  • 根据1986年通过的税制改革措施,司的最高税率由46%降到34%,并且实施了20%的最低税率。
    Under tax reform measures passed in 1986, the top taxes rate for corporations was reduced from 46 percent to 34 percent, and a minimum corporate tax rate of 20 percent was imposed.
  • 众认识到如果他们不如实报税并缴纳税款的话,他们也可能向街坊的商店老板一样坐牢,自觉遵守的效果就达到了。
    Voluntary compliance with the tax laws is achieved when the general public perceives that they, too, can be imprisoned like the shopkeeper down the street if they fail to properly file tax returns and pay taxes.
  • 底线就是税收:美国民必须给他们的城市、县、州、联邦政府交税,然后再想办法靠剩下的那些钱过日子。
    The bottom line is taxa- tion: some U.S. citizens must pay taxes to their city, county, state, and federal governments, and then try to live on anything left over.
  • 那家司每年有2.5万至5万美元的需纳税收入。
    That company takes in between $25000 and 50000 of taxable income yearly.
  • 我搭了一辆计程车赶往司。
    I got in a taxi and rushed to the company.
  • 你好,这儿是新星出租车司,很高兴为您效劳。
    Hello, New Star taxis, may I help you?
  • 交车和出租车中大力推广使用清洁气体燃料,到2007年底,90%的交车和70%的出租车将使用清洁气体燃料;
    The application of cleaner gaseous fuel in buses and taxis will be promoted. By 2007, 90% of the buses and 70% of taxis will use clean fuel.
  • 年末,全市共交通运营车辆达到1.3万辆,客运出租车营运车辆达到6.5万辆,其中近6000辆出租车安装卫星定位系统。
    By the end of 2001, a total of 13,000 transit vehicles were in operation in Beijing. A total of 65,000 taxis ran in Beijing, of which nearly 5000 taxis were provided with satellite positioning system.
  • 建设天然气加气站和液化气加气站(约290个),购置及改装清洁燃料的交车、出租车及市政用车。
    Accordingly, about 50 natural gas stations and 100 LPG stations need to be built. Vehicles using gas as fuel for public transport and municipal services will be purchased or retrofitted, taxis as well.
  • 城市共交通共运送乘客44亿人次(不含出租车),比上年增长7%,其中共电汽车运送乘客39.4亿人次,占89.5%;
    Passengers carried by urban public transit vehicles (excluding taxis) totaled 4.4 billion person-trips in the year, up by 7 percent over the previous year, of which, 3.94 billion person-trips were by buses and trolley buses, accounting for 89.5 percent;
  • 经过训练之后他们都变成了纳税民。
    after training they became productivek taxpaying citizens.
  • 泰勒先生,这是我们司送您的礼物。
    Mr. Taylor, here is a present for you from our corporation.
  • 对不起,打扰一下,请问这个办室有位泰勒先生吗?
    Well, sorry to interrupt, but is there a Mr. Taylor in this office?
  • 李先生和泰勒先生就各自的司谈了几分钟。
    Mr Li and Mr Taylor talk about each other's company for a few minutes.
  • 袁华在悉尼奥运会上荣获78斤以上级别的柔道金牌,而她的队友唐琳在78斤级中也喜获金牌。
    Yuan Hua won the gold medal in the 78kg plus class at the Sydney Olympic Games, while her teammate Tang Lin won the gold medal in the 78kg class.
  • 司在墨尔本和悉尼皆有办事处,投资者皆是“鬼佬”,为当地和国际投资银行。
    And more investors are tearing down his door, he said.
  • 他们正在拆除旧棚屋并迅速地建造寓房子。
    They are tearing down old sheds and running up new apartment houses.
  • 技术问题;几乎不适合普通众的高度技术性的问题;技术报告;生产原子弹对这个国家的技术人员来说是个挑战;技术训练;术语。
    a technical problem; highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public; a technical report; producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country; technical training; technical language.
  • 在技术方面贵司能给予何种程度的支援呢?
    To what extent can you help us technically?
  • 不管我们是否会决定在100年内建造一艘航速每秒160里的航天器,我们知道这在技术上是可以做到的。
    We may or may not decide to build a 160?km?a?second spacecraft within 100 years, but we know that it is technically possible.
  • 在东京,国际商业机器司与财力最雄厚、科技最强的竞争者短兵相接。这些司常常把它们最先进的产品在本国市场销售,一两年以后才运往世界各地。
    In Tokyo, I.B.M. goes head-to-head with its best-financed, most technologically powerful competitors. These companies often bring out their most advanced products on their home turf a year or two before they ship them around the world.
  • 这家司必须克服对采用新技术的阻力.
    The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology.
  • 比尔·盖茨在他十几岁时创建了微软司。
    Bill Gates founded Microsoft Corporation while he was in his teens.
  • 司拟改变只售高档商品的形像,以吸引青少年顾客.
    The company is prepared to trade off its up market image against a stronger appeal to teenage buyers.
  • 据美国伊利诺伊州诺茨布鲁克一叫做少儿研究司的市场调研组织称,仅在去年,3160万孩子花掉了1550亿美金。
    Just last year, 31.6 million teens spent $155 billion, according to the Northbrook, Ill.,-based market research group Teenage Research Unlimited.
  • 布什曾告诉自己的女儿,自己很爱她们,说他和第一夫人劳拉会尽力避免让未成年的姐俩在众面前抛头露面。
    Bush has told his daughters that he loves them, and reminded them he and first lady Laura Bush would work hard to keep the teenage girls out of the public eye.
  • 我当时并不感到惊奇。直到这个星期,教中学的老校友林延龄医生(新加坡全国心脏中心主任)到北京来找我,并带来了关于崔琦教授的报章和杂志剪报,我才开始明白崔教授赴美国之前的少年形成时期是在香港度过的!
    That did not surprise me until Professor Lim Yean Leng (Director of Singapore's prestigious National Heart Centre), my old friend from Catholic High School, came to visit me in Beijing this week and showed me the newspaper clippings and magazine articles on Professor Cui Qi. Then it dawned on me that Prof Cui had spent his formative teenage days in Hong Kong before going to the United States!
  • 对未成年人犯罪案件,在判决前,新闻报道、影视节目、开出版物不得披露该未成年人的姓名、住所、照片及可能推断出该未成年人的资料。
    Before a criminal case of a teenager is judged, it is stipulated that the press, films, TV programs and public publications should not reveal the teenager's name, home address, photo and other identifying data.
  • 根据adbusters司的调查,少年儿童每天会接触到大约3,000个广告。
    According to the group Adbusters, teenagers are exposed to an estimated 3,000 advertisements each day.
  • 美国政府7月14日布了一份调查报告,其结果显示有300万十几岁的美国青少年曾有过自杀的念头,他们其中还有人将其付诸实际行动。
    Three million American teens have thought seriously about or even attempted suicide, a government survey released on Sunday showed.
  • 推销的真实性法律规定司推销一种新产品时要有理有据——如一种牙膏声称可刷白牙齿,那就必须提出有此效果的证据。
    Truth in advertising. When companies introduce a new product, the law requires a proof of claims ? ? tooth? paste that promises whiter teeth must have evidence that it delivers.
  • 亚兹德伊朗一城市,位于德黑兰东南偏南,从元前5世纪起,便是纺织及地毯编织中心。人口193,000
    A city of central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. Dating from the fifth century b.c., it is a textile and carpet-weaving center. Population,193, 000.