  • 这病人痊愈后,医院允许他院。
    The patient was discharged from hospital after his complete recovery.
  • 群射被齐射或象被齐射一样地射
    To be discharged in or as if in a volley.
  • 精神科医院的社区工作和院辅导组,为离院病人提供多方面的协助,特别是精神科社康护理服务和家居职业治疗服务。
    Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals help discharged patients.
  • 喷嘴消防队员用的水管的末端排口部分
    The forward, discharging end of the barrel of a firearm.
  • 排出蒸汽的孔
    A vent discharging steam.
  • 化脓含有或流脓液的状态
    The condition of containing or discharging pus.
  • ,放投掷或发的行为或方式
    The act or manner of throwing or discharging.
  • 活动谷仓一个配有升高或排谷物装置的谷仓
    A granary equipped with devices for hoisting and discharging grain.
  • 水龙头用于控制液体排的开口,如在小的旋塞阀里
    A regulated opening for discharging a liquid, as in a small stopcock.
  • 分泌流质的;渗水的隐藏或分泌水或水状液体的,尤指作为病兆者
    Secreting or discharging water or watery fluid, especially as a symptom of disease.
  • 结关手续在卸货或进港口时遵照海关和港口的要求
    To comply with customs and harbor requirements in discharging a cargo or in leaving or entering a port.
  • 裂果在一定的地方裂开,放种子、花粉或其它内含物,如一些植物的成熟了的蒴果荚或豆荚
    To open at definite places, discharging seeds, pollen, or other contents, as the ripe capsules or pods of some plants.
  • 在整党中,对于上述的“三种人”和其他各种错误严重、危害严重的人,必须严肃地作组织处理。
    During the rectification movement, firm disciplinary measures must be taken against the three types of people mentioned earlier and against those who have made serious mistakes and caused great damage.
  • 香港海关是一支享有良好声誉的纪律部队,一向工作表现色,多年来获得不少人士的赞赏。
    For years, the Customs and Excise Department has established itself as an outstanding disciplinary force with an enviable reputation. Its distinguished record of service has commanded much respect in the community.
  • 他们提缺少纪律作为反对的理由
    They objected that discipline was lacking.
  • 一个不承诺的声明。
    make a disclaimer about.
  • 布帘被揭开暴露极好的布。
    The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set.
  • 泄露冲动地脱口说;没有仔细考虑而泄露
    To blurt out impulsively; disclose without careful consideration.
  • 他拒绝把人家告诉他的事吐露来,理由是那将失信。
    He refused to disclose what had been told him, on the grounds that it would be a breach of confidence.
  • 1.成员应要求专利申请人以足够清楚与完整的方式披露其发明,以使同一技术领域的技术人员能够实施该发明,并可要求申请人指明在申请日或(如提优先权要求)在优先权日该发明的发明人所知的最佳实施方案。
    1. Members shall require that an applicant for a patent shall disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for the invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art and may require the applicant to indicate the best mode for carrying out the invention known to the inventor at the filing date or, where priority is claimed, at the priority date of the application.
  • 证人的人意料的揭发充满了戏剧性。
    The witness' unexpected disclosure was filled with drama.
  • 地政总署正作安排,以便在一九九九年底公开该登记册。
    The department is preparing for the disclosure of the register later.
  • 因为这些话题可能会把人们不愿为外人所知的情况泄露去。
    These topics may lead to disclosure of information that people don't want others to know about.
  • 同时,除非于保护公众的需要,或除非已采取措施保证对该数据的保护、防止不正当的商业使用,成员均应保护该数据以防其被泄露。
    In addition, Members shall protect such data against disclosure, except where necessary to protect the public, or unless steps are taken to ensure that the data are protected against unfair commercial use.
  •  第三十三条申请人可以对其专利申请文件进行修改,但是,对发明和实用新型专利申请文件的修改不得超原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围,对外观设计专利申请文件的修改不得超原图片或者照片表示的范围。
    Article 33. An applicant may amend his or its application for a patent, but the amendment to the application for a patent for invention or utility model may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and claims, and the amendment to the application for a patent for design may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure as shown in the initial drawings or photographs.
  •  第四十三条依照本细则第四十二条规定提的分案申请,可以保留原申请日,享有优先权的,可以保留优先权日,但是不得超原申请公开的范围。
    Rule 43 A divisional application filed in accordance with the provisions of Rule 42 of these Implementing Regulations shall be entitled to the filing date and, if priority is claimed, the priority date of the initial application, provided that the divisional application does not go beyond the scope of disclosure contained in the initial application.
  • 咱们今天晚上去吧[玩一个晚上吧]。
    Let's go out this evening/have an evening out, eg go to the cinema, a restaurant, the theatre, a disco, etc.
  • 褐黄斑通常现在妇女的脸上的一种褐色或深褐色有染斑的皮肤变色,可能由怀孕等引起的激素变化所导致
    A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy.
  • 黄化病一种植物病,通常由新月孢子菌属真菌或绿配质菌属病菌引起,特征是现黄色或淡黄色的斑点
    Any of various plant diseases usually caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium or viruses of the genus Chlorogenus and characterized by yellow or yellowish discoloration.
  • 吞咽气体(通常还会现打嗝、肠胃气胀和其他不适)。
    swallowing air (usually followed by belching and discomfort and flatulence).
  • 不管自己付多少代价,瑞典人总要尽力避免给别人带来任何不便。
    At whatever cost to themselves, they take care not to give another person the slightest degree of discomfort.
  • 他曾想了一个把病人从担架转到医院病床上的方法,将不舒适度降到最低。
    He devised a way of moving a patient from a stretcher to a hospital bed with the minimum of discomfort.