  • 这次会议,解决了一些过去遗留下来的问题,清了一些人的功过,纠正了一批重大的冤案、错案、假案。
    This conference has solved some problems left over from the past and distinguished clearly between the merits and demerits of some persons, and remedies have been made for a number of major cases in which the charges were false or which were unjustly or incorrectly dealt with.
  • 之十五的税收增长
    A tax increase of15 percent.
  • 抵押款提高了,其中一部可由免税额增加而抵消。
    Higher mortgage rates are partly offset by increased tax allowances.
  • 他们把车厢上面的中央部打开以增进空气的流通。
    They increased ventilation by opening the top center part of the carriage window.
  • 比已由十五增加到四十四。
    The percentage has increased by 15 to 44.
  • 现在,虚拟访问和网络天才日益成为大学中通常的组成部
    Now,virtual visits and web wizards are increasingly normal parts of college.
  • 对于那些要在网络上布的应用程序来说,该方法越来越流行。
    it's becoming increasingly common for applications to be distributed across the network.
  • 她便是妓女塞绮斯,当她的情人间她“你十感谢我吗?”的时候,她回答说:“哎呀,感谢极了。”
    It is Thais the whore who gave this answer to her lover when he asked: Am I very worthy of your thanks?"Very, nay, incredibly so! "
  • 她便是妓女塞绮斯,当她的情人间她“你十感谢我吗?”的时候,她回答说:“哎呀,感谢极了。”
    It is Thais the whore who gave this answer to her lover when he asked: Am I very worthy of your thanks? "Very, nay, incredibly so!"
  • 例如,企业能以几条t-1链路的代价建立一条t-3或oc-3链接,把增加的带宽在整个机构内进行配。
    For example, the enterprise could establish a T-3 or OC-3 connection forth cost of several T-1 links and distribute incremental bandwidth throughout the organization.
  • 台湾当局领导人拒不接受一个中国原则,顽固坚持“台湾独立”立场,甚至抛出海峡两岸“一边一国”的裂主张,并以渐进的手法进行各种裂活动。
    While refusing to accept the one-China principle, and stubbornly clinging to the position of "Taiwan independence," the leader of Taiwan has even gone so far as to dish up the separatist proposition of "one country on each side," and carried out all sorts of separatist moves with an incremental tactic.
  • 在去年他们公布了“网络计算机参考说明”之后,他们经“十月怀胎”,今年终于“一朝娩”,降生了nc,大受欢迎。
    After they unveiled the Network Computer Reference Profile last year, they went right ahead through the pregnancy period and incubation, and finally this year, the birth of the NC is heralded with a big bang.
  • 如果遇到不能进行选举的非常情况,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会以全体组成人员的三之二以上的多数通过,可以推迟选举,延长本届全国人民代表大会的任期。
    Should exceptional circumstances prevent such an election, it may be postponed by decision of a majority vote of more than two- thirds of all those on the Standing Committee of the incumbent National People's Congress, and the term of office of the incumbent National People's Congress may be extended.
  • 香港特别行政区政府有责任发挥领导作用,推动社会追求这些理想,并落实为具体的计划。不过,如果没有社会各界人士的充合作和共同努力,我们就无法取得成果。
    It is incumbent upon the Hong Kong SAR to provide the leadership for the community to embrace these ideals and translate them into concrete practices, but we cannot expect to achieve results without the full co-operation and concerted efforts of the entire community.
  • 两次抢跳要扣40分。
    Forty-point penalties are incurred for two false starts.
  • 的暂时的牺牲(不保存),为了全体的永久的保存。
    Partial and temporary sacrifice (non-preservation) is incurred for the sake of general and permanent preservation.
  • 初步析,由于强化税收征管和检查,1999年共增加税收165亿。
    Tentative analysis shows that in 1999 the strengthening of audit and tax collection and administration incurred an increase of RMB ¥16.5 billion.
  • 一些公司不得不表示他们所承担的费用是“完全和专门”作为企业的一部而“承受的”,虽然他们可以声称对某些活动的赞助至少是他们的公共关系和广告预算的一部,但那笔钱是不能无限量增加的。
    Companies have to show that the expenses they have incurred are "wholly and exclusively incurred" as part of the business and though they can claim that what they give to some events is at least part of their public relations and advertising budget, and that does not extend indefinitely.
  •  国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当别对所管辖的滞洪区、蓄洪区内有关居民的安全、转移、生活、生产、善后恢复、损失补偿等事项,制定专门的管理办法。
    Article 44: Whoever draws, intercepts, blocks or discharges water in violation of this law and thereby causes impediments or losses to others shall stop the infringements, remove the impediments and compensate for the losses incurred.
  • 1987年9月至1989年3月拉萨发生的多起骚乱事件,就是在达赖集团的煽动和派遣回藏的叛乱子策划下挑起的,这些骚乱给西藏人民的生命财产造成严重损失。
    The riots in Lhasa from September 1987 to March 1989 were incited by the Dalai clique and plotted by rebels who were sent back to Tibet. The riots incurred severe losses to the lives and property of Tibetans.
  • 这类“混合”的网络为企业提供一种低成本的方法,未利用布式通信的基础设施,同时不会有因拥有和管理网络的大部设备而产生的成本。
    This kind of "hybrid" network offers a cost-effective way for enterprises to leverage a distributed communications infrastructure, without incurring the cost of owning and managing a large portion of the network's components.
  • 帝国主义靠直接军事侵略没有达到完全控制西藏的目的之后,就变换手法,开始策划把西藏从中国裂出去的活动。
    After their failure to assume full control of Tibet through direct military incursion, the imperialists changed their tack and began plotting to separate Tibet from China.
  • 我十感激一直如此努力工作的全体员工。
    I'm indebted to all the staff who have been working so hard.
  • 我十感激所有如此努力工作的人。
    I'm indebted to all the people who worked so hard.
  • 有些人愿意摊,这样就不会感到欠人情,应该尊重这种心理。
    Some people prefer to pay their own way so that they don't feel indebted, and those feelings should be respected.
  • 你说她本来应当写信来感谢我,但你弄错了,因为是我应该十感谢她。
    You say she ought to have written to thank me, but the boot is on the other leg, for it is I that am deeply indebted to her.
  • 不管他著作的其余部对科学作出了多大贡献,他似乎认为“工”这个概念是他思想上最卓越的一点。
    However much science may be indebted to him in respect of the remaining parts of his work, the idea 'division of labour' seemed to him his most brilliant thought.
  •  流行学派发现了它称作“工”的那个自然法则,这一光荣是属之于它那大名鼎鼎的创立者的;但是不论亚当·斯密或他的任何后继者,对于这一法则的主要本质或特征都没有能作彻底研究,都没有能把它最重要的后果追究到底。
    The school is indebted to its renowned founder for the discovery of that natural law which it calls 'division of labour,'but neither Adam Smith nor any of his successors have thoroughly investigated its essential nature and character, or followed it out to its most important consequences.
  • 如将原来的流氓罪解为侮辱妇女、聚众淫乱、聚众斗殴、寻衅滋事四种犯罪,增加了黑社会犯罪、煽动民族仇恨罪、证券欺诈犯罪、危害国防利益罪等。
    For instance, the previous offence of indecent activities has now been classified into four crimes, namely, molestation of women, gang-bang, gang brawls, and provoking fights and quarrels and making trouble, while new crimes including mafia crimes, instigation of hatred among people of ethnic groups, securities frauds, and endangerment of the interests of national defense have been added into the law.
  • 这两种意见界线明。
    There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions.
  • 漫长的、胜负不的战争。
    a long and indecisive war.
  • 这是不能解的状之。
    This is an indecomposable substance.