  • 巫婆把主变成了一只天鹅。
    The witch turned the princess into a swan.
  • 尽管像微软那样作出了努力,但大司信息系统部门仍不买帐,甚至10亿次交易(能力)也没有动摇任何人。
    But try as Microsoft might, corporate IT just isn't buying the story.Even 1 billion "transactions" doesn't seem to sway anyone.
  • 她那鲜艳的毛衣在办室里很惹人注目。
    Her bright sweater stands out in her office.
  • 瑞典人还在牛奶盒上、共电视节目中,以及学校里宣传这些规定。
    Swedes publicized the rule on milk cartons,on public TV,and in schools.
  • 雅特人南部瑞典的古代德国人的一部分,在元后6世纪被瑞典人征服
    A member of an ancient Germanic people of southern Sweden conquered by the Swedes in the sixth century A.D.
  • 在瑞典,已逐渐形成了一套极好的制度,以保护民个人不受专横和不称职的政府官员的欺压。
    Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers.
  • 他们给她起名英格利,与时年二岁的瑞典主同名。
    They named her after[3] the Sweden's two-year-old royal princess Engrid.
  • 但是当一位同事在司的鸡尾酒会上把她作为有线电视观众评奖中囊括一切奖项的皇后介绍给大家时,罗菲意识到有一个品牌被她忽视了,那就是她自己。
    But when a colleague introduced her at a corporate cocktail party as Robin, the Sweepstakes Queen of Cable a reference to her successful viewer contests Roffer realized there had been one brand she'd neglected: herself.
  • misssmithdidn'twantthejobuntilthecompanysweentenedthepotbyofferingherahighersalaryandtheuseofacompanycar.施密斯小姐本来不想要那份工作的。后来,那家司提高了给她的工资,还给她一辆司的汽车用。这样,她才接受了那个工作.they'vebuiltsomanynewofficebuildingsherethattheyhavetroublerentingoutallthespace.sosomelandlordssweetenthepot;theyofferacompanysixmonthsfreerentifitsignsathree-yearlease.他们在这儿盖了那末多的办楼,现在都租不出去。所以,有的房产主就设法增加一些吸引人的条件。他们对一个司说,要是这个司和他们签订一个三年的租房合同,他们就可以免交半年房租.
    Sweeten the pot 为了使一个提议更有吸引力而在原有的条件基础上再增加一些对对方有利的条件
  • 共汽车急转弯使得这位老妇人震动了一下,差点摔倒。
    The sudden swerving of the bus gave her such a turn that the old lady felt she would collapse.
  • 汽车行驶在40号州际路上时,基姆在汽车后座上刚睡着,克瑞基特为避开一辆慢行的卡车突然转向。结果,车被后面车撞上,翻了几周,基姆受了伤。不过,基姆的伤远不如克瑞基特的伤严重,车盖塌陷致使她颅骨骨折。
    Kim had just dozed off in the backseat when Krickitt swerved on Interstate 40 to avoid a slow moving truck and was hit from behind. The car flipped several times, and Kim was injured, but nothing like Krickitt, whose skull was fractured when the roof caved in.
  • 这个国家突然加入了与邻国的开冲突。
    The country had plunged swiftly into open conflict with its neighbours.
  • 微软司却轻而易举地就在浏览器市场上获得了一半的市场份额。
    Microsoft swiftly succeeded in winning a half share in the browser market.
  • 农村经济全面发展,粮食总产达2。14斤。
    The rural economy is developing swiftly with the grain output reaching 214 thousand tons.
  • 也要抽出点时间来游览一个附近的国家园,了解一下澳大利亚灌木。如果天气热的话,您还可以带上游泳装去蹦迪海滩。
    Also try to take time out to visit one of the nearby national parks for a taste of the Australian bush, and if it's hot take your swimsuit and towel to Bondi Beach.
  • 这将使共舆论转而反对政府。
    This will swing public opinions against the government.
  • 孩子们在园里荡秋千。
    The children are playing on the swings in the park.
  • 瑞士微电子技术及钟表联合
    Swiss Corporation of Microelectronics and Watchmaking Industries Ltd.
  • 信号器,示号器宣告物,尤指饭店或办室中使用的一种电子信号装置,用来指示交换台上的呼叫信号来源
    One that announces, especially an electrical signaling device used in hotels or offices to indicate the sources of calls on a switchboard.
  • 计算机现已普及--我司亦即将使用
    Computers are everywhere now our firm is switching over soon.
  • 在通信技术中,美国telenet通信司提供的分组交换传输业务网。
    In communications, Telenet Communication Corporation, a packet switching transmission service.
  • 他在偷偷地购买那家司的股票,计划一举将其吞并。
    He was secretly buying up shares of the company, planning to take it over at one fell swoop.
  • 我进入国家队一年,今年我共游了3200里。
    I believe in my potential after a year with the national team. And I had altogether swum a total distance of 3200 kilometers this year.
  • 杰夫:这次的20里竞走,是在悉尼奥林匹克园内进行的。
    Jeff: The 20 kilometers walking was undertaken in Sydney's Olympic Park.
  • 例如,在加深认识祖国的历史文化方面,教育署现正为初中学生编订一套民教育课程纲要,帮助他们认识本港社会事务、民权利和义务、政府运作、《基本法》、以及国家状况,例如国家的历史、文化、人口、地理、经济结构和政制等。
    For instance, in order to bring about a better understanding of the history and culture of our motherland, a civic education syllabus is being developed by the Education Department for junior secondary students. The aim is to enrich their knowledge of local social affairs, civil rights and obligations, government operations, the Basic Law as well as national affairs such as history, culture, population, geography, economic structure, political system, etc.
  • 某些司品牌尤为如此,这些品牌的象征意义足以跨越民族文化的差异,即使对此他们都有不同的理解。
    This is particularly true of corporate brands whose symbolism is robust enough to allow people across cultures to share symbols even when they don't share the same meaning.
  • 它象徵著这个世界上有真正的不正的因素这样一个信念。
    It symbolizes the belief that there is an element of real wrongness in this world.
  • 一个年轻漂亮的女人手拿一根白色的拐棍小心翼翼地上了一辆共汽车,车上的乘客们同情地看着她。
    The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.
  • 在交响乐团内演奏;受雇于一个出版
    Plays with a symphony orchestra; is with a publishing company.
  • ldap通过提供一个共接口,方便了分布在电子邮件和其他数据服务器上多个目录的同步。
    By providing a common interface, LDAP facilitates synchronization of directories across distributed E-mail and other database servers.
  • 其次,有一项几家瑞典司提出的技术,叫动态同步传输模式(dtm)。
    Then there's a technology proposed by several Swedish companies, called Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode(DTM).
  • 这项由一家叫做oppenheimer的共同基金司所做的调查发现,不少青年妇女患上了carriebradshaw综合症。
    The study conducted by Oppenheimer, a mutual fund company, reveals that many young women are suffering from the Carrie Bradshaw syndrome.