| - ‘出去。’教授厌烦地对那个懒惰的学生说。
`Get out of my office,' the professor said disgustedly to the lazy student. - 他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦.
He noted the disharmony between husband and wife. - 如果这两个目标出现某种不协调性时,我想不必勉强把两个目标相加,要求所有参加艺术节的本地团体,一律“大胆创新”。
Should the two objectives be in any disharmony with each other, I think there is no need to put them together and ask all local arts houses performing at the Arts Festival to attempt to be “bold and innovative”. - 我必须强调,我不是要激起任何社会纠纷。我要说的是:50年前让当时20出头的人,为他们的理想奋勇向前的激情,在这一代同年纪的人身上,几乎已经不存在。
I must stress that I’m not trying to incite any social disharmony here, but my point is: the passion that charged the twenty-somethings 50 years ago, when they fought for their cause, is almost non-existent in the people of the same age group today. - 转眼间火箭弹就追上了目标并像手榴弹一样炸开,弹片向四面八方飞出达30米,因此不管目标如何躲闪都无济于事。
The chase is a short one. The projectile explodes like a hand grenade, spreading shrapnel 30 meters in every direction. Even a last- second dodge would have been useless. - 他以新方式提出平常的论据。
He dished up the usual arguments in a new form. - 老师向全班提出了自己的观点。
The teacher dished her opinions up for the whole class. - 李登辉悍然抛出所谓"两国论"的分裂主张,台湾当局新领导人对一个中国原则采取回避和模糊的态度,台湾分裂势力图谋以各种形式把台湾从中国分割出去,严重破坏了海峡两岸和平统一的前提和基矗
Lee Teng-hui flagrantly dished out his "two states" theory in an attempt to split the country. The new leaders of the Taiwan authorities have adopted an evasive and obscure attitude to the one-China principle. Separatist forces in Taiwan are scheming to split the island province from China, in one form or another. This has seriously undermined the preconditions and foundation for peaceful reunification across the Straits. - 尽管一九五○年一月五日美国总统杜鲁门发表声明,表示美国及其他盟国承认一九四五年以来的四年中国对台湾岛行使主权,但是同年六月朝鲜战争爆发后,美国政府为了孤立、遏制中国,不仅派军队侵占台湾,而且抛出“台湾地位未定”等谬论,以后又逐步在国际社会策动“双重承认”,企图制造“两个中国”。
On January 5, 1950, the U.S. President Truman issued a statement, saying that the U.S. and other Allied countries recognized China's exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan Island in the four years since 1945. However, after the start of the Korean War in June 1950, to isolate and contain China the U.S. government not only sent troops to occupy Taiwan, but it also dished out such fallacies as "the status of Taiwan has yet to be determined" and later, step by step, lobbied for "dual recognition" among the international community in order to create "two Chinas. - 他们将老调子改头换面,又端出来了.
They're dishing up the usual arguments in a new form. - 约翰只不过是一个被人雇用的执行者,替后台老板出钱罢了。
John is merely a paid performer, dishing out the sponsor’s money. - 那些想法卑鄙得说不出口。
Those ideas are so dishonest they will not utter. - 他立即做出了回答;立即发现了答案;被控告不诚实的官员应该马上停职;马上到这里来!
he answered immediately; found an answer straightaway; an official accused of dishonesty should be supended forthwith; Come here now! - 他不得不在死亡和屈辱之间做出选择。
He had to choose between death and dishonor. - 我牙缝里塞了点东西,就是弄不出来。
There is something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it. - 把敌人从碉堡中逐出
dislodge the enemy from their fortifications - 推翻或把…驱逐出;打翻
To overthrow or dislodge; upset. - 没人能把他们从防守严密的地方逐出。
No one could dislodge them from their well-en-trenched positions. - 要不就说去游泳啦,吃冰淇淋啦,玩小野猫小乌龟啦什么的——试图把我从学习中解放出来,但总不奏效。
She thought of all kinds of enticements - the swimming pool, ice cream, stray cats and turtles - to dislodge me from my studies, but nothing ever worked. - 他的属下对他不忠诚,最终出卖了他。
his men acted disloyally and betrayed him in the end. - 外交部长对政府不忠,为此他付出了代价,不得不辞职。
The foreign minister had to pay the price for his disloyalty to the government an resign. - 大雨造成演出的彻底失败。。
the play was a dismal flop. - 不吉利日有时叫做“埃及日”,因为这些日子是埃及占星家推算出来的。
Dismal Days were sometimes called Egyptian Days, because they were computed by Egyptian astrologers. - 她说“他们感到很崇高,好像他们把这些孩子从凄凉的生活中挽救了出来。
"They feel heroic, as if they've saved these kids from a dismal existence," she said. - 这种情况确实使他们无法认真关注过去一年中本来场次就很少的音乐演出。这一年是暗淡的一年,既没有出现新的、有创造力的天才,甚至连差强人意、稍微有点独创性的音乐次品都没有。
It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock. - 原因在于他们观察时局不从根本之点出发,而从许多局部和一时的现象(佐藤外交,苏州审判,压制罢工,东北军东调,杨虎城出洋⑹等等)出发,于是形成一幅暗淡的画图。
Because in weighing up the current situation they start not from fundamentals but from a number of limited and transient phenomena (Sato's diplomacy, the Soochow trial, the suppression of strikes, the eastward transfer of the Northeastern Army, General Yang Hu-cheng's journey abroad,[6] and so on); hence their dismal picture. - 期满不起诉又不自行拆除的,由作出处罚决定的机关依法申请人民法院强制执行,费用由违法者承担。
Whereas a unit or individual fails to put the case in proceeding when the time limit expires and yet refuses to do the dismantling, the organ making the punishment decision shall apply for compulsory exercise with the people's court and the cost arising therefrom shall be borne by the law violator. - 当植物的叶子或根茎被切开时,植物就发出痛苦的信号(或者也许仅仅是不高兴):在整个表面释放出气体乙烯。
When a leaf or a stem is sliced, the plant signals pain (or perhaps merely dismay) by releasing the gas ethylene over its entire surface. - 随便的从办公室里打发出去。
unceremonious dismissal from office. - 他感觉出来他的老同事们对他的解雇兴灾乐祸。
He could sense that his former colleagues were laughing up their sleeves over his dismissal. - 自经理提出警告以后,被开除的恐惧就一直在笼罩着我。
The fear of dismissal has been hovering over me ever since the manager's warning. - 这个不孝顺的儿子越出常轨谴责父母。
The disobedient son went out of his way to scold his parents.