿了煙草味,但在裏茲—卡爾頓大飯店的休息廳裏,抽煙的人肯定是德國或日本的旅遊者,要麽就是煙草公司的主管人員,正在盤算如何使産品多樣化。
    A country honky-tonk bar reeks of tobacco, but in the Ritz-Carlton lounge it's a sure bet that any smokers will be German or Japanese tourists or tobacco company executives planning how to diversify their holdings.
  • 事實上,那些被確診為季節性情緒紊亂的人表現為缺乏褪黑激素,他們經常通過服藥或光療來補它。
    In fact, those who have been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder show a lack of melatonin and often require supplements in the form of pills or light therapy.
  • 對我們來說,貓是熱情又滿深情的動物,但是在鳥兒和老鼠看來,貓是惡毒的食肉動物。
    Cats are warm and affectionate creatures to us, but viewed through the eyes of birds and mice they are vicious predators.
  • 撫愛滿愛意地輕觸或撫摸
    To touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner.
  • 溫柔而滿愛的撫摸。
    a gentle affectionate stroking (or something resembling it).
  • 他給他的傢人寫了一封滿感情的信。
    He wrote down an affectionate letter to his family.
  • 親昵的拍撫滿柔情地拍或撫弄下巴
    An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin.
  • 擁抱滿感情的、緊緊的擁抱
    A close, affectionate embrace.
  • 心髒擴張時心室內再次滿血液時的血壓,通常通過血壓計測得。
    the blood pressure (as measured by a sphygmomanometer) after the contraction of the heart while the chambers of the heart refill with blood.
  • 地名管理。改進完善北京市現有城市地名係統,提出科學完整的地名命名體係,完成北京道路及公共設施的補命名和確立新的門牌號碼工作;
    Place naming - we will review and refine the existing toponomy system of Beijing and work out a scientific and well-developed place naming system. Supplementary naming work will be done on the Beijing streets and public facilities and a new house number system will be adopted.
  • 假裝鎮靜的樣子;冒
    To affect the appearance or possession of; feign.
  • 他冒充自由思想傢。
    He affect the free thinker.
  • 顯然,該電影在全球的成功為法國的思想傢提供了進行思考的分材料。
    Clearly the movie's global success gave French thinkers ample food for reflection.
  • 靜脈回流出現在血性心力衰竭。
    a venous reflux occurring in congestive heart failure.
  • 滿了宗教改革運動的精神;飽含愛情的文字。
    imbued with the spirit of the Reformation; words instinct with love.
  • 據年輕的女演員希瓦說,1997年伊朗改革派總統穆罕默德·卡塔米當選時,他們那一代人當時對未來滿希望。
    According to Shiva, a young actress, when the reformist President Mohammad Khatami came to power in 1997, her generation was full of hope.
  • 同時,中國國防科技工業大力推進和平利用軍工技術,分發揮軍工行業的優勢,優先發展民用核電、航天、航空和船舶等産業,實現軍民相互促進的良性循環。
    Meanwhile, China's defense science, technology and industry, by strongly promoting the peaceful use of military industry technology and bringing the advantages of military industry into full play, gives priority to the development of civilian-use nuclear energy, aerospace, aviation, and shipbuilding industries, and thereby forms a benign circle of mutual military-civilian progress.
  • 美國近年來的實踐就分證明了這點:電腦、電子、電訊和航天等高科技、知識密集型産業已成為美國社會經濟文化發展的竜頭。
    The fact that the US has enjoyed high economic growth all these years proves this point: those high-technology and knowledge-based industries such as computers, electronics, telecommunications and aerospace are now the driving forces of the country's economy.
  • 美國近年來的實踐就分證明了這點:電腦、電子、電訊和航天等高科技、知識密集型産業已成為美國社會經濟文化發展的竜頭。
    The fact that the US has enjoyed high economic growth all these years proves this point: those high-technology and knowledge-based industries such as computers, electronics,telecommunications and aerospace are now the driving forces of the country's economy.
  • 所以“工農武裝割據”的思想,是共産黨和割據地方的工農群衆必須分具備的一個重要的思想。
    It follows that the idea of "establishing independent regimes of the workers and the peasants by armed force" is an important one which must be fully grasped by the Communist Party and by the masses of workers and peasants in areas under the independent regime.
  • 這片煙霧中的懸浮顆粒主要是由於燃料的不分燃燒造成的,因為亞洲許多地區人們還在使用牛糞和煤油作燃料來做飯,這樣的燃料往往是不能分燃燒的。
    A large part of the aerosol cloud comes from inefficient cookers, where fuels such as cow dung and kerosene are used to cook food in many parts of Asia.
  • 壓縮氣體被壓縮的惰性氣體,比如碳氟化合物,這種氣體當噴撒器中物質的載體
    A compressed inert gas, such as a fluorocarbon, that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol container.
  • 民族鄉是對民族區域自治制度的一種補
    Ethnic townships are a supplement to the system of regional autonomy.
  • 實際上裏面滿了嗡嗡聲和明顯的混亂,然而又滿有條理和規律性,還有以不間斷的勤奮從大自然最優質的儲藏品中收集而來的食物。”
    but full as it is of buzz and apparent confusion, it is yet full of order and regularity, and food collected with incessant industry from the choicest stores of nature."
  • 一種具有好看葉子的水生穗狀燈心草;通常被用作魚缸的氧器。
    fine-leaved aquatic spike rush; popular as aerator for aquariums.
  • 氣使變輕,例如用酵母或發酵粉;常用作構詞成分。
    made light by aerating, as with yeast or baking powder; often used as a combining form.
  • 通氣設備氣器,如給草皮氣的機器或給液體氣的設備
    One that aerates, as a machine for aerating turf or a device for aerating liquids.
  • 在五六十年代,因為美國慷慨資助菲律賓戰後的重建工作,菲律賓曾是本區域最發達的國傢……有一些菲律賓人的言論筆鋒滿澎湃的感情。
    In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the most developed, because America had been generous in rehabilitating the country after the war... Some Filipinos write and speak with passion.
  • 全國各地的工會、共青團、婦聯、個體工商業者協會等社會團體,分利用自身優勢,有針對性地對吸毒人員中的婦女、職工、青少年、個體勞動者等開展幫教工作,收到良好效果。
    Mass organizations, including the trade unions, the Communist Youth League (CYL) organizations, the women's federations and the associations of self-employed industrialists and businessmen, help with the work of rehabilitating addicted women, workers and staff members, young people and self-employed laborers by making full use of their own advantages, to great effect.