  • 有病的树木可由其树皮上的结节看
    The diseased tree is marked by protuberance on their bark.
  • 从身体得病的部分把体液或炎症引来。
    drawing of fluid or inflammation away from a diseased part of the body.
  • 心杂音不正常的声音,通常由心脏发,有时意味着有病
    An abnormal sound, usually emanating from the heart, that sometimes indicates a diseased condition.
  • 我们应该从右边口下船。
    We should disembark from the right exit.
  • 就是出入境登记卡。
    It is the Embarkation/Disembarkation Card.
  • 您得向移民局官员示您的护照及登陆卡。
    You have to present your passport and disembarkation card to the immigration officer.
  • 大多数代表提取消政府对于那个附属小岛国的保护权力。
    Most of the representatives offered to disembarrass the government of its protection of the small dependent island state.
  • …的内脏,取…的肠子
    To remove the entrails of; disembowel.
  • 我们必须把部队(从战斗中)撤.
    We must disengage our troops (from the conflict).
  • 歼击机很快(从战斗中)撤了.
    The fighter planes quickly disengaged (from the combat).
  • 她把手从睡着的孩子的手中抽来。
    She disengaged her hand from that of the sleeping child.
  • 我想从他的影响中摆脱来;让我们摆脱困难。
    I want to disengage myself from his influence; disengage the gears.
  • 从纠缠中解脱来;自由的。
    having become freed from entanglement; disengaged.
  • 她从喧闹人群中脱身来。
    She disengaged herself from the noisy crowd.
  • 母亲把她的手从睡着的孩子手中抽来。
    The mother disengaged her hand from that of the sleeping child.
  • 在遭受惨重伤亡后,敌舰退了海战。
    The enemy warships (were) disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties.
  • 他竭力(从他跌入的灌木丛中)挣脱来.
    He tried to disentangle himself (from the bushes into which he had fallen).
  • 解脱;解开把…从一团纠结的事物中解脱来;解开…的缠结
    To free from a tangle; disentangle.
  • 从这些繁琐的事物中,我们可以寻两种重要的趋势。
    We can disentangle two important trends from the complicated pattern of events.
  • 世界军事变革迅猛发展,军事力量对比现新的严重失衡。
    Rapid and drastic changes are taking place in the military field around the world, and a new serious disequilibrium has occurred in the balance of military power.
  • 她拚命想把鱼刺吐来.
    She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone.
  • 你欠我5英镑, 快, 吐来!
    You owe me 5: come on, disgorge!
  • 人流从戏院涌, 进入了黑洞洞的街道.
    Crowds disgorged from the theatre into the dark street.
  • 火山喷出岩浆。
    The volcano disgorges lava.
  • 昨天夜里科长喝酒过量而了丑。
    The head of the section disgraced himself last night by drinking too much.
  • 他的儿子干不光彩的事,这使他十分伤心。
    His son's disgrace broke his heart.
  • 我还要指这张台布令人难以忍受。
    I have to say that the tablecloth is a disgrace.
  • 我想象不你能做不光彩的事。
    I can not imagine you doing anything disgraceful.
  • 他们把他仓促埋葬是可耻的;他匆匆扫了一下那些标题;急忙降价售。
    the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful; hastily, he scanned the headlines; sold in haste and at a sacrifice.
  • 乔装打扮使他没有被认来。
    he was unrecognized in his disguise.
  • 他显出他的厌恶。
    He showed his disgust.
  • 那些部队进入敌人领土所表现来的放肆令人厌恶。
    The license shown by the troops when they entered enemy territory disgusted everyone.