  • 样品或者模型的体积不得超过30厘米×30厘米×30厘米,重量不得超过15斤。
    The volume of the sample or model submitted shall not exceed 30cm x 30cm x 30cm, and its weight shall not surpass l5 kilograms.
  • 司负债毫不奇怪 - 它的经营管理一直很不得法。
    It's not surprising the company's in debt - it's been completely mismanaged.
  • 毫不奇怪,我真的成了一名立小学的教师。
    Not surprisingly, I did become a public-school teacher.
  • 没想到,客人们已经来办室预订了。
    Surprisingly, customers have already begun to come into the office and book their holidays.
  • 取得退保金额而将保险单交回保险
    surrender one's insurance policy
  • “红色代码”专门攻击微软司的windowsnt、windows2000,以及iis网络服务器软件,然后通过被感染的电脑传播给网上的其他机器。
    Code Red surreptitiously infects computers running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT or 2000 operating systems and its IIS Web server software and then makes infected machines scan the Internet for more victims.
  • 该机构正就众对通货膨胀的反应进行一项调查。
    The institute is now carry out a surrey into the public's response to inflation.
  • 该机构正就众对通货膨胀的反应进行一项调查。
    The institute is now carrying out a surrey into the public 's response to inflation.
  • 新的办大楼与周围的环境很不协调。
    The new office block doesn't blend in with its surroundings.
  • 如查目的地没有我司的代理,就可以委托当地的证行检验货物。
    In case our company does not have a surveying agent or claim settling agent at the destination, a local competent surveyor may be applied to for survey.
  • 是的。中国人民保险司目前在九十个国家和地区设有大约三百个验货代理和理赔代理,在这些代理处之中有很多权在当地解决赔偿案件。
    The people's Insurance Company of China at present maintains about three hundred cargo surveying and claim settling agents in more than 90 countries and regions to conduct on-the-spot surveys.
  • 一种共土地的测量单位,为36平方英里
    A public land surveying unit of36 sections or36 square miles.
  • 建立国民体质监测网络,定期进行国民体质监测,年受测人数达到50万人,并布监测结果;
    A fitness monitoring network shall be developed to conduct periodic surveys on residents’ physical conditions. Some 500,000 people will be surveyed each year, and results of the surveys will be released to the public.
  • 你们联系证方便吗?
    Is it convenient for you to engage a surveyor?
  • 路测量员同意将路上的石块消除掉。
    The highway surveyor agreed to keep the road clear of stones.
  • 我们有最好的证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。
    We have the best surveyor, China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau.
  • 这是伦敦一家有名的证行出的检验报告。
    Here's a survey report issued by a well-known public surveyor in London.
  • 因而准备委请证行检验,并保留索赔权。
    We have also noted that it will be inspected by a public surveyor and that you are reserving your right to claim.
  • 元前沿袭下来的礼仪活动
    A ceremony which is a survival from pre-Christian times
  • 我们大家是否都能活到元2000年? 这个问题很难回答.
    Will we all survive until the year 2000? That's the sixty-four thousand dollar question.
  • 日本百货司、日式产品,如日本寿司和卡拉ok等,已成为香港人生活中不可或缺的一部分。
    Japanese products and department stores, like sushi and karaoke, are an integral part of Hong Kong's life.
  • 作为小说家,他的成功可以归结于性、暴力和悬念这一简单的式。
    His success as a novelist can be ascribed to the simple formula of sex, violence and suspense.
  • 该卡车司能经受得了这严重的汽油短缺。
    The trucking company was able to sustain the severe fuel shortage.
  • 粉岭及上水占地约773顷,人口约有207000。
    Fanling and Sheung Shui sustain a population of around 207000 people on about 773 hectares of land.
  • 奥林匹克园建设可持续发展教育中心。
    An education center for sustainable development will be built in the Olympic Green.
  • 这些服务与众教育和宣传措施,旨在明显和持续改善本港的市容。
    These services, as well as public education and publicity measures, aim to bring about visible and sustainable improvements.
  • 联合国的蓝色旗帜赢得了人们的尊重,因为这面旗帜是人人援助他人以建设正和可持续的世界的象征。
    The blue flag is respected because it is the symbol of people helping people build a just and sustainable world.
  • 元前1000年分布于整个欧洲和亚洲的西南和南部的部分地区的一种语族。
    the family of languages that by 1000 BC were spoken throughout Europe and in parts of SW and S Asia.
  • 王平:2000年5月30日,张健第一次试游120里,在50米长的游泳池里游1200个来回。
    Wang Ping: On May 30, 2000, Zhang Jian swam 120 kilometers in his first attempt. He swam 1200 times come-and-go in a swimming pool, which is 50 meters long.
  • 我没时间陪你去听音乐会,办室里堆满了对电饭锅的投诉信。
    I've no time to go to the concert with you. The office has been swamped with complaints about the electric boilers.
  • 这位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部门票都销售一空——显然,众认为这将是她最后一次告别演出。
    All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song.
  • 他们买了豪华的办室和最先进的电脑,但却不知该从何着手。”
    They have bought swanky offices and swanky computers, but have no idea where to begin.”