  • 而在进行弹劾投票底前夜,仍有三之二底美国人对民意测验工作者说,他们希望这位在莫尼卡事件重被嘲弄底对象仍然当他们的总统。
    on the eve of the impeachment vote, two in three Americans were still telling pollsters that they want this object of ridicule to remain their president.
  • 如该调查委员会认为有足够证据构成上述指控,立法会以全体议员三之二多数通过,可提出弹劾案,报请中央人民政府决定;及。
    If the committee considers the evidence sufficient to substantiate such charges, the council may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the Central People's Government for decision;
  • 如该调查委员会认为有足够证据构成上述指控,立法会以全体议员三之二多数通过,可提出弹劾案,报请中央人民政府决定。
    If the committee considers the evidence sufficient to substantiate such charges, the Council may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the Central People's Government for decision; and
  • 你的英语十分好!
    Your English is impeccable!
  • 由于历史的原因和社会经济文化水平的制约,妇女在参与社会生活方面还存在一些不容忽视的问题,特别是多数妇女受教育程度还较低,女童受教育的权利在部农村特别是边远地区尚未得到充保障。
    Owing to historical reasons and the constraints of the level of social, economic and cultural development, some problems continue to impede women's full participation in social life and must not be ignored. In particular, the majority of women have a low level of education and in some rural areas, especially in remote or border regions, female children are not being fully guaranteed their right to education.
  • 用户友好的视图方便了与非技术的业务析师的交流,不会影响开发周期。
    The user-friendly view facilitates interaction with nontechnical business analysts without impeding the development cycle.
  • 全国人民及各党派的爱国子,必须抛弃过去对于国民大会和制定宪法问题的冷淡,而集中力量于这一具体的带着国防意义的国民大会运动和宪法运动,严厉地批判当权的国民党,推动和督促国民党放弃其一党派一阶级的独裁,而执行人民的意见。
    The people of the whole country and the patriots of all parties should throw off their former indifference towards the question of a national assembly and a constitution, and should concentrate on the movement for a national assembly and a constitution, a movement that is important for national defence; they should subject the Kuomintang, the party in power, to severe criticism, and press and impel it to give up its one-party, one-class dictatorship and act according to the opinions of the people.
  • 然而,在她突然逝世于1997年12月19日胜安空难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circleof friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 然而,在她突然逝世于1997年12月19日胜安空难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circle of friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 造成这个问题的部原因是因特网当初为互用性而不是为抗入侵能力开发的。
    Part of the problem is that the Internet was developed for interoperability, not impenetrability.
  • 单子莱布尼兹学说理论中认为是构成物质世界存在的最基本的和不可的单位
    An indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance viewed as the basic constituent element of physical reality in the metaphysics of Leibnitz.
  • 这封信马上寄走十必要。
    It is imperative that the letter be posted immediately.
  • 在那里种上更多的果树十必要。
    It is imperative that more fruit tree are planted there.
  • 在那里种上更多的果树十必要。
    It is imperative that more fruit tree be planted there.
  • 在那里种上更多的果树十必要。
    It is imperative that more fruit tree is planted there.
  • 这就是为什么你必须在每个训练期间都要百之一百的投入的原因。
    This is why it is imperative that you give one hundred percent during every training session.
  • 因切除或者改变某些部而变得不完美
    To make imperfect by excising or altering parts.
  • 半知菌纲的一科其菌丝或生孢子成暗黑色。
    family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia.
  • 在孢子和生孢子里缺乏色素的未完成的真菌的外形的属。
    form genus of imperfect fungi lacking pigment in the spores and conidiophores.
  • 半知菌的一个目,缺少生子柄或有生子柄,生在表面,但不包含在生孢子器内。
    order of imperfect fungi lacking conidiophores of having conidiophores that are superficial and not enclosed in a pycnidium.
  • 不完全真菌的形态的属一些被类在薄膜革菌属和丝核菌属。
    form genus of imperfect fungi some species of which are now placed in genera Pellicularia and Corticium because their perfect stages have been found.
  • 像酵母的寄生不完全真菌,长有圆的或卵形的假丝酵母在支链里。
    genus of parasitic yeastlike imperfect fungi having spherical or oval conidia in branched chains; some species usually placed in other genera especially genus Candida.
  • 当我们接受不完整性是人类本性的一部,当我们不断地进行人生滚动并能欣赏其价值时,我们就会获得其他人仅能渴望的完整人生。
    When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.
  • 为说明人类现在的缺点起见,基督徒提出一种新成,和人类原来的天真与完美互相对照,这种新成自然是魔鬼,它大抵是由肉体方面去活动,而人类较高尚的天性则由灵魂方面去活动。
    In contrast with man's original innocence and perfection, a new element was introduced to explain his present imperfection, and that is of course the Devil, working chiefly through the body, while his higher nature works through the soul.
  • 退化的逐渐消亡的;没有完全退化或进化程度微小的。用于指动物或植物的器官或其它部
    Gradually disappearing; imperfectly or only slightly developed. Used of an organ or other part of an animal or a plant.
  • 只是部的存在;没有完全形成。
    only partly in existence; imperfectly formed.
  • 从考古学的角度来说,香港只属广阔华南文化领域的一小部,而大家对这个领域所知仍属有限。
    Archaeologically, Hong Kong is but a tiny part of the far greater cultural sphere of South China, itself as yet imperfectly known.
  • 退化的,发育不完全的器官退化或发育不全的,尤指其他相关个体或种属;没有被清楚地标识或看见;不明。用于动物或植物的器官或其他部
    Vestigial or imperfectly developed, especially in comparison with other individuals or related species; not clearly marked or seen; indistinct. Used of an organ or other part of an animal or a plant.
  • 从这里到王朝戏院走路只要几钟。
    It's only a few minutes'walk from here to the Imperial Theater.
  • 帝国主义势力乘清朝中央政府的虚弱,开始阴谋瓜包括西藏在内的中国领土。
    Imperialist forces took advantage of a weak Qing Dynasty and began plotting to carve up China, Tibet included.
  • 这种妥协退让的方针如不迅速改变,将使平津和华北尽丧于敌人之手,而使全民族受到绝大的威胁,这是每个人都应十注意的。
    If it is not speedily reversed, Peiping, Tientsin and the whole of northern China will fall into the hands of the enemy, and the entire nation will be seriously imperilled. Everyone must be on the alert.
  • 政治只是生命中短暂的一部-詹姆士.瑟伯;用棕榈叶搭建的临时小屋;暂时的安排。
    politics is an impermanent factor of life- James Thurber; impermanent palm cottages; a temperary arrangement; temporary housing.