  • 由于每个离散通道是单向的,并且定时令牌方案避免各设备间同时交谈,因此不会现以太网中的碰撞情况。
    Because every discrete path is unidirectional and the Timed Token scheme keeps devices from talking at the same time, collisions don't occur as they do in Ethernet.
  • 一种产生数据记录硬拷贝的输设备,它是以属于一个或多个预定字符集里的离散的图形字符序列的形式去表示数据记录的。
    An output unit that produces a hard copy record of data mainly in the form of a sequence of discrete graphic characters belonging to one or more predetermined character sets.
  • 立体派20世纪初现于巴黎的一个绘画和雕刻抽象流派,其特征是把各种自然形态简化并分裂成抽象的、通常为几何形状的结构,并常被描绘成一系列互不相联的平面
    A nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in Paris in the early20th century, characterized by the reduction and fragmentation of natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes.
  • 一种独立且可以标识的程序单元,可以单独编译,可与其它程序单元组合并装入计算机内存之中。如,汇编程序、编译程序、连接编辑程序或执行例行程序的输入或输
    A program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling, combining with other units, and loading, e.g., the input to, or output from, an assembler, compiler, linkage editor, or executive routine.
  • 我不告诉你什么时候离开,你已经长大了,该自己作决定。
    I won't tell you what time to leave, you're old enough to use your own discretion.
  • 所有的决定都由我们自行做
    All the decisions were left to our discretion.
  • 不明智的缺乏或表现缺乏判断力或慎重的;不明智的
    Lacking or showing a lack of judgment or discretion; unwise.
  • 这位男孩能辨别音调的细微变化。
    This boy can discriminate minute variations in tone.
  • 分别不出颜色
    Unable to discriminate colors.
  • 识别看或指事物间的差别;识别
    To perceive or show the difference in or between; discriminate.
  • 在某地区周围售或租房子时对某些人有歧视。
    discriminate in selling or renting housing in certain areas of a neighborhood.
  •  我们如果想对于逻辑、对于自然法则信守不渝,那就必须使个人经济不与社会经济相混淆,关于后一项,又必须把政治经济或国家经济与世界主义经济划分开来。政治经济或国家经济是由国家的概念和本质发的,它所教导的是,某一国家,处于世界目前形势以及它自己的特有国际关系下,怎样来维持并改进它的经济状况;而世界主义经济产生时所依据的假定是,世界上一切国家所组成的只是一个社会,而且是生存在持久和平局势之下的。
    If we wish to remain true to the laws of logic and of the nature of things, we must set the economy of individuals against the economy of societies, and discriminate in respect to the latter between true political or national economy (which, emanating from the idea and nature of the nation, teaches how a given nation in the present state of the world and its own special national relations can maintain and improve its economical conditions) and cosmopolitical economy, which originates in the assumption that all nations of the earth form but one society living in a perpetual state of peace.
  • 评价尤指对文学或其它艺术作品作的有见识的判断和评价方法、技艺或职业
    The art, skill, or profession of making discriminating judgments and evaluations, especially of literary or other artistic works.
  • 她对那所大学提性别歧视的诉讼
    She has filed a suit against the college for sex discrimination
  • 她对那所大学提性别歧视的诉讼。
    She have file a suit against the college for sex discrimination.
  • 多年来,美国对中国采取岐视性口管制政策。
    The United States has adopted discriminatory export control policies towards China for many years.
  •  在美国政府继续采取对中国歧视性口管制政策的同时,其它工业发达国家政府相继取消歧视性政策,而且向中国提供资本品进口的政府间金融支持,从而促进了对中国的口。
    While the US Government maintains such discriminatory export control policies towards China, other industrialized countries have, one by one, cancelled their discriminatory policies and have even provided China with governmental financial support for its import of capital goods.
  • 据有关方面的分析,由于美国歧视性的口管制,近几年,每年美国要丧失对中国口几十亿美元的贸易机会。
    Some analyses have concluded that the United States has lost an average of several billion dollars of exports each year to China in the recent past due to such discriminatory policies.
  • 1994年3月,作为冷战产物的巴黎统筹委员会宣布解散,美国口管制政策不能不作某些调整,但其对中国歧视性的口管制政策基本没有改变。
    Upon the disintegration of COMCO -- a product of the Cold War -- in March 1994, the United States could not but adjust its export control policies. Nevertheless, its discriminatory measures towards China remained largely intact.
  • 应全面整顿和改造现有歧视性和排他性的口控制制度和安排,在普遍参与的基础上,谈判制定公平合理的国际防扩散制度。
    the existing discriminatory and exclusive export control mechanisms and arrangements should be overhauled and rectified comprehensively, and a fair and rational international non-proliferation system should be set up through negotiations on the basis of universal participation.
  • 美国政府歧视性的对中国口管制政策,不仅使大量中国用户对美国口商失去合作机会,也使美国口商丧失了贸易机会。
    Under the US Government's discriminatory export control policies towards China, not only a large number of Chinese customers are unable to co-operate with US exporters, but US exporters themselves stand to lose trade opportunities.
  • 最近几年,中国仍希望从美国进口电子元器件及其生产检测设备,美国政府的歧视性口管制阻碍着美国企业向中国的口。
    In recent years, China still hopes to buy electronic components and related manufacturing and testing equipment from the United States. But again, the US Government's discriminatory control policies have prevented US businesses from selling them to China.
  • 中国政府希望美国政府能从发展双边贸易与经济合作的长远利益考虑,切实采取有效措施,放宽乃至取消现行歧视性的口管制政策,为促进中美贸易平衡健康发展多做些有益的工作。
    The Chinese Government hopes the US Government will, proceeding from the long-term interest of bilateral trade and economic co-operation, adopt effective measures to relax or even cancel the current discriminatory export control policies against China so as to usher in a healthy and balanced Sino-US trade relationship.
  • 他猛一使劲掷铁饼。
    He gave the discus a tremendous heave.
  • 随着他们讨论的深入新的问题也冒了来。
    New problem emerge as they discus further.
  • 我们讨论了你方的报价书,我们不得不指,你方的价格定得太高了。
    We have discus your proposal and we have to say your price appear unworkable.
  • 这件事什么时候提来讨论?
    When will the matter come up for discussion?
  • 一个讨论的话题。
    bring up a topic for discussion.
  • 傲慢的摆轻蔑或自满的样子的;高傲且盛气凌人的
    Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit; haughty and supercilious.
  • 对那些他认为是不足道的人表现傲慢的优越感和轻视。
    having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy.
  • 表现别的疾病所表现的症状。
    any disease that shows symptoms characteristic of another disease.
  • 有病的树木可由其树皮上的结节看.
    The diseased trees are marked by protuberances on their bark.