  • 那个不听话的小子被赶房间。
    The disobedient boy was ordered out of the room.
  • 劳拉的母亲要她待在家里,但是她不听,去了。
    Laura's mother told her to stay inside, but she disobeyed (her) and went out.
  • 号令一,谁敢不依?
    Once the order is given, who dares to disobey?
  • 据《创世记》的记载,亚当和夏娃之所以被逐伊甸乐园,不是象一般人所相信的那样因为偷尝善恶树的果子,而是因为怕他们再度违背命令,偷吃生命树的果子,而永远活着:
    The Genesis story of the reason why Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden was not that they had tasted of the Tree of Knowledge, as is popularly conceived, but the fear lest they should disobey a second time and eat of the Tree of Life and live forever:
  • 暗示甲状腺异常的。
    suggestive of a thyroid disorder.
  • 被认定有罪的那位法官被逐了办公室。服务生领班把乱嘈嘈的客人赶了
    The convicted judge was thrown out of office. The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.
  • 多尔尽管聪明且阅历过人,可是没有向他们道具体内容。他的讲词平谈、严肃、专业化,而且——最糟的是——杂乱无章。
    Dole, for all his intelligence and experience, is not giving them red meat. His speeches are flat, earnest, technical and—worst of all—disorganized.
  • 车祸的人已丧失判断力。
    The victim of the traffic accident was disoriented.
  • 为了《法兰西生活》的荣誉,杜洛瓦不得不向诋毁他的人提决斗。
    For the honor of La Francaise Duroy was forced to challenge his disparager to a duel.
  • 波兰佬对生于波兰或波兰人后代的贬称
    Used as a disparaging term for a person of Polish birth or descent.
  • 这些神话中的人物当被描述为‘仅在传说中现’的时候,是带有轻视的态度的。
    these mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging `only to a story'.
  • 如果一个男人知道人类要世都需要一个母亲,那么他便不能对女人说坏话。
    No man can speak disparagingly of woman if he realizes that no one has come into this world without a mother.
  • (日本汽车被贬为“稻米火箭”或者“节俭盒子”,小型的欧洲汽车根本不允许上路,因为,人们认为这种车在高速路上容易危险。)
    (Japanese cars are disparagingly referred to as 'rice rockets' or 'econoboxes'. Small European cars are not permitted on road at all because they are a hazard on the high-ways.)
  • 纳米技术领域如果要树立起自己作为应用科学统一者的崇高形象,就要显示自己有能力把毫不相同的各个领域的活动组合在一起。
    For the field to establish itself as a grand unifier of the applied sciences, it must demonstrate the usefulness of grouping widely disparate endeavors.
  • 阳光计算机公司推的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的装置连接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智能网络的无线系统。
    Sun Computer's Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks.
  • 较多人投诉的事项包括:错、错误建议/决定、厚此薄彼、疏忽职守或不作为、延误、没有就投诉作回应/不乐意提供协助,以及监管不足。
    The areas that attracted substantial numbers of complaints were related to error, wrong advice/decision, disparity in treatment, negligence or omission, delay lack of response to complaints/unhelpfulness and inefficient control.
  • 投诉最多的事项包括疏忽职守或不作为,厚此薄彼,处事不公,延误,错,决定错误,没有就投诉做回应,不按程序办事,以及无礼。
    The areas which attracted substantial numbers of complaints were related to negligence or omission, disparity in treatment, unfairness, delay, error, wrong decision, lack of response to complaints, failure to follow procedures and rudeness.
  • 如果我们仅把经济增长作为我们的目标,那么在许多国家都现贫富差别的扩大,并造成可能影响我们安全的新政治问题。我认为这是今后20年左右最大的危险之一。
    I think that one of the great security dangers twenty years down the road or so, is that if we simply assume that growth is our object, then there will be an increasing disparity between rich and poor in a lot of nations and that will create new political problems in those nations that can affect our security.
  • 那些并非亡国论者,也不是一贯的悲观主义者,仅为一时候和一局部的敌我强弱情况或国内腐败现象所迷惑,而一时地发生悲观心理的人们,我们也得向他们指,他们的观点的来源也是片面性和主观性的倾向。
    As for those who are neither subjugationists nor confirmed pessimists, but who are in a pessimistic frame of mind for the moment simply because they are confused by the disparity between our strength and that of the enemy at a given time and in certain respects or by the corruption in the country, we should point out to them that their approach also tends to be one-sided and subjective.
  • 随着经济体制的转型和利益格局的调整,公民之间由于主客观条件的差异而产生了一定程度的贫富差别,现一部分公民因经济困难“请不起律师、打不起官司”,没有经济能力维护自己合法权益的问题。
    With transition of the economic system and adjustment of the interest patterns, a certain extent of disparity between the rich and the poor among citizens has been emerging due to the differences of subjective and objective conditions, resulting in such problems where a number of people are "not able to afford a lawyer or litigation" because of financial difficulties and these people do not possess the financial capacity in maintaining their legitimate rights and interests.
  • 事情是现时敌我强弱的程度悬殊太大,敌之缺点一时还没有也不能发展到足以减杀其强的因素之必要的程度,我之优点一时也没有且不能发展到足以补充其弱的因素之必要的程度,所以平衡不能现,而现的是不平衡。
    The fact is that the disparity between the enemy's strength and our own is now so great that the enemy's shortcomings have not developed, and for the time being can not develop, to a degree sufficient to offset his strength, while our advantages have not developed, and for the time being cannot develop, to a degree sufficient to compensate for our weakness. Therefore there can as yet be no balance, only imbalance.
  • 寄出货品,发货
    To dispatch( forward) an order
  • 邮局收据证明包裹已寄
    Dispatch of the packet is proved by the post office receipt.
  • 在1996年的危机中,美国曾经派过两艘航空母舰。
    We saw the dispatch of two aircraft carriers in the crisis of 1996.
  • 有的,车辆调度中心将为你提供租车及包租车服务。
    Yes, taxi and contract services are also provided by Traffic Dispatch Center.
  • 商检机构根据需要可以派检验人员参加。
    The commodity inspection authorities may, when necessary,dispatch inspection personnel to take part in such inspection and supervision.
  • 分遣为了特殊任务而将某一军事单元(如:部队或船只等)从一个庞大母体上派遣
    The dispatch of a military unit, such as troops or ships, from a larger body for a special duty or mission.
  • 为了做好口订单,让货物在星期一发,他们整个周末都在日夜工作。
    They worked around the clock and over the entire weekend to get the export order ready for dispatch on the Monday.
  • 据警方的广播报道说,一个人在自己家的私人车道上倒一辆轻型小货车时了意外,车轮从自己的小孙女身上轧了过去。
    A man, the police?dispatcher's broadcast said, had accidentally backed his pickup truck over his baby granddaughter in the driveway of the family home.
  • 照顾全局,从实际发,这两个观点缺一不可。
    Neither of these two approaches is dispensable.
  • 又在1933年芝加哥世界博览会上推自动“汽水售机”。
    The Chicago World Fair in 1933 introduced the automatic "fountain dispenser."
  • 太阳发出光和热。
    The sun dispenses heat and light.