  • 全息照像术一种再现物体三维空间形象的方法,在底片或版片上记录由裂的激光光束干扰下的图案,然后再用普通光或感激光显示出该图案
    A method of producing a three-dimensional image of an object by recording on a photographic plate or film the pattern of interference formed by a split laser beam and then illuminating the pattern either with a laser or with ordinary light.
  • 毛泽东同志在第七次大会所作的政治报告中关于党的作风的部,刘少奇同志在第七次大会所作的关于修改党章的报告中关于党章的总纲部,对于群众路线问题都作了精辟的解释。
    At the same Congress, illuminating explanations of the mass line were given by Comrade Mao Zedong in his political report when he spoke about the Party's work style, and also by Comrade Liu Shaoqi when he dealt with the General Programme in his report on the revision of the Party Constitution.
  • (天文学)人们看到的物体表面发亮的部(尤其指月亮在太阳照射下周期性地呈现出的发亮的样子)。
    (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun).
  • 给出xx析过程的实验应用的结果,从而阐释了提出的方法。
    Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique.
  • 在这里,我们用ibm个人计算机(pc)来解释微型计算机的主要组成部
    Here, we will use an IBM Personal Computer(PC) to illustrate the primary components of a microcomputer.
  • 在这里,我们用ibm个人计算机(pc)来解释微型计算机的主要组成部
    Here, we will use an IBM Personal Computer (PC) to illustrate the primary components of a microcomputer.
  • 动作图表显示从一个动作到下一个动作的控制流,使用案例图表说明系统外面的组成部
    Activity diagrams show the flow of control from one activity to the next, and use-case diagrams illustrate elements outside the system.
  • 下面两节将描述三个组成部。一个计算机信息系统的xx析实例将说明它们的用途。
    The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use.
  • 进化枝图一种叉的树状图,其枝的终点代表生物的特定品种。其被用来说明种系发展的关系,并显示在何处不同的物种从同一远祖形式
    A branching, treelike diagram in which the endpoints of the branches represent specific species of organisms. It is used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships and show points at which various species have diverged from common ancestral forms.
  • 该事实在历史中获得充的例证。
    The fact is well illustrated in history.
  • 词典里大部词都配有图片解释。
    Most of the words in the dictionary are illustrated with pictures.
  • 除绝对必要的外,不得使用“如说明书,部所述”或者“如图,所示”的用语。
    They shall not, except where absolutely necessary, contain such references to the description or drawings as: "as described in part of the description", or "as illustrated in Figure of the drawings".
  • 在插图上找一找你出生的年
    Find the year of your birth on the illustration.
  • 下图显示的是每个ap中rcs的状态和配情况。
    The following illustration shows the status and assignments of RCSs in each AP.
  • 剪裁纸页切裁(纸页等)以切去印刷或插图部
    To trim(a page, for example) so closely as to mutilate the printed or illustrative matter.
  • 插图用在印刷品(如书)中说明和装饰性的部,如线条画或照片
    An illustrative and decorative element, such as a line drawing or a photograph, used in a printed work, such as a book.
  • 这一部人包括:经济学家、博爱主义者、人道主义者、劳动阶级状况改善派、慈善事业组织者、动物保护协会会员、戒酒协会发起人以及形形式色色的小改良家。
    To this section belong economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of the condition of the working class, organisers of charity, members of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, temperance fanatics, hole-and-corner reformers of every imaginable kind.
  • 缺乏比例;事物的各个部之间不均衡。
    lack of proportion; imbalance among the parts of something.
  • 但也要清醒地看到,目前各地区的计划生育工作发展不平衡,许多地区的生育水平还不稳定,部地区的人口出生率还比较高;
    But we should also clearly see that there is still imbalance in development in various areas, instability in fertility levels in many regions, and the high birth rate in others.
  • 植物通常经过叶和根吸收养
    Plants imbibe nourishment usually through their leaves and roots.
  • 一项研究酒精对中老年人影响的调查发现,饮用葡萄酒(由葡萄或米酿制)的人,智商比那些不喝酒的人平均高3.3个百点。
    A study of the effects of alcohol on the middle-aged and elderly found the average IQ of men who drink wine (whether made from grapes or rice) was 3.3 points higher than that of men who do not imbibe.
  • 一个计算机系统对另一个计算机系统的部或全部的模拟,且主要通过硬件实现,使模拟的计算机系统与被模拟的计算机系统接收相同的数据,执行相同的程序,获得相同的结果。
    The imitation of all or part of one computer system by anot her, primarily by hardware, so that the imitating computer system accepts the same data, execut es the same programs, and achieves the same results as the imitated computer system.
  • 一个人非物质的部
    the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life.
  • 性本能机体的不成熟阴茎精神析论中,认为是男性幼稚性欲的性本能机体的不成熟阴茎
    The immature penis considered in psychoanalysis as the libidinal object of infantile sexuality in the male.
  • 那一伙人立即散开去了。
    The company immediately hived off.
  • 这本词典十分畅销。
    This dictionary has had an immense run.
  • 在星际空间中的一种无边的由气体(主要成为氢)和灰尘组成的云。
    an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space.
  • 医生说:“和护士们一起喝茶休息是十值得的。我们总是谈本行。实际上我们只有这个时候才能一起聊聊我们病人的情况。”
    The doctor says,"a tea break with the nurses in immensely valuable. We always talk shop. It's the only real chance we get to chat about our patients."
  • 我十喜欢有它这样的伴儿。
    I enjoy his company immensely.
  • 香港与世界贸易组织各位部长建立了紧密的合作关系,大家一直保持着良好的联系,十值得我们珍视。
    Hong Kong treasures immensely our close cooperation and excellent relationship with all of you in the WTO.
  • 维持和发展香港的法律制度和法治精神,对香港十重要。
    Maintaining and developing the legal system and the rule of law in Hong Kong is immensely important.
  • 她和元真正穷得没法过日子,见我去时很高兴,猜想我一定拿到了钱,连忙向我瓜
    Being hard up, she and Yuan Zhen were immensely pleased to see me, guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them.