  • 中国政府希望美国政府能从发展双边贸易与经济合作的长远利益考虑,切实采取有效措施,放宽至取消现行歧视性的出口管制政策,为促进中美贸易平衡健康发展多做些有益的工作。
    The Chinese Government hopes the US Government will, proceeding from the long-term interest of bilateral trade and economic co-operation, adopt effective measures to relax or even cancel the current discriminatory export control policies against China so as to usher in a healthy and balanced Sino-US trade relationship.
  • 贫穷不可耻,偷窃足羞。
    Poverty is not a disgrace, but theft is a disgrace.
  • 他们没有按照科学的方法解剖木伊。
    they proceeded unscientifically when they dissected the mummy.
  • 实则奇文一点不奇,特世人顺口接屁者太多,稍稍不肯人云亦云而自抒己见者,不免被庸人惊诧而已。
    The ideas and points of view of writers of this school always seem so new and strange only because readers are so used to the distorted vision.
  • 记住,你之所以成为一个独立的人,并且处于一定的处境,因为你的心中坚持着某种观念和想法。
    Remember,you are what you are and where you are because of the dominating thoughts in your mind.
  • 依,皮尔1606-1684法国戏剧家,其作品包括熙德和贺拉斯(1640年),特点是用精致的诗文对重大的道德主题加以戏剧化
    French playwright whose works, including Le Cid(c.1637) and Horace(1640), dramatize grand moral themes within elegant verse.
  • 乃入见。
    So he saw the Duke.
  • 计算无线电波回声的时间是雷达运行所依据的原理。
    Timing an echo of radio waves is the principle on which radar operates.
  • 绿叶的生与死是旋风的急骤的旋转,它的更广大的旋转的圈子是在天上繁星之间徐缓的转动。
    The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars.
  • 那个国家将要展示埃及木伊。
    There will be an Egyptian mummy show in that country.
  • 一个在公元前八百年死去的埃及女木伊刚刚被动过手术。
    The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B. C. has just had an operation.
  • 麻布古代一种结构很好的亚麻布,埃及人用它裹缠木
    A fine-textured linen of ancient times, used by the Egyptians for wrapping mummies.
  • 伊按照古代埃及人的方法,准备掩埋并经过防腐处理的动物或人类的尸体
    The dead body of a human being or an animal that has been embalmed and prepared for burial, as according to the practices of the ancient Egyptians.
  • 对尸体进行防腐和干化处理,并用布裹起来形成木伊。
    embalmment and drying a dead body and wrapping it as a mummy.
  • 进步今日之努力,明日之保证。                 --爱默生
    Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.                 --Emerson
  • 最高处是嫉妒之的。
    What is highest is envy's mark.
  • 他继承了父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。
    He followed in his father's footsteps, but his gait is somewhat erratic.
  • 他继承了父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。
    He followed in his father's footsteps, but his gait was somewhat erratic.
  • 他继承了父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。
    He followed in his father 's footsteps, but his gait is somewhat erratic.
  • 他们担心在剖开时木伊会变成碎片。
    They feard that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open.
  • 这是四十年至几千年未曾成就过的奇勋。
    This is a marvellous feat never before achieved, not just in forty, but in thousands of years.
  • 那种主张中国应该参加英法帝国主义战线的意见,是投降派的意见,不利于抗日和不利于中华民族独立解放的意见,是应该根本拒绝的。
    To maintain that China should join the Anglo-French imperialist war front is a capitulator's view, which is harmful to the War of Resistance as well as to the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation, and it should be flatly rejected.
  • 有园林植物2500多种、花卉植物1500多种,均居全国之冠,是中国至世界重要的植物基因库。
    There are over 2500 gardening plants and over 1500 floricultural plants which rank the first in China, making Yunnan the important Gene Tank of plants both domestically and throughout the world.
  • 馨康馨这种植物的花
    A flower of this plant.
  • 真慷慨乃大智。
    The truly generous is the truly wise.
  • 而hallo则又与halloo有联系,halloo指敦促猎狗时的叫声,其历史又可上溯至1700年。但是,在更早的一个世纪之前,莎士比亚所著的《李尔王》(kinglear)中就已经出现了另一个变形词aloo。
    That in turn is related to halloo, a cry to urge on hunting dogs. Halloo dates to about 1700, but a variant, aloo, appears in Shakespeare's King Lear a century earlier than that.
  • 伊洛伊洛菲律宾班东南部一城市,位于伊洛伊洛海峡边沿,苏禄海湾。伊洛伊洛是一以精细的手工纺织品而闻名世界的重要港口。人口244,827
    A city of southeast Panay, Philippines, on Iloilo Strait, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. Iloilo is a major port noted for its delicate, handwoven fabrics. Population,244, 827.
  • "享受现在"是句很好的箴言,尤其是当它与《圣经·诗篇》中第118页24行的一段话相映衬的时候,更是如此:"今日主所创造;
    "Relish the moment "is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24:"This is the day which the Lord hath made;
  • 尽管对脏雾的研究还需要更多的科学数据,但是科学家们认为这片亚洲脏雾对亚洲地区至全球的恶劣影响将会在今后的30年内逐渐恶化。
    While scientists say they still need more scientific data, they suggest the regional and global impact of the haze will intensify over the next 30 years.
  • 这件事是同时代进步到二十世纪的三四十年代一事分不开的,是同共产党和红军的存在分不开的,这是问题的焦点所在。
    This is bound up with the fact that we are now in the Nineteen Thirties and Nineteen Forties and that we now have the Communist Party and the Red Army. Herein lies the heart of the matter.
  • 自信英雄主义的精髓。
    Self trust is the essence of heroism.
  • 所以,对生存必需的直接的物质资料的生产,和由此为某个民族或某个时代所获得的经济发展程度,构成了这个国家的机构、法制观念、艺术至宗教思想发展的基础,因而我们必须根据这个基础来解释它们,而不是像以往那样反其道而行之。
    that, therefore, the production of the immediate material means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institution, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.