  • 仓库里的盒子包装机
    A packer of boxes in a warehouse.
  • 这些箱子堆放在库里。
    The boxes are stacked in the warehouse.
  • 这些箱(盒)子堆放在库里。
    The boxes is stack in the warehouse.
  • 新郎必须在谷正式向新娘求婚,因为嫁妆就放在这里。
    The bridegroom must formally ask for the bride's hand in the barn, because this is where the dowry is stored.
  • 简单、促地写;写一个简短的信条。
    write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of.
  • 颗粒还仓。
    Bring in every single grain.
  • 斑驳的浅黄色和白色猫头鹰,常居住在谷和其它建筑物中;啮齿动物的重要天敌。
    mottled buff and white owl often inhabiting barns and other structures; important in rodent control.
  • 料仓装置
    bin and bunker for handling bulk material
  • 在燃料中贮存或放置(燃料)
    To store or place(fuel) in a bunker.
  • 小火焚仓廪。
    A little fire burns up a great deal of corn.
  • 他们在房里为周末准备了足够的食物。
    They stocked the cabin with enough food for the weekend.
  • 孩子们将旅行用品塞进小货里。
    The boys stowed supplies for the trip into the little cabin.
  • 促完成很快或粗粗地制作或拼凑
    To make or assemble quickly or carelessly.
  • 急速草率地行事促或草率地安排或做
    To arrange, do, or make hastily or carelessly.
  • 在劳资协商促进组的协助下,饮食业、建造业、戏院业、库业、货运业及物业管理业均已成立三方小组。
    With the assistance of the unit, tripartite committees have been formed in the catering, construction, theatre, warehouse and cargo transport as well as property management trades.
  • 过了蒙马尔特门,是白墙环绕的谷——艄女修道院,修道院后面,便是蒙马尔特,石灰石山坡上当时教堂之多大致与磨坊的数量相当,以后只剩下磨坊了,因为社会如今只需要肉体的食粮而已。
    beyond the Montmartre Gate, the Grange-Bateli鑢e, encircled with white walls; behind it, with its chalky slopes, Montmartre, which had then almost as many churches as windmills, and which has kept only the windmills,for society no longer demands anything but bread for the body.
  • 我是帝国化学公司众多工厂中几十个库工作人员之一,因而仅仅是庞大机器中的一个螺丝钉。
    I'm one of dozens of people working in the stores at one of ICI's factories, and just a cog in a very big machine.
  • 正是在这种情况下,数据库(大量数据提取和分析工具)出现了。
    It was at this point that data warehouses -- collections of data extraction and analysis tools -- appeared.
  • 其最显著者为反对敌人第五次“治安强化”运动中的粮食斗争,这次斗争完全粉碎了敌人的灌计划。
    The most striking example was the struggle against the looting of grain waged in combatting the enemy's fifth "campaign for tightening public security", which completely thwarted the enemy's plan for storing grain.
  • 运输、库及通讯业占11.6%;
    11.6 per cent in transport, storage and communications;
  • 在实行适当调剂种子吃粮的政策时,不可采取开济贫的办法,亦不可强迫地富拿出粮食救济贫民,而应提倡低利或无利借贷的社会互助办法,或者采取由政府从没收或征收的公粮中抽出一部分举办生产贷粮或临时救济的办法。
    In readjusting the supplies of seed and various grain, we should not do this by using our grain reserves to relieve the poor or by compelling landlords and rich peasants to take out grain for the same purpose. Instead we should encourage mutual aid, such as extending interest-free loans or loans at low interest rates, have the government extend grain loans for production or as temporary relief for the poor by taking out a portion of the grain that was confiscated or levied.
  • 那么一件令人惊诧的信息,从那样一个的口中确凿地说了出来,真令我皇失措到了极点。
    So startling an announcement, so confidently made, and by such lips, is really disconcerting in the last degree.
  • 配以带浅桃红、淡紫、粉红、黄色和奶油色调(如玫瑰、牡丹、栀子花和小兰等)芬芳扑鼻的鲜花,魔幻般生成一种浪漫氛围。
    Fragrant flowers (roses, peonies, gardenias, freesia) in pale peach, lavender, pink, yellow and cream conjure images of romance.
  • 容器,箱子,贮藏用的容器或被围住的空间
    A container or enclosed space for storage.
  • 他购置了一个旧谷,目的在于要将它改建成饭店。
    He bought an old barn with an eye to converting it to a restaurant.
  • 把物资运送到仓库
    convey the supplies to the warehouse
  • 电动搬运车装备有电动机的带轮平台,用于库或货场运送货物
    A wheeled platform, sometimes equipped with a motor, for conveying loads in a warehouse or freight yard.
  • 载运有毒、含腐蚀性货物的船舶,排放洗水和其他残余物,必须按照国家有关船舶污水排放的规定进行,并如实地记入航海日志。
    The discharge of hold-washings and other residues by vessels carrying noxious or corrosive goods must be conducted in compliance with the state provisions for vessel sewage discharge and shall be truthfully recorded in the Logbook.
  • 我要我的家宅的四周有一万亩田地,有鱼池,有各种的果实;我要一个美丽的妻,和一些妖艳的妾,我要她们待我都很好;我要满屋金珠,满五谷,满箱银钱,而我自己则要做公卿,一生荣华富贵,活到一百岁。”
    I must have ten thousand acres of land surrounding my home and fish ponds and fruits of every kind and a beautiful wife and pretty concubines, all good and loving to me, and rooms stocked to the ceiling with gold and pearls and cellars stocked full of grain and trunks chockful of money, and I myself must be a Grand Councilor or a Duke of the First Rank and enjoy honor and prosperity and live until I am a hundred years old."
  • 他们把牲畜关在老谷里。
    They cramped the livestock in the ancient barns.
  • 贵方报价应包括板条箱包装费及到我方库的运费。
    Your price include packing in crate, and delivery to our warehouse.
  • 贵方报价应包括板条箱包装费及到我方库的运费。
    Your price is to include packing in crate, and delivery to our warehouse.