Chinese English Sentence:
  • 通过这种方式就避免了程序中的冗余,而且程序会被很好地定义,便于用户调试、维护和改,并且易于操作。
    In this way redundancy within a program is avoided and the program is well defined, making maintenance, debugging or modifications easier to perform.
  • 通过由本饰词限定的语义来搜索分类类别将产生对一个注册的商业实体的确定的匹配,发生该确定匹配的条件是一个完整的businessentity元素所包含的所有的categorybag(包含所有被businessentity包含或引用的businessservice的category元素)的联合包含了指定的过滤标准。
    Searching for a category will yield a positive match on a registered business if any of the categoryBag elements contained within the full businessEntity element (including the categoryBag elements within contained or referenced businessService elements) contains the filter criteria.
  • 用来饰名词短语所指示物。
    one of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the referents of noun phrases.
  • 性一种语法分类,用于名词、代词或形容词的分析,而且在某些语言中动词可能是任意的或基于一些特点的,例如性别和行为方式,来决定其与饰成分、有关搭配及语法形式的一致性或选择性
    A grammatical category used in the analysis of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
  • 作者打算把他5年前的著作改得更完美些。
    The author is planning to refine on his work of five years ago.
  • 有教养的,文雅的,高雅的;有养的
    Educated, polished, and refined; cultivated.
  • 政府目前正订现有的表现指标并制定新的指标。
    Existing performance indicators are being refined and new ones developed.
  • 教养,养文化或智慧的优雅;好品味
    Cultural or intellectual refinement; good taste.
  • 粗鲁的缺乏良好的举止,文化,或养的
    Lacking good manners, culture, or refinement.
  • 高尚的,有教养的品味和举止优雅的;有文化的;有养的
    Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished.
  • 养,教养通过美学和智力训练而形成的高品味和文雅
    A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training.
  • 一个被雇来复或整古代设备的技术工人。
    a skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish antique furniture.
  •  当我终于看到这件衬衫,我常穿着它理那些我在廉价品大拍卖中发现的家具。
    When I finally got the shirt, I wore it often while refinishing "early marriage" furniture that I found at rummage sales.
  • 事务所重新装后将再次开张。
    The office will reopen soon after its refit.
  • 重新装会议室,打乱了办公室的日常工作。
    Refit the conference room have disturbed the office routine.
  • 三家公司都以书面形式对这个酒吧的重新装成本做了估算。
    Three firm estimate for the refit of the bar.
  • 那艘班轮已经全面整
    The liner has been refitted from stem to stern.
  • 若不整军舰仍将继续服役。
    warships will remain in service when not refitting.
  • 重新装会议室,打乱了办公室的日常工作。
    Refitting the conference room has disturbed the office routine.
  • 我们已要求提供重新装酒吧的报价。
    We have asked for quote for refitting the bar.
  • 我们要求对整商店估价。
    We have asked for quote for refitting the shop.
  • 该饭店对所有卧室都进行了得新装,从而使其达到四星级标准。
    The hotel has refitted all the bedrooms and has be upgraded to 4- star.
  • 该饭店对所有卧室都进行了新装,从而使其达到四星级标准。
    The hotel has refitted all the bedrooms and has been upgraded to 4 - star.
  • 第四十七条 在已竣工交付使用的住宅楼进行室内装活动,应当限制作业时间,并采取其他有效措施,以减轻、避免对周围居民造成环境噪声污染。
    Article 47 Whoever makes indoor decoration and refitting in a residential building that is already completed and delivered for use shall do so in restricted hours and take other effective measures to mitigate or avoid producing environmental noise pollution to the neighbours.
  • 各级法院以学习贯彻正后的《刑事诉讼法》、推进刑事审判方式改革为重心,全面改革和完善审判方式,依法强化了庭审功能、合议庭和独立审判员的职责,加强了对人民群众合法权益的保护。
    Courts at various levels, focusing on studying the amended Criminal Procedure Law and promoting the reform of court trial procedures, have comprehensively reformed and improved the country's trial system. They have intensified the functions of court hearings, the duty and responsibilities of intercollegiate benches and individual jurors in accordance with the law, and strengthened the protection of legitimate rights and interests of the people.
  • 特拉比斯教会的道士经过改革的天主教西妥道会的主要一支的成员,以苦行和发誓沉默为特征,1664年建立于法国西北部的拉特拉比斯道院
    A member of the main, reformed branch of Cistercian monks, characterized by austerity and a vow of silence, established in1664 at La Trappe Monastery in northwest France.
  • 考伯特,简·巴蒂斯特1619-1683法国政治家,曾做路易十四的顾问。柯尔贝尔改革税制,统一行政权并致力于建道路、运河以鼓励贸易
    French politician who served as an adviser to Louis XIV. Colbert reformed taxes, centralized the administration, and improved roads and canals in an effort to encourage trade.
  • 这里说“矫枉必须过正,不过正不能矫枉”,就是说,要终结旧的封建秩序,必须用群众的革命方法,而不是用正的——改良的方法。
    His remark in the text that "Proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong, or else the wrong cannot be righted" meant that the mass revolutionary method, and not the revisionist-reformist method, had to be taken to end the old feudal order.
  • 在所有的山峰中唯有帕尔纳索斯没有被洪水的浪滔所淹没,普罗米斯的独生子丢卡利翁和他的妻子皮拉——厄庇墨透斯的女儿——就躲到这个山峰上去。
    Parnassus alone, of the mountains, overtopped the waves, and there Deucalion, son the Prometheus, and his wife Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus, found refuge - he a just man and she a faithful worshiper of the gods.
  • 关于党内的奖励和处分,党章草案作了以下的重要的改:第一,取消了关于奖励的规定。
    With regard to commendatory and disciplinary measures within the Party, the draft Constitution contains the following important changes: First, the former provisions regarding commendation have been taken out;
  • 计划的第一步,是由国防部高级研究计划局、国家航空航天局、波音公司和鲍尔航天与技术公司联手,在未来几年内制造一颗名为nextsat(下一代卫星)的可理卫星实物模型。
    The first step is a joint effort between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,NASA,Boeing,and Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. to build a mock-up of a repairable satellite called NextSat in a couple of years.
  • 他们不计费用多少,把房屋装一新。
    They decorated the house regardless of the cost.