  • 其父是埃比尼泽洗礼堂的牧师,和他父亲一样,他也被叫做“马丁.路德”,他与父母,妹同住在亚特兰大。
    His father was the minister of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, as was his father before him "M.L." as he was called, lived with his parents, his sister and brother in Atlanta, Ga.
  • 巴特:她不停地送你飞吻,老,你没看见吗?
    Bart: She kept blowing you kisses, mann You didn't see?
  • 喂,老,你在这里干什么?
    Hullo, old bean. What are you doing here?
  • 他向他的弟敲了500美元。
    He put the bee on his brother for $ 500.
  • 弟的,弟般的以弟为特征或适宜于弟的;弟会的
    Characteristic of or befitting brothers; fraternal.
  • 弟、有弟的特点或者适合于弟。
    like or characteristic of or befitting a brother.
  • 当时有的干部对执行这一任务有顾虑,伯承对他们说,这个行动可以把敌人吸引到我们身上来,减轻弟野战军的压力。釜底抽薪,焉能惧怕烫手,即使作出牺牲,也义无反顾。
    Some cadres hesitated before this prospect, but Bocheng explained the situation to them. "If we do this," he said, "we can draw the enemy to ourselves and make it easier for the other field armies. How can you take hot embers out from under a pot if you are afraid of burning your fingers? Even if we have to make sacrifices, we should not begrudge them."
  • 凡是跟你“称道弟”的家伙,通常总在打算从你那儿弄到些不属于他自己的东西。
    The fellow that calls you"brother" generally wants something that doesn't belong to him.
  • 杰端:老,你真有侵略性!只不过踩到某人的脚,他们就狂怒了!
    Jerry: Man, you're really aggressive! Step on someone's foot and they go berserk!
  • 我们那些在海外的表弟姐妹
    Our cousins beyond the seas
  • 我们弟俩萌起双周专栏《荔子情》的念头时,原来的目的是让英文源流的读者也能接触到深含中华文化、思想与价值观的中文作品。
    When we two brothers first embarked on Lizi Qing as a bi-lingual column, our own objective was to enable the English-educated to access Chinese literary works that embody Chinese culture, thoughts and values.
  • 同时,它的弟部队八路军各部,决不坐视它陷于夹击,必能采取相当步骤,予以必要的援助,这是我可以率直地告诉他们的。
    Meanwhile, the units of its brother army, the Eighth Route Army, will not sit by and watch it suffer these pincer attacks, but will certainly take steps to give the necessary assistance -- this I can say bluntly.
  • 弟俩走上了不同的道路:瓦伦丁成长为一个彬彬有礼的青年,而奥森成为中世纪的妖怪--“野人”。
    The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised; Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the " wild man".
  • 弟会由共同的弟情谊或社会目的而结合起来的民间组织
    An organization of people united by a common fraternal bond or social aim.
  • 他21岁了,但仍然与父母和弟姐妹住在一起。
    He's twenty-one yet still lives in the bosom of his family.
  • 这两个兄弟都死了。
    Both brothers are dead.
  • 兄弟俩都成了医生。
    Both brothers turned doctors.
  • 弟不是都在这里。
    Both brothers are not here.
  • 弗雷古斯堪的纳维亚神,掌管和平、好天气、富裕和充裕的粮食;弗雷娜的
    The Norse god who dispenses peace, good weather, prosperity, and bountiful crops; the brother of Freya.
  • 那次争吵後,他与表闹翻了
    He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.
  • 弟,让我们假设你或我将变成脱离了躯壳的自由精灵。
    Let us suppose that you or i, brethren, shall become a free and disembody spirit.
  • 我的弟们,发发善心吧!
    My brethren, have pity!
  • 们,把写定的裁判在他身上执行吧。
    Brethren, execute upon him the judgment written.
  • 卫斯理宗教会和福音联合弟会的联合。
    union of the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren.
  • “我极敬爱的弟们,我的好朋友们,在法国的农村中,有一百三十二万所房子都只有三个洞口;
    "My very dear brethren, my good friends, there are thirteen hundred and twenty thousand peasants' dwellings in France which have but three openings;
  • 自80年代中叶,美国被财经界似乎漫无止境的丑闻所泛滥。这个时代最具代表性的人物有莱文,皮箱盛满靠内幕消息赚来的现款;“烂债券”亿万富翁米尔肯,他的诡计拖垮了德莱克塞尔;以及萨洛蒙弟公司的头头古特弗雷因德,对他公司职员违规买卖国库公债视若无睹。堕落的行为日积月累,难道美国商业道德已经破产了吗?
    Since the mid-80's, the nation has been swept by a seemingly endless wave of scandals from the world of finance. Defining the era are figures like Dennis Levine, with his briefcase full of insidertrading cash, Michael R.Milken, the junk bond billionaire whose machinations led to the demise of Drexel Burnham Lambert, and John H.Gutfreund, the head of Salomon Brothers Inc., who turned a blind eye on wayward Treasury bond traders. The cumulative weight of all this turpitude raises the question of whether American business has suffered a moral collapse.
  • 把它捎给我兄弟。
    Bring it to my brother.
  • 我的弟忙于自己的经纪业务。
    My brother have his hand full with his brokerage business.
  • 老兄,不用忙。
    That is easy, buddy.
  • 我打赌他对每一个人都叫[老]。
    I bet he calls everybody "buddy".
  • ,你在这里下车。
    This is where you get off, buddy.
  • ,你干吗对我这么盛气凌人?
    How come you're high-latting me, old buddy?