| - 我一点儿也说不准“信息高速公路”会把我们引向何方:一些人说会引向乌托邦,而另一些人却感到这条路会通向地狱。
I am not at all certain where the " information superhighway" will lead us: some say to Utopia, while others feel it's the road to hell. - 经港务监督授权的政府有关机关的公务人员也可以登轮检查,并将检查结果报告港务监督处理。
Officers from relevant government departments authorized by the Harbour Superintendency Administration may also board the vessel to conduct examinations and report the results thereof to the Administration for settlement. - 国家海洋行政主管部门、港务监督、渔政渔港监督、军队环境保护部门和各级公安、交通、铁道、民航管理部门,依照有关法律的规定对环境污染防治实施监督管理。
The state administrative department of marine affairs, the harbour superintendency administration, the fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies, the environmental protection department of the armed forces and the administrative departments of public security, transportation, railways and civil aviation at various levels shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, conduct supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution. - 各级公安、交通、铁路、民航等主管部门和港务监督机构,根据各自的职责,对交通运输和社会生活噪声污染防治实施监督管理。
The competent administrative departments for public security, communications, railways and civil aviation as well as harbour superintendency administration at various levels shall, within their respective functions and duties, exercise supervision and administration of the prevention and control of noise pollution by traffic and social activities. - 敝人过去十年在公司担任人事部主任至今。
I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department. - 超级市场的销售额占公司营业额的一半。
Sale in supermarket or supermarket sale account for half the company's turnover. - 超级市场的销售额占公司营业额的一半。
Sale in supermarket or supermarket sale accounts for half the company 's turnover. - 服务行业很多,如种子公司、建筑、修理等,这说明可以有很多办法安置劳动力。
Service trades are numerous, such as seed companies and building and repair work.Therefore, there are many ways to re-employ the supernumerary people. - 高速公路多已取代了普通公路.
Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel. - 在办理刑事案件中,人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关依法分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,只能在职责分工范围内行使自己的职权,彼此不能互相代替。
While dealing with criminal cases, the people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security organ shall divide their work according to law, cooperate with and moderate one another. They should exercise their authority only within the scope of their own responsibilities and are not allowed to supersede one another. - “社会主义公有制消灭人剥削人的制度,实行各尽所能,按劳分配的原则。”
"The system of socialist public ownership supersedes the system of exploitation of man by man; it applies the principle of 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his work'." - 第一批能够超过音速的喷气式飞机时速为每小时2200公里,可运载100多位乘客。
The first jet airliners capable of supersonic speeds will carry more than one hundred passengers at two thousand two hundrend kilometers perhour. - 事实上,在美国国会否决了继续资助发展超音速运输的法案时,有关经济和环境保护的争论已经公开化了。
In fact, both economic and environmental arguments were brought to light when the United States Congress defeated a bill to continue funding for the development of a supersonic transport. - 市政官古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应
An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply. - 你可以从你的上级或者公司的人事部门那里了解到。
You can find out from your supervisor or your company's personnel department. - 伦敦的电车已经由公共汽车取代了。
Trams in London have been supplanted by buses. - 如同在其网站上公布的一样,依照icann采用的“统一争议解决政策”进行的解决争议的管理诉讼应服从这项条例和管理诉讼的服务提供方的补充条例管理。
Administrative proceedings for the resolution of disputes under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy adopted by ICANN shall be governed by these Rules and also the Supplemental Rules of the Provider administering the proceedings, as posted on its web site. - 该剧演出的服装是布莱克兄弟公司免费提供的。
The costumes of the play were supplied by courtesy of Black Brothers. - 该公司将负责运送。
Transportation will be supplied by the company. - 海鱼养殖业供应的活海鱼达2470公吨,价值1.36亿元。
They supplied 2470 tonnes of live marine fish valued at $136 million. - 嗯,我是精密机械的供应商,到贵公司应该怎么走呢?
I say, I have your company's name as a supplier of precision machinery. Now how can I get to your office? - 那家公司向印刷商提供纸张。
That company supplies paper to the printers. - 正式的支持,尤以公开声明的形式。
formally supported especially by public statement. - 到2005年,增强在工作环境中对艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的反应力度,在公共、私有和非正式工作部门中建立和实施艾滋病预防和护理计划,并采取措施,在工作场所中为艾滋病病毒携带者/患者营造支持性环境。
By 2005,strengthen the response to HIV/AIDS in the world of work by establishing and implementing prevention and care programs in public,private and informal work sectors and take measures to provide a supportive workplace environment for people living with HIV/AIDS. - 假设有个公司想出售一种新的早餐麦片粥。
Suppose a company has a new breakfast cereal that it wants to sell. - 我猜他一定在办公室里。
I suppose him in the office. - 承认某个假定为真;被大家公认或假定为真。
the quality of being granted as a supposition; of being acknowledged or assumed. - 一个政府要压制他国的自由,就一定会对该国的公民增加压力。
A government cannot suppress freedom is a foreign country without tightening the screws on its citizens. - 3月11日,aol公司同sbs通信公司进行了第二笔交易,使aol能够为840万sbc用户提供更高速度的连接,附加费为每月20美元。
On March 11, AOL made its second such deal, with SBC Communications, making higher-speed AOL connections available to 8.4 million SBC customers for a surcharge of $20 a month. - (二)未缴纳本细则第九十条第一款规定的申请费、公布印刷费和本细则第一百零一条第二款规定的宽限费的;
where the filing fee, the printing fee for publishing the application prescribed in Rule 90, paragraph one of these Implementing Regulations, or the surcharge for the late entry as prescribed in Rule 101, paragraph two of these Implementing Regulations is not paid; - 他说,公司主要把废掉的鞋子磨碎用于制作运动场地的铺面。
Nike grinds down old shoes to use as athletic field surfacing. - 譬如,在80年代中期每一气缸配有三和四个气阀的日本汽车,较每气缸两个气阀的发动机快速而马力大,结果大行其道。福特以及通用和克莱斯勒汽车公司,均措手不及。
For instance, Ford, as well as the General Motors and Chrysler Corporations, were caught flat-footed in the mid1980's by the surge in popularity of Japanese cars equipped with three and four valves per cylinder, which run faster and produce more power than two-valve-per-cylinder engines.