  • 出处有争议的诗篇
    A poem of disputed authorship.
  • 他对我那些话的真实性提了怀疑。
    He disputed the truth of my statement.
  • 一九九八年,运输署检控组提涉及巴士的检控共24宗,根据违例驾驶记分制而提取消驾驶资格的个案共7865宗,对违反隧道、青马管制区和其他规例而提的检控则有2911宗。
    In 1998, it prosecuted 24 cases in respect of buses, 7856 cases for which disqualification was sought under the Driving Offence Points System, and 2911 cases in respect of breaches of tunnel, Tsing Ma Control Area and other regulations.
  • "他获得了金牌,但后来因查有作弊行为而被取消名次。"
    "He won the gold medal, but was later disqualified because of his cheating."
  • 假如货物运达时发现品质不合格或短重,我们是否有权提索赔?
    If the goods is find disqualify or shortweight on arrival, is we entitled to lodge claim?
  • 假如货物运达时发现品质不合格或短重,我们是否有权提索赔?
    If the goods were found disqualify or shortweight on arrival, are we entitled to lodge claim?
  • 裁判员可以示黄牌或者判其停赛两分钟,甚至可以取消其参赛资格。
    He can hold up a yellow card to warn the player or give him a suspension of 2 minutes or even disqualify the guilty player.
  • 这个官员对穷人的需求表现完全漠视的态度。
    The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
  • 他全然不听我的警告, 结果了事故。
    He utterly disregarded my warnings and met with on accident.
  • “我没有表示不尊敬呀。”这是我的回答,心里暗笑他报自己的姓名时的庄严神气。
    `I've shown no disrespect,' was my reply, laughing internally at the dignity with which he announced himself.
  • 不虔诚的;不尊敬的缺乏或显缺乏虔诚的;不尊敬的
    Lacking or exhibiting a lack of reverence; disrespectful.
  • 如果她疏忽大意了差错,则应该为“不尊重”表示歉意。
    If she slips up, she should apologize for being " disrespectful.
  • 屁股以戏弄在公共场合暴露自己的屁股,作为一种恶作剧或不尊重的表示
    To expose one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture.
  • 一次交通事故使进这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。
    An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.
  • 一辆卡车与一列火车相撞的事故使进这座城市的铁路交通陷于混乱。
    An accident of the collision of a truck with a train has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.
  • 评述9·11之后的世界时,布什说:"如果我们坐等威胁化为现实,那我们就坐失良机了……我们必须向敌人开战,破坏他们的计划并在最严重的威胁现之前就予以打击。"
    Surveying the post-Sept.11world,Bush said that"if we wait for threats to fully materialize,we will have waited too long...We must take the battle to the enemy,disrupt his plans and confront the worst threats before they emerge."
  • 无事故的,正常的没有现破坏的
    Occurring without disruption.
  • 外汇基金投资公司会继续研究其他售股份的方法,并会紧记须尽可能减低对市场造成的干扰。
    The EFIL continues to consider further opportunities for the disposal of shares while bearing in mind its mandate of minimising disruption to the market.
  • 倘有不法之徒,胆敢阴谋捣乱,本府本处言法随,勿谓言之不预。切切。
    Henceforward, should any lawless person dare to plot disruption, the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will enforce these regulations to the letter and will accept no plea of ignorance.
  • 联合国《关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系及合作之国际法原则之宣言》指:凡以局部或全部破坏国家统一及领土完整或政治独立为目的之企图,都是不符合联合国宪章精神的。
    The United Nations Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations points out that any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity, territorial integrity or political independence of a State or country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
  • 这种生活会是混乱的、不安的;令人不安的事实;在他挑剔的眼光下不快乐的长大;正当我感觉有把握时的一个令我吃惊的、不安的情况;老师席讨论会让那个孩子感觉很不舒服。
    this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable; the uncomfortable truth; grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye; an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest; the teacher's presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable.
  • 下议院议员道了公众对增加税收的不满。
    Private members voice public dissatisfaction at have to pay higher taxes.
  • 表现或者经历着不满意或者得不到平静的渴望。
    showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing.
  • 一方面,不要要求自己错了的气也要人家同意;另一方面,也不要要求人家的每一个气都得对。
    We should not expect others to agree with us when our dissatisfaction is unjustified any more than we should expect others' dissatisfaction to be totally justifiable.
  • 下议院议员道了公众对增加税收的不满.
    MPs voice public dissatisfaction at having to pay higher taxes.
  • 杰夫:在第17站比赛进行之前,已经有3支车队因不满警方的突袭而宣布退比赛。
    Jeff: Before the race of the 17th stage began, three teams have al-ready dropped out of the race because of their dissatisfaction of the police's sudden attack.
  • 事发以后,中方向日方多次提交涉,对于日方在中国专属经济区海域轻率使用武力表示了强烈不满。
    After the incident, the Chinese side has made representations on many occasions with the Japanese side and expressed our strong dissatisfaction over Japan’s indiscreet use of force in China’s exclusive economic zone.
  • 我们提,对中央、对省,提批评和意见,气,也是为了通气,也是为了恢复和坚持民主集中制。
    As I said earlier, by offering criticism and opinions to the Central Committee and to the provincial Party committees, you can give vent to your dissatisfaction, and it is also a way of communicating with one another and reviving and maintaining democratic centralism.
  • 过去执行“三不”有一定的缺点,就是只有那个过去挨过批评要气的人才能气,而过去批评过别人的人,甚至他的意见是正确的,或者有正确的、有不正确的,他也不敢讲,也不能讲。
    In the past there were shortcomings in following this principle in that only those who had been criticized previously were allowed to give vent to their dissatisfaction, whereas those who had criticized others dared not and could not air their views whether their opinions were correct or partly correct.
  • (毛泽东:错了不怪人家。得对,你应该接受;错了,你怪人家也不好。)气,并不是每一个气都得对的,错了也不要紧。
    (Mao's comment: Do not blame anyone for saying something erroneous. If the speaker is right, you should accept it. On the other hand, it would not be right to reproach someone for erroneous remarks.) When people express their dissatisfaction, it is impossible for them to get everything right, but this is not important.
  • 经理的眼睛里露不满的神色。
    There was a dissatisfied look in the magager's eyes.
  • 把某人勒死以卖尸体勒死(某人)并使其尸体保持完整以适合于解剖之用
    To execute(someone) by suffocation so as to leave the body intact and suitable for dissection.