  • 已经被一家有实力的司选为接受对象的司。
    a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer.
  • 司资产被卖掉支付贷款的举债经营。
    a leveraged buyout in which the target company's assets are sold to repay the loan that financed the takeover.
  • 有人出很道的价钱要买他的旧车,但他拒绝了。其后他全然找不到买主。他由此得到深切的教训;奢求不如实得。
    He had one quite reasonable offer for his used car, but turned it down. Then he could find no taker at all. He learned with a vengeance that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • 司正在通过购买小司的股份而取得对他们的控制权。
    Larger companies are taking over smaller firms by buying their shares.
  • 在这些问题上要正,不要造成一种印象,别的人都正确,只有一个人犯错误。这不符合事实。
    We must be fair on these questions and not give the impression that only one individual made mistakes while everybody else was correct, because it doesn't tally with the facts.
  • 道·琼斯工业股早先随着债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944.63收盘,下降13.59。
    The Dow Jones industrials, ahead 10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices, ended off 13.59 at 1,944.63.
  • 具体的东西,例如我们卓越的设备:机场、共交通系统和新航,都能让我们对新加坡产生一种基本的认同感。
    Tangible entities like our excellent facilities: the airport, our mass transport system, our national air carrier; that all allows us the basic level of identification with Singapore.
  • 人们认,这十三年是我国综合国力大幅度跃升、人民得到实惠最多的时期,是我国社会长期保持安定团结、政通人和的时期,是我国国际影响显著扩大、民族凝聚力极大增强的时期。
    As is universally recognized, the 13 years have been a period in which China's overall national strength has risen by a big margin, the people have received more tangible benefits than ever before, and China has enjoyed long-term social stability and solidarity and had a good government and a united people. China's influence in the world has grown notably, and the cohesion of the nation has increased remarkably.
  • 约翰为了收费过高而跟煤气司争吵,这是第二次了。
    This is the second time John's tangled with the Gas Company over excessive charges.
  • 约翰为了收费过高而跟煤气司争吵,这已经不是第一次了。
    This is not the first time John has tangled with the Gas Board over excessive charges.
  • 我想你知道的,本司将于今年或明年,取消两三艘油轮在波斯湾航线之行驶。
    I believe you know that we is go to take two or three of our tanker off the persian gulf run, either this year of next.
  • 司一个重要客户打算建立一个制革工厂。
    One of our important customers intends to build a leather-tanning factory.
  • 当这位明星生气罢工时,也是由这位年轻人(不是导演,制作人或录像室老板)去说服她回来工作,并因而使得招片能赶上进度,并为电影司省下好几百万美金,他使自己成为照顾重要明星的不可缺少的人。
    When she threw a tantrum on the set studio,or her agent,was the only one to persuade her to go back to work.The movie went back on schedule,and millions of dollars were saved.He had made himself indispensable by befriending that important client.
  • 喂,我是恒通司的王涛,请找一下技术部的陈先生接电话好吗?
    Hello. This is Wang Tao of Hen Tong Corporation. Can I speak to Mr. Chen of the technical department?
  • 他现在与该司的保险科科长陶先生谈话。
    He is now talking with Mr. Tao, the head of Insurance Department of the Company.
  • 陶易科在贵司营销部当秘书,他是我的朋友,就是他告诉我贵司有空缺职位的。
    Mr. Tao like is serving as a secretary in your sales department. He is a friend of mine. It was he that informed me of the vacant position in your company.
  • (三)敌军秉藩、张辉瓒、谭道源三师进占吉安东南、宁都西北的富田、东固、龙冈、源头一带。
    The three enemy divisions under Kung Ping-fan, Chang Hui-tsan and Tan Tao-yuan had advanced and occupied the Futien Tungku-Lungkang-Yuantou sector southeast of Kian and northwest of Ningtu.
  • 修建现代路多用焦油沥青。
    Tar is much used in making modern roads.
  • 司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
    The company has met their export target.
  • 同时,国家不断降低关税,规范和减少非关税措施,对外商企业逐步实行「国民待遇」,实现平税制和开放市场。
    At the same time, our country continues to lower tariffs, cut down rules, and reduce non-tariff measures, treat foreign businesses as local ones, practices a fair tax system and opens up the market.
  • 上述报价有效期为两周,至六月四日下午5时止,但进吕税率如发生变动,则由贵司负担。
    Above for valid two weeks ending June 4 5pm but any import tariff change yr. risk n a/c
  • 上述报价有效期为两周,至六月四日下午5时止,但进吕税率如发生变动,则由贵司负担。
    Above for valid two weeks ending June 4th 5 p.m but any import tariff change yr. risk n a/c.
  • 这件丑事玷污了司的好名声.
    The firm's good name was badly tarnished by the scandal.
  • 当前,也还有一些干部,不把自己看作是人民的仆,而把自己看作是人民的主人,搞特权,特殊化,引起群众的强烈不满,损害党的威信,如不坚决改正,势必使我们的干部队伍发生腐化。
    At present there are still some cadres who, regarding themselves as masters rather than servants of the people, use their positions to seek personal privileges. This practice has aroused strong mass resentment and tarnished the Party's prestige. Unless it is firmly corrected, it is bound to corrupt our cadres.
  • 而所有这一切,圆拱,大柱,垣壁,窗框,护壁镶板,门扇,塑像,从上到下,满目湛蓝和金黄,色泽斑斓,光彩照人;我们今天看见时色泽已略显暗淡了,元一五四九年德·普勒尔根据流传还对它赞美不已,其实那时几乎已被尘灰和蛛网所埋没,全然不见当年的灿烂光泽了。
    and the whole—roof, pillars, walls, cornices, doors, statues—is resplendent from top to bottom in a coating of blue and gold, already somewhat tarnished at the period of which we write, but which had almost entirely disappeared under dust and cobwebs in the year of grace 1549, when Du Breuil alluded to it in terms of admiration, but from hearsay only.
  • 军队的任务是要去恢复共秩序。
    The army's task was the restoration of public order.
  • (作者是达利资金管理司的投资经理。
    ( The writer is Investment Manager, Tat Lee Asset Management Limited.
  •  作者是达利资金管理司的投资经理。
    The writer is Investment Manager of Tat Lee Asset Management Limited.
  • (作者是达利资金管理司的投资经理。本栏是新加坡股票交易所和新加坡投资管理协会联办的众教育计划。)
    (The writer is Investment Manager of Tat Lee Asset Management Limited.This column is a public education program sponsored by the Stock Exchange of Singapore and the Investment Management Association of Singapore)
  • 他发火的时候,总是笃笃地敲着办桌,而不是大喊大叫。
    When he gets angry, he beats the devil’s tattoo on his desk instead of shouting.
  • 邻近的红磡、土瓜湾、马头角及九龙城区共260顷的现有市区,则可进行市区重建。
    The adjoining 260 hectares of existing urban areas at Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan, Ma Tau Kok and Kowloon City offer opportunities for urban renewal.
  • 成体阉割的牛;特别是金牛属。
    an adult castrated bull of the genus_Bos; especially Bos taurus.