  • 我的忧思缠绕我,要问我它自己的名字。
    My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own names.
  • 玛格丽特微笑说,“那时候不是您可笑,而是我爱捉弄人,就像现在一样,不过我现在比过去好些了。
    Marguerite went on with a smile. 'It wasn't that you were ridiculous, but I who was a tease. As I still am rather, though less so nowadays.
  • 那个孩子不管看见什么都一个劲儿地吵要。
    The child teases for everything he sees.
  • 小男孩不住地吵要买冰淇淋。
    The little boy teases for ice - cream.
  • 它的一面是一只拿红色的弓的艾德熊,另一面是浅兰色的格子图案。
    It had teddy bears with red bows on one side and light blue checks on the other.
  • 汤普森夫人前一年里曾留心观察过这个孩子,发现他和其他的孩子玩不到一块儿,还穿邋遢,老不洗澡。
    Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were unkempt and that he constantly needed a bath.
  • 人们穿单衣走上街头,尽情享受严冬过后突如其来的温暖阳光。
    People were out in the streets without coats, luxuriating in the unexpected warmth of tee sun after such a bitter winter.
  • 接近球随高尔夫球从球座处击出后,击球者试图将球打至球洞草坪区
    The golf stroke following the drive from the tee with which a player tries to get the ball onto the putting green.
  • 他穿他兄弟的夜礼服去参加盛大的集会,但是穿向别人借来的装门面的漂亮衣服看上去很不舒服,还不如他平时穿的牛仔裤和梯恤衫好。
    He wore his brother's evening dress to the function but looked very uncomfortable in his borrowed plumes instead of hi usual jeans and tee shirt.
  • 第一名选手迎强劲的侧风将球发了出去。
    The first teed off into a strong cross wind.
  • 天一直在下倾盆大雨,我没法去商店。
    I can't go out to the shop yet, it's still teeming with rain.
  • ’’当十多岁的女儿穿过于暴露的衣服,戴金项链走出家门时,父亲会这样对她尖叫。
    an American father screams at his teenage daughter as she leaves the house wearing a couple of handkerchiefs and a bit of gold string.
  • 一位身皮茄克的少年从人群中挤过去,真是自讨苦吃。
    A teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd, looking for trouble.
  • (英)19世纪60年代穿皮夹克,骑摩托车的英国青少年。
    (British) a British teenager in the 1960s who wore leather jackets and rode motorcycles.
  • 参加附近流氓团伙,身艳丽花衣的墨西哥裔美国青少年。
    a Mexican-American teenager who belongs to a neighborhood gang and who dresses in showy clothes.
  • (英)19世纪60年代英国青少年的称号;以身奇装异服和反对摇滚歌手而著称。
    (British) a British teenager in the 1960s; noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockers.
  • 那群少年正合摇摆音乐的节拍跳舞。
    The teenagers were rocking about.
  • 伊拉希是一家剧院的经理,她参加了在德黑兰举行的一次悼念9·11遇难者的烛光守业活动。她说,人们冒被逮捕的危险参加这样的活动,但却听到布什将伊朗视为恐怖主义的支持者,这令她感到非常气愤。
    Elahe, a theater director who attended one of a few candlelight vigils in Tehran for the victims of the Sept.11 attacks, said she felt angry that after risking arrest to take part in these vigils, she heard Bush brand her country a supporter of terror.
  • 明星们出席这种典礼是不要出场费的,这就意味,这样的电视颁奖典礼是低投入高利润的。
    Televised award shows make money. The stars come out for free, and that makes these extravaganzas cheap to produce.
  • 当总统穿运动衫接受电视采访时,白宫便要征询索尔比对这种便服的意见(他不赞成)。
    And when the president wore a sweater for a televised interview, the White House asked Thouriby what he thought of this informal costume (he disapproved).
  • 电视机是开着的
    The television is on.
  • 如果机器开,灯光会显示出来。
    This light tells you if the machine on.
  • 叫他等着。
    Tell him to wait.
  • 男孩们围坐在讲故事的人旁,出神地听每一字、每一句。
    The boys sat around the story-teller, drinking in all the words and expres-sions.
  • 有一个矮小的男人带玩具枪在光天化日之下抢劫了银行,但是被一位年轻的女出纳员当场抓住。
    A small man robbed a bank with a toy gun in broad daylight, and was caught red-handed by a young lady-teller of the bank.
  •  有些人讲故事时身民族服装,另一些人则采用表演的方式。
    Some tellers make their stories more lively by performing in native dress, and others act out their characters.
  • 我知道,用不你告诉我。
    You are telling me.
  • 我儿子告诉我说,他盯看我的脸看时,如果我想笑我就是在撒谎。
    My son told me that I was telling a lie if I wanted to laugh when he was staring me in the face.
  • 流露真情的微笑;泄露实情的仪器板;水面上一块泄露实情的油迹,表示船沉下去的地方。
    a telling smile; a telltale panel of lights; a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down.
  • 体质古代与中世纪生理学家们认为冷、热、湿、干四种体液的特定比例的组合控制身体的温度和体质
    The combination of the four humors of cold, heat, moistness, and dryness in specific proportions, thought in ancient and medieval physiology to control the temperament and the constitution of the body.
  • 她笑婉转地加以拒绝。
    She tempered her refusal with a smile.
  • 干部要顺台阶上,一般的意义是说,干部要有深入群众、熟悉专业、积累经验和经受考验锻炼的过程。
    Generally speaking, promoting cadres step by step means that they should go through the process of learning their profession, tempering themselves, working among the masses, and accumulating experience.