  • 序诗霍然中止,只见万头攒动,纷纷转向那个乞丐,而这叫花子并不感到难堪,反而觉得此事倒是一个良机,正好可以捞一把,遂眯起眼睛,装一副可怜相,张口说道:“行行好,请行行好吧!”
    The prologue broke off short, and all heads turned suddenly towards the beggar, who, far from being disconcerted, only saw in this incident an excellent opportunity for gathering a harvest, and at once began whining in a piteous voice with half-closed eyes: “Charity, I pray you!
  • 他弯下腰,把插头从插座里拔来。
    He bent down to disconnect the plug from the socket.
  • 他脸上没有露不满的样子。
    His face gave no indication of discontent.
  • 不得不承认的是,这其中反映大量不满足困素。
    One must admit that a good deal of discontent is reflected in those statistics.
  • 除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果现反对或退的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。
    The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".
  • 最后一个申请人是那种永不满足的人,你一眼就可以看
    The final applicant was the permanently discontented type. You had only to take one look to see that.
  • 逐步或分阶段撤或中止某事物
    Phase sth outbwithdraw or discontinue sth gradually or in stages
  • 基于我国小企业的自身特点和实际情况,参考国际上其他国家的做法,小企业会计制度应被进一步完善。本人对我国当前小企业会计制度做了简单分析.并对小企业会计制度的适用范围,企业不经常遇到的经济业务的会计处理进行了思考和研究;并根据经济业务会计处理和披露的发点和原则,重点对制度草案中与该发点和原则不符的方面进行了论述。
    we should want to refer to other accounting system of country and think about the truth of small enterprises in china. I had do a comparative analysis of the accouting system of small enterprises in china,and researched the scope for the accounting system of samll enterprises. There is a focus on the accounting system of small enterprises opinion discord with the principle of this starting point ,and the starting point in accounting or business management that was priority written.
  • 引发噪音引发刺耳的、不和谐的声音
    To cause to make a harsh, discordant sound.
  • 就像非乐器的金属撞击在一起发的不和谐的响声一样。
    like the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together.
  • 这些货物将减价售。
    These goods will be sold at a discount.
  • 一项反对种族歧视的新法律已被提
    A new law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice.
  • 僵化的等级制度妨碍了人与人之间自由轻松的交往,而滋生"他们"与"我们"的对抗意识。
    Stiff hierarchies discourage informal relations and foster a sense of "them" versus "us".
  • 我想,席今天晚上香港记者协会举办的这个晚会,有机会得到轻松。因为,只要记协的主持人请新闻记者不要向我问问题,我今天的工作就可以在现在结束。
    I think this evening's Gala Dinner of the Hong Kong Journalists Association may give me a good chance if our host can discourage the press from asking me questions this evening and I can call it a day!
  • 这就是为什么在一些国家里,政府通过限定首付款额以及其后分期付款的比例来控制分期付款,以防止人们通过分期付款的方式购买超自己支付能力的东西。
    This is why, in some countries, the government controls the installment plan by fixing the proportion of the down payment and the succeeding installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.
  • 每一个孩子生时都带来信息说:神对人并未灰心失望。
    Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.
  • 他们完全反对我迈这危险的一步。
    They are absolutely discouraging me from such a dangerous step.
  • 失礼的;无礼的具有或表现不尊敬的;粗鲁无礼的
    Having or exhibiting a lack of respect; rude and discourteous.
  • 采采矿时发现和开采(矿脉或矿床)
    To discover and open(a vein or deposit) in mining.
  • 他们派侦探去侦察对方的薄弱点。
    They sent spies to discover the naked ness of the land.
  • 科学发现的人实际上就是能比别人早一步看到或知道新事物的人,也就是历尽千辛万苦做一把开启自然奥秘大门钥匙的工匠师。
    The scientific discoverer is the first to see or to know a really new things:she/he is the locksmith21 of the centuries who has finally fashioned a key to open the door to one of natures' secrets.
  • 国会已经否决了一项名为“发现者ⅱ”的卫星雷达网提案,因为此项提案超了预期的预算。美国空军和麻省理工学院的林肯实验室目前正在研究其替代方案,预计可在明年11月完成。
    Congress has already killed one proposed satellite radar network, known as DiscovererⅡ, because it didn’t meet cost expectations, and the Air Force and MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory are currently conducting an analysis of alternatives expected to be completed in November of next year.
  • 第一次看到;做发现。
    see for the first time; make a discovery.
  • 反对派发现无法就那个内阁阁员的办事能力对他的名誉进行损坏时,就试图从他的私生活挑些毛病来。
    The opposition find it impossible to discredit the cabinet minister in terms of his performance in office, so they are trying to throw mud at him through his private life.
  • 你说的一定要是真情实况。倘若你企图诋毁他这种地位的人的名声而不能得逞,那就可能要闹“存心坑人反害已”的事来。
    Be sure you have your facts right. If you make an attempt to discredit a man in his position and fail, it may be a case of 'the dog it was that died'.
  • 忠告要谨慎,接受忠告要虚心。
    You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it.
  • 在猎人们与他会合之前,他一直与狗熊保持稳妥的距离;会合后他们便冲上前去从网中弄了狗熊。
    He kept a discreet distance until the hunters joined him; then they went forward and removed the bear from the net.
  • 在罚球命中的喧闹声中,兴高采烈的查斯顿扒下运动衣,露黑色的小数字和模糊的耐克动感标志。
    In the brouhaha that followed the penalty shoot? out, an elated Chastain whipped off her jersey to reveal a little black number with discreet Nike swoosh.
  • 对亏损或不一致的地方作解释或进行说明
    To account for a loss or a discrepancy
  • 如果认为有人对你讲的前后有入,你可以打开存档资料核查。
    If you think there's a discrepancy in what someone told you,you can double check it against your archives.
  • 套利,套汇在一个市场上购买证券而在另一个市场上立即售以从价差中获利
    The purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy.
  • 两个证人提供的证词入很大
    The two witnesses gave widely discrepant testimony.