  • 哈马丹伊朗西部城市,位于德黑兰的西南偏西。它是一座古城,元前330年被亚历山大大帝征服,后来被塞琉西地国王、罗马、拜占庭以及阿拉伯(元645年以后)统治。人口234,000
    A city of western Iran west-southwest of Tehran. An ancient city, it was captured by Alexander the Great in330 b.c. and later ruled by Seleucid kings, Romans, Byzantines, and Arabs(after a.d.645). Population,234, 000.
  • 纸张电池有限司,以色列特拉维夫的一家小司,已经开发出一种可以直接压印在纸张、塑料或其他弹性材料上的电池。
    Power Paper Ltd., a tiny company based in Tel Aviv, Israel, has developed a battery that can be printed directly onto paper, plastic or other flexible material.
  • 在钢湾的约20顷土地于一九八九年填造。
    At Telegraph Bay, about 20 hectares of land were reclaimed in 1989.
  • 这就要求用新型的电路交换网关,它们具有局域网接口和与用网和用户交换机电话中继线连接的特点。
    This requires new kinds of circuit-switching gateways that feature LAN interfaces and telephony trunk connections to public networks and PBXs.
  • 虽然七号信令实现电话的新功能,但一种新设想是结合七号信令的智能特性,该协议能有助于使因特网更可靠、高效、可扩充和更易使用,因而有助于电信司、因特网服务供应商以及最终用户。
    While SS7 has enabled new telephony features, an emerging idea is that by combining SS7's intelligent features, the protocol could help make the Internet more reliable, efficient, scalable and easier to use, thereby benefiting telcos, ISPs and end users alike.
  • 英国广播司计画播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。
    The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.
  • 约在20年前,香港电台电视部每星期日正午,在港岛维多利亚园凉亭(有一段时
    About 20 years ago, Radio Television Hong Kong (RDHK) started City Forum, a programme televised live at noon every Sunday from Victoria Park in downtown Hong Kong (or, for some time, from another park in Kowloon).
  • 贝克先生告诉随行采访记者,总统是因为他的建议才深入民间,进行全国竞选,包括自白宫椭园形总统办室作电视演说,“如果非那样做不可的话……。”
    Reporters traveling with Mr.Baker were told that it was his recommendation that the President go to the American people with a nationwide campaign, including a possible televised address form the Oval Office, "if that is what it takes, …"
  • 他向他的办室发了一份电传电报。
    He sent a telex to his office.
  • 电传比电报更方便、更省钱,因此目前外贸司大部分的电文都用电传发送。
    Telex service is more convenient and economy than telegram service, therefore now most messages of foreign trade corporations are sent out by telex.
  • 这是敝司的商品目录。有意请电传。
    This is a list of our products.If interested, please telex.
  • 要不要我联络国际电传司查一查他们的费用如何?
    Shall I contact The International Telex Service to check up on their rates?
  • 今天,大司总是想把计算机、文字处理工作、传真、电传和其他信息源组合起来成为较大的整体。
    Large firms today often aim for greater integration of computers and word processing operations, fax transmission, telex and other messaging.
  • 室的年轻姑娘很快就学会使用用户电报了,可我就学不会,人老学习难啊。
    The young girls in the office soon learned how to use the telex, but I just can't understand it. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  • 根据有效期至二零零六年九月的专营牌照的规定,香港国际电讯有限司(简称"香港国际电讯")提供若干对外线路和服务,包括对外共电话服务和电视通讯线,本地和国际专用电报和电报服务、国际专用线路,以及本港的船岸和地空通讯等。
    Under an exclusive licence ending in September 2006, Hong Kong Telecom International Limited (HKTI) provides certain external circuits and services including external public telephone services and television connections; domestic and international telex and telegram services;international private leased circuits; and shore-to-ship and ground-to-air communications from Hong Kong.
  • 我们发电报把信息告诉我们的姊妹司。
    We telexed the information to our sister company.
  • 她告诉我说她拒绝参加会议,并说要布个中缘由。
    She told me that she refused to attend the meting and that she would tell the world why.
  • 答案不会是某某司,他说他是creativeartist,很少说我在某某司作。
    Your new acquaintance will probably tell you he is, say, a creative artist. It is unlikely that he tells you he belongs to a certain company.
  • 现在问一个陌生人,答案不会是某某司,他说他是creativeartist,很少说我在某某司作。
    But today the answer will be different. Your new acquaintance will probably tell you he is, say, a creative artist. It is unlikely that he tells you he belongs to a certain company.
  • 该银行出纳员将短少的款赔出来,并受到从轻的处分。
    The bank teller made good the shortage and was given a light sentence.
  • 在旅游者集中的共场所设立触摸屏式电子导游设施,奥运期间,设流动信息员为旅游者提供旅游信息和向导服务。
    Touch-screen e-guide facilities shall be made available at public locations frequented by tourists, and mobile information tellers shall be made available during the Olympic Games to provide tourist information and guide services.
  • 当一个人居住在寓里,离开了土地的时候,最优越的艺术脾性又有什么用处呢?
    What can one do with the best artistic temperament, when one lives in anapartment and away from the soil?
  • 其他著名庙宇包括:位于新界沙田的车庙,该庙供奉宋朝一名将军;
    Other notable temples include the Che Kung temple in Sha Tin in the New Territories, which is dedicated to a Sung Dynasty general;
  • 在马来西亚港口城市槟榔屿,传统基金会的志愿者已经保住了几座古庙和其他建筑,并且引发了众对保护传统的关注。
    In Penang, volunteers at the Penang Heritage Trust have saved some old temples and other buildings and sparked public interest in conservation.
  • 临时禁止;从学校,办室等。
    bar temporarily; from school, office, etc..
  • 同没拴住的牛一起穿过那块田野简直是在冒险。
    Walking through that field with the bull loose is just tempting fate.
  • 有10公斤。
    It weigh ten kilogrammes.
  • "我们司有一批备用汽车,因此,如果需要,我随时都有汽车可用。"
    "Our firm has a car pool, so if I need a car there's always one there."
  • 根据这个方案,住宅用地会以招标方式出售。中标者须把发展计划内一定数量的单位,交给政府以指定价格售予合资格的低收入家庭,其余单位则可在开市场发售。
    Under this approach, residential sites are offered for sale by tender, and the successful tenderer is required to hand over a specified proportion of flats within the development to the Government for sale to eligible low income families at designated prices, and retains the remaining proportion of flats for sale in the open market.
  • 由于贵司的投标条件是最合理的,我们选中了贵司的投标。
    Since all your tender condition have prove most suitable, we have choose your tender.
  • 司是承包这项工程的中标者。
    The company is the successful tenderer for the project.
  • 不应该用20美元和50美元的钞票来付共汽车的车票。
    $ 20 and $ 50 notes should not be tendered for bus fares.