| - 绝不允许宣传什么包括反革命分子在内的言论出版自由、集会结社自由;绝不允许任何人背着党同这些人发生联系。
It is absolutely impermissible to propagate freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly and of association in ways implying that counter-revolutionaries may also enjoy them, and it is absolutely impermissible to make contacts with counter-revolutionaries and other criminals unbeknownst to the Party organization. - 为促使学校不断求进,政府自一九九七年九月起,采用全校总体视学模式推行质素保证视学,取代分科视学模式。
To give impetus to the school improvement process, since September 1997 the Government has been conducting quality assurance inspections using a whole-school approach instead of a subject-based approach. - 对农村义务教育实行在国务院领导下,由地方政府负责、分级管理、以县为主的新体制,有力地推动了农村教育改革和发展。
A new management system for compulsory education in rural areas, which places responsibility on the local governments under the leadership of the State Council, was established, with the county playing the principal role. This gave a strong impetus to the reform and development of rural education. - 移植用外科手术移植或植入(例如活组织)到躯体的一部分来替换损伤的部分或修补缺陷
To transplant or implant(living tissue, for example) surgically into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect. - 这两部分通过与具体实现无关的通信层交换报文。
The two portions exchange messages via an implementation-independent communications layer. - 此外,分期实施的拖架检验计划到一九九八年三月一日时,将扩展至包括所有拖架。
Examination of trailers is being implemented to cover all trailers by March 1, 1998. - 顾问公司建议分阶段推行一共七个应用系统。
The ISSS identified seven potential application systems, which are to be implemented by phases. - 大型软件制作过程中,通常将任务分成一系列的小型任务,然后以模块的形式分别执行。
To develop software, the application to be implemented is broken down into a set of smaller tasks, which are then implemented as modules within a program. - 追查特快专递邮件的机组于八月开始运作,具备其他功能(包括追查挂号信件及包裹)的机组则会分阶段于未来两年内投入服务。
The module for tracking Speed post items was implemented in August. Modules for other functions, including registered letters and parcels, will be implemented in phases within the next two years. - 国土整治是中国实施可持续发展战略的一个组成部分。
Territorial control forms part of China's work in implementing the sustainable development strategy. - 参与实现高速局域网的用户和分析人员都知道这两种技术的优势。
Users and analysts involved in implementing high-speed LANs have learned the benefits of each. - 贫农有些占有一部分土地和不完全的工具;有些全无土地,只有一些不完全的工具。
Among the poor peasants some own part of their land and have a few odd farm implements, others own no land at all but only a few odd farm implements. - 工人(雇农在内)一般全无土地和工具,有些工人有极小部分的土地和工具。
The worker (including the farm labourer) as a rule owns no land or farm implements, though some do own a very small amount of land and very few farm implements. - 上述的各州分类分析报告没有明示但暗含的意思是那些收入差异小的州要比差异大的州更公平些。
The unstated implication of the state-by-state report was that the states where income disparities are lower are somehow " fairer" than the states with high disparities. - 是分析中国进入世界贸易组织的意义——别忘了这是用英文写的。
An analysis of the implications of China’s entry into the World Trade Organisation - written in English, no less. - 值得注意的是:全场的观众几分钟前还吵开了锅,这时却听信了那位演员的诺言,宽宏大量地等待着。
Strange to say, all this crowd, so tumultuous but a few minutes ago, were now waiting patiently with implicit faith in the player’s word. - 这个意义,是在工农民主共和国的口号里x原来就包括了的,因为工人、农民占了全民族人口的百分之八十至九十。
This has been implicit in our slogan of a workers' and peasants' democratic republic, because the workers and peasants constitute 80 to 90 per cent of the population. - 3.他配备人员的原则是:不仅要把当前工作做好,而更重要的是,要保证公司的人力资源充分发挥作用,使事业日益兴旺发达。
3. He staffs not only to get today's job done but, more importantly, to insure the manpower resources of the form to fully play the role in order to prosper their course. - 除对专利方法的保护延及到该专利方法直接得到的产品外,还明确规定进口专利产品必须得到专利权人同意,使得对专利权人权益的保护更加充分;
In addition to extending the protection of a patented process to include products directly produced by that process, the law clearly stipulates that the importation of patented products requires the permission of the patent holder, thereby giving more effective protection to the rights and interests of patentees; - 三是进一步强化了对专利权的保护,除对专利方法的保护延及到该专利方法直接得到的产品外,还明确规定进口专利产品必须得到专利权人同意,使得对专利权人权益的保护更加充分;
Third, the protection of patent rights has been further strengthened. In addition to extending the protection of a patented process to include products directly produced by that process, the law clearly stipulates that the importation of patented products requires the permission of the patent holder, thereby giving more effective protection to the rights and interests of patentees. - 生产者、销售者、进口者或者使用者必须在国务院经济综合主管部门会同国务院有关部门规定的期限内分别停止生产、销售、进口或者使用列入前款规定的名录中的设备。
Producers, sellers, importers or users shall stop the production, sale, importation or use of the equipment listed in the catalog as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. This must be done within the time limit prescribed by the competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council. - 那个男孩纠缠着老师给他提分(数)。
The boy importuned the teacher to raise his mark. - 加强任务于,分配责任于。
impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to. - 你不认为你把邻居的电话一用就是半小时太过分了吗?
Don't you think you are imposing on your neighbour when you use his telephone for half an hour? - 威:…噢,这座楼,红墙绿瓦,十分雄伟壮观,是典型的中国建筑风格。
... Oh, it's a very imposing tower with red walls and green tiles in the typical Chinese architectural style. - 在决定暂停销售居屋后,房屋委员会额外提供12000个贷款名额,平均分配给绿表及白表申请人。
After the imposition of the moratorium on sales of HOS flats, the HKHA provided additional quota of 12 000 HPLS to be shared equally between Green Form and White Form applicants. - 命题的分类基于必要性可能性还是不可能性。
a classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibility. - 办不到。这太过分了。
Impossible. This is too much. - 这是因为国民党政府腐败无能,在抗日战争中节节失败,而日军则长驱直进,在战争的第一年中就侵占了华北和华中的大片土地,因而在一部分落后的人民中产生了严重的悲观情绪。
As the corrupt and impotent Kuomintang government lost one battle after another and the Japanese troops advanced unchecked to the vicinity of Wuhan in the first year of the War of Resistance, some backward people became profoundly pessimistic. - 若非认识我们这位好朋友,我们的生活一定十分不妙。
Our lives would have been greatly impoverished, if we had not known our dear friend. - 若不是得识我们这位好朋友,我们的生活一定十分不妙。
Our lives will have is greatly impoverish if we have not know our dear friend. - 若不是得识我们这位好朋友,我们的生活一定十分不妙。
Our lives will have been greatly impoverished if we have not known our dear friend.