  • 但是,在最大程度上承认劳动的了不起的成就,承认最出类拔革的天才人物永远是最不知疲倦的工作者这一事实的同时,无论怎样都必然十明显的是,假如没有心灵和头脑固有的天赋,不论多么大量的劳动,应用得多么恰当也创造不出一位莎士比亚、牛顿、贝多芬或者米开朗琪罗。
    But while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labour, and recognising the fact that men of the most distinguished genius have invariably been found the most indefatigable workers, it must nevertheless be sufficiently obvious that, without the original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labour, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.
  •  “工”这个说法是有些欠明确的,势必由此发生错误或模糊的见解。
    The expression 'division of labour' is an indefinite one, and must necessarily produce a false or indefinite idea.
  • 无限生长化的能无限生长或割的,用于培养中的细胞
    Capable of indefinite growth or division. Used of cells in culture.
  • 满足这种需要是科学家生活中必不可少的一部。正因为如此,他们长时间地对自己的研究持有极大的热情和动力。
    Scientists have the satisfaction of this need built into their lives,and this gives zest and motivation to their efforts over an indefinite period of time.
  • 开裂,凹陷两部间(如下巴)的裂隙或凹口
    A split or indentation between two parts, as of the chin.
  • 酒窝在身体某一部(特别在脸颊或下颚处)的天然凹陷
    A small natural indentation in the flesh on a part of the human body, especially in the cheek or on the chin.
  • 有很深的锯齿边,但其叶片之间没有完全开。
    having deeply indented margins but with lobes not entirely separate from each other.
  • 一个表达很多观点的文章中明显的部,开头通常错格为标记。
    one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line.
  • 段,段落在书写或排印时新提一行开头的一个独立的部,通常缩进一些,由一个或多个句子构成且常是解决某一单一问题或引用说话人接下去的话
    A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.
  • 第二位医生必须提出独立的析。
    The second doctor prepares an independent analysis.
  • ”这些可爱的字眼成为瑞士人社会生活中牢不可破的一部,它们给这种生活抹上了一层昔日礼节的优雅风度。
    " These charming phrases are an indestructible part of Swedish social life and they give it an old-world flavor of good manners.
  • 原子论古哲学家德谟克利特、伊比鸠鲁、卢梭等所持的唯物主义理论,认为简单微小的、不可割、不可消灭的微粒是整个宇宙的基本组成部
    The ancient theory of Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius, according to which simple, minute, indivisible, and indestructible particles are the basic components of the entire universe.
  • (3)经过一年多的时间,创造了富有斗争经验的地方武装,这是十难得的;这个地方武装的力量,加上红军第四军的力量,是任凭什么敌人也不能消灭的。
    local armed forces which have been built up for more than a year and are well experienced in struggle -- a rare achievement -- and which, coupled with the Fourth Red Army, will prove indestructible in the face of any enemy force;
  • 它是条身不明的野狗,有一天我放学,它就跟我回了家。
    He was just a street dog of indeterminate parentage who had followed me home from school one day.
  • 分类商品价格指数
    price index of commodities by groups
  • 在声音邮件方面,那些依赖于报文索引的系统常常依赖于日期标志进行报文类。
    On the voice mail side, systems that rely on message indexing often rely on date stamps to sort messages.
  • 美洲印第安语系的一个支。
    a family of American Indian languages.
  • 北美印第安语系的一个支。
    a family of North American Indian languages.
  • 南美印第安语系的一个支。
    a family of South American Indian languages.
  • 波塔瓦托米族17世纪至19世纪布于美国密歇根州、威斯康星州、伊利诺斯州北部及印第安纳州北部的美洲本土人。现今人口主要布于美国俄克拉荷马州、堪萨斯州、密西根州及安大略市
    A Native American people variously located in Michigan, Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and northern Indiana in the17th to the19th century, with present-day populations in Oklahoma, Kansas, Michigan, and Ontario.
  • 印度西北的大部旁遮普人所说的印地语。
    the Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in NW India.
  • 印度欧洲语族的一个支包括印度语和伊朗语。
    the branch of the Indo-European family of languages including the Indic and Iranian language groups.
  • 峰度一种统计频率曲线接近布中心时的大致状态或指示这种状态的数量
    The general form or a quantity indicative of the general form of a statistical frequency curve near the mean of the distribution.
  • 知道有关指标是由哪些成组成也非常重要。
    It is vital to know the accurate components of an indicator.
  • 抽烟现在成了划阶层的某种标志,用以区工人和管理人员。
    Smoking is now something of a class indicator, sep-arating the workers from the management.
  • 仪表板车辆挡风玻璃下的板,包含指示转盘、隔间,有时也含控制装置
    A panel under the windshield of a vehicle, containing indicator dials, compartments, and sometimes control instruments.
  • 指针标度盘、刻度或机械装置的类似部上的细长指针或指示器
    A slender pointer or indicator on a dial, scale, or similar part of a mechanical device.
  • 互见参照从书、索引、目录或文件的一部到另一含有相关资料部的参照
    A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information.
  • 减去食物与能源的费用以后――这两项每月可能大幅变动――成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。
    After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.
  •  改革开放以来,中国国民生产总值翻了两番,污染物排放的增长速度明显低于经济增长速度,部地区和城市的一些环境质量指标基本保持稳定,有的还在一定程度上有所改善。
    Since the initiation of the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, China's GNP has quadrupled, but the growth of the emission of pollutants is clearly slower than the economic growth. Some environmental quality indices of some regions and cities have basically remained stable, and some localities have made improvements to a certain extent.
  • 人民法院在作出开庭审理的决定后,起诉书副本最迟应在开庭七日以前送达被告人,使期了解被指控的罪行和原因,有充的时间准备辩护和与辩护人联系。
    After the people's court decides to hear a case, a duplicate copy of the indictment should be made available to the accused at least seven days before the opening session of the court in order that he may learn what crime or crimes he is being prosecuted for and the reasons why he is being prosecuted, and that he has enough time to prepare his defense and get in touch with his lawyer.
  • 印度东部食水果的歌鸟,大部是鲜艳的蓝色。
    fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies.