  • 这里是指自己有一部土地,同时租种一部土地的贫农。
    This refers to the impoverished peasants who worked partly on their own land and partly on landed rented from others.
  • 尤其是广大的比较贫苦的知识子,能够和工农一道,参加和拥护革命。
    In particular, the large numbers of more or less impoverished intellectuals can join hands with the workers and peasants in supporting or participating in the revolution.
  • 针对这一情况,中国政府十重视少数民族贫困地区的扶贫开发工作,在政策、措施方面给予了重点倾斜和特殊照顾。
    The Chinese government lays stress on anti-poverty work in the impoverished parts of the ethnic minority areas and extends to these areas special preferential policies and measures.
  • 对于牧区和半农半牧区的少数民族贫困县(旗),扶持标准别为1984年至1986年三年平均农牧民人均收入低于300元和200元。
    For the impoverished autonomous counties (banners) in pastoral areas and semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas, the standard was less than 300 yuan and 200 yuan per peasant and herdsman, respectively, between 1984 and 1986.
  • 据统计,全国五个自治区和三个少数民族人口较多的省,贫困人口由1995年的2086万人下降到1999年的1185万人,四年减少了901万人,贫困发生率由1995年的15.6%下降到1999年的8.7%,下降了6.9个百点。
    Statistics show that the impoverished populations of the five autonomous regions and three provinces mentioned above declined from 20.86 million in 1995 to 11.85 million in 1999, a decrease of 9.01 million in four years. Moreover, the impoverishment rate declined from 15.6 percent in 1995 to 8.7 percent in 1999, a decrease of 6.9 percentage points.
  • 这是因为他们自以为是先进子,是领导者,比群众懂得多,因而遇事不向群众学习,不同群众商量,因而他们出的主意,经常在群众中行不通;
    This is because they regard themselves as advanced elements or as leaders who know a great deal more than the masses. Therefore, they neither learn from the masses nor consult them when matter arises, with the result that their ideas more often than not prove impracticable.
  • 虽然妻子办事十不切实际,但幸好约翰自己倒是很有见识的。
    Though his wife is very impractical, John fortunately has a lot of good horse sense.
  • 经过客观冷静的析,我们对这个计划的热情消失了,因为我们认识到它实在不实际了。
    Our enthusiasm for the plan faded in the cold light of day and we realized how impractical it really was.
  • 但是,知识子在其未和群众的革命斗争打成一片,在其未下决心为群众利益服务并与群众相结合的时候,往往带有主观主义和个人主义的倾向,他们的思想往往是空虚的,他们的行动往往是动摇的。
    But the intellectuals often tend to be subjective and individualistic, impractical in their thinking and irresolute in action until they have thrown themselves heart and soul into mass revolutionary struggles, or made up their minds to serve the interests of the masses and become one with them.
  • 这幅画充体现了作者的个性.
    The drawing is impregnated with the artist's personality.
  • 掺杂加入外来的,不当的或低等的成使变得不纯
    To make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingredients.
  • 不拘礼仪过亲密或不拘礼仪的行为;不得体的行为
    An excessively familiar or informal act; an impropriety.
  • 改进包装方法十必要。
    It is necessary to improve the packaging.
  • 天气在黄昏时变好了。
    The weather improved toward evening..
  • 独奏音乐作品(尤指即兴创作)并非一种仪式或表演的通常组成部
    composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a service or performance.
  • 她母亲对她这种愚蠢得不切实际的念头的鼓励是十不明智的;跟非经济学家讨论经济政策的细节将是不明智的-a.m.斯凯勒辛格。
    very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas; would be imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details of economic policy- A.M.Schlesinger.
  • 但是,这几年确实不通气了,特别是几个大运动,有相当数量的干部是处理得不适当的。由于处理不慎重,损伤了一部干部。
    Unfortunately, this kind of close communication has not been maintained in recent years, especially during the large-scale movements when a considerable number of cadres were subjected to unjust treatment and their cases were handled imprudently.
  • 在全国解放前后的两年内,党的组织的发展过迅速,而在有些地区,这种发展几乎是没有领导、没有计划的,甚至有些地区,在群众还没有发动的条件下,就忙于大量征收党员,建立支部,因而使党的组织一度产生了严重不纯的现象。
    In the two years just before and after nationwide liberation, Party membership grew with undue speed; in certain areas it grew practically without guidance or plan, while Party organizations in some areas even went about recruiting new members in large numbers and setting up Party branches before the masses were aroused. The result was that certain Party organizations were at one time highly impure.
  • 杂质分布测量技术
    measurement of impurity profiling
  • 这些男孩中拼写正确的不到十之一。
    Not one in ten of the boys could spell well.
  • 在某些类中,归于石松目之中。
    in some classifications included in Lycopodiales.
  • 身体的一部或器官的功能不正常。
    (pathology) inability of a bodily part or organ to function normally.
  • 看不见绿色或不清绿色和紫红色。
    inability to see the color green or to distinguish green and purplish-red.
  • 事实是,以1994年为例,中国各级财政拨款用于城市各类福利院儿童的养育费用为1.69亿元,其中40%左右直接用作收养的孤残儿童的生活费用,还有20%左右则是有关的设备维修、人员培训和用以保证福利院正常工作的费用,工作人员的工资、奖金以及离退休人员的工资总共约占40%左右,根本不存在所谓的大部资金被用作工作人员工资奖金的情况。
    In fact, the sum for bringing up children in urban welfare institutions of various kinds in China allocated by China's financial departments at different levels in 1994, for instance, totalled 169 million yuan, of which about 40 percent was used for the living expenses of the orphans and disabled children; about 20 percent was spent on equipment maintenance, staff training and daily operating expenses; finally, about 40 percent was used for staff salaries and bonuses and for retirement pensions. From the above figures it can be clearly seen that the claim that most of the funds were used for salaries and bonuses is inaccurate.
  • 然而,事实是一部原因应归结为开拓新市场的不得力的方法、改进产品质量的失败以及政府没有表示支持的行动。
    The fact of the matter is , however , that proportionate blame should be assigned to the lackadaisical approach to developing new markets , failure to improve product quality and government inaction in the realm of support.
  • 一种光学上非活性醇,是维生素b复合体的一种成
    an optically inactive alcohol that is a component of the vitamin B complex.
  • 他的解释不充分。
    His explanation is inadequate.
  • 那计划的构想倒是十宏伟, 但终因准备不足而告吹.
    The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.
  • 以不充的方式;或没有达到充的程度。
    in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree.
  • 不充的训练;人手不够;她不能胜任这个工作。
    inadequate training; the staff was inadequate; she was inadequate to the job.
  • 因不充而不能让人满意。
    unsatisfactoriness by virtue of being inadequate.
  • 不用语言来表达;特别是因为话语会不合适或不充
    expressed without speech; especially because words would be inappropriate or inadequate.